Fuck bait and fuck console wars. I want a good o'l fashion Monster Hunter thread

Fuck bait and fuck console wars. I want a good o'l fashion Monster Hunter thread.

Also reminder that people still play 4U.

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Even if people were still playing 4U they would still be playing dullest game in the history of Monster Hunter

Seriously each episode following the fledgling hunter and his pals from Caravan as they fight assorted monsters has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the overly saturated imagery, the games only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of new mechanics, all to make maps one way traversable, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Capcom vetoed the idea of Ichinose directing the game; they made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody. Just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for other video game series. The Monster Hunter gen 4 series might be anti-Fromsoftware (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-classic Monster Hunter in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the grind was good though

"No!" The charm farm is dreadful; the grind was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time a hunter were to attack a monster, the player instead had the character "use their wystone."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that action was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Fujioka’s mind is now governed by trite aesthetics and awful mechanics that he has no other style of directing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Monster Hunter 4U by the same IGN. They wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing MH4U at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Monster Hunter World!” And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play MH4U you are, in fact, trained to play MHW.

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Dumb fucking snoy

Dumb fucking tendie

Both World and Rise are so much better than the old shit it's not even funny
>try out GU out of curiosity
>everything is buggy and annoying, monsters change zone every 10 seconds
>THE AMAZING RAJANG can't upkeep his red fists longer than 5 seconds sometimes
>prepares a rock throw attack for 20 seconds that can't hit you
>only reason people find him hard is because of shit instant animations

I finally bit the bullet and swallowed down my pride and abandoned the TCS faggotry for the RS. It now feels a bit like the good ol' classic GS.

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It's just GU and Rajang that suck. Third gen is where it's at

The +10 Armor Skill System sucks ass.

>Both World and Rise are so much better than the old shit it's not even funny
Okay, Worldsperm

Why wouldn't you? Rage Slash is more fun and more viable, especially online

Youve got to be fucking kidding me. Rage slash is the anti-thesis of greatsword. It’s an unthinking, unga bunga brainless option without even a positioning requirement since you have 360 degree aim.

You must really hate World then, allowing you to microcorrect your positioning after charge input

Go back to /mhg/ and stay there faggot

Everybody hates World.

>You must really hate World

>tranny equates a 30 degree cone and 360 degree circle

>OP tells people to play 4U
>calls him a Snoy

What did he mean by this?

Risezygotes deflecting with world is pathetic to see

The only posters who care about "console wars" are Snoys mad that people shit on their garbage attempt at Monster Hunter. They're just pretending to like 4U.

I need to play mh3u again. The monster designs were amazing.

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4Ufagging is just a snoy falseflag

? It literally adds another layer to your head sniping and wants you to position yourself where the monster hits you while also hitting the weak spot. Think Diablos popping out of the sand, Narga's combo finisher, Mizu's tail slam combos, Rajang's back hop. Depending on match up, it's more 'classic' and less dumb than TCS/tackle spam

Braindead faggot ungabunga armor fuck thinking fuck aiming fuck positioning yolo

You started the series with rise and you need to kill yourself

>pretending to like 4U

This has to be bait. No one "pretends" to like a game nearly everyone remembers so fondly.

Compelling, thanks for the discussion

It's where it started and affecting the entire GS gameplay massively not just one special move. Saluting you on your consistency, though. Typical Worldshitstain

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>use Silkbind™ Adamant charged slash to instantly slide to the monster, cant be staggered
>oops i over shot it, and cant be punished since I have armor, it actually activated my Valstrax set bonus
>good thing I had the Switch Skill™ Rage Slash equipped
>monster hits me again but I have armor
>turn 360 degrees and hit the monster
Gotta love classic monster hunter gameplay

somehow i knew this was a thinly veiled shitposting thread. glad there is another one up

Ding ding ding! A circle is in fact a cone

What? 4U nearly killed the series. It’s why we are stuck with World

People pretend to shill for 4U because it near universally considered the weakest monster hunter on a Nintendo system, it’s a gay ass snoy falseflag

why the fuck would anyone play 4U when GU and third gen games exist?

Do people still play Monster Hunter XX? It's on sale on nintendo shop rn. People say this is the grindiest mh game ever so I assume most active players are only in endgame.
Also how good is GS in this game?

ADVANCED Monster hunter thread?!

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God tier and memorable monsters like the best flagship in the series, Seregios

Everyone is too busy with shitflinging to know that personally I think Rise HH is solid for the most part, my only issue with it is the lack of song complexity, if they brought the complex songs, HH would be perfect

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>near universally
to this day niggers still screech autistically about swimming and XX is stage-1 nuMH cancer so please kys

>stuck with World
Speak for yourself. Every other MH is more worth your time

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Ok you got me there. Steve is only reason I made it past 100hrs in that shit game

>t. started with Rise

Lucky guy then

But that’s 4U, the shittiest game in the entire series

Nice dlc powercreep zoomie