Please save our series

Please save our series

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babymaking sex with Lilith

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OP you probably don't want to get hype on D4 it's probably not coming out for another five fuckin years dawg

>still holding out hope for blizzardshit
look ARPGs aren't in as dire straits as RTS, just be happy you're not a war/starcraftfag

The trick is to become negative about everything but not to the joint you become jaded. So when something good does actually happen it's a pleasant surprise. If you feel your heart with nothing but negativity though you'll be blind to even good things.

It'll be worse than Diablo 3 which already was bretty meh

Diablo was never anything special. There I said it. It's a shitty clicking game. If D2 came out today with modern graphics it'd be critically shat on

>clicker gameplay in the age of Elden Ring, Monster Hunter, Nioh, and solid FPS gameplay attached to loot systems in games like Destiny 2 and DRG

Let it die.

I mean you can say that zoomie but that doesn't explain the hordes of you that worship ADHD number-go-up Survivors.

Anyone who still has faith in this dog shit company needs to look no further than OW2. All OW1 development stops because OW2 is somehow stuck in development hell for years despite being nothing more than a content patch, and then the beta finally drops and it's just regular OW1 except worse. D4 is going to be complete and utter trash.

The pay to win shit from immortal will make it into 4, its over

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>just be happy you're not a war/starcraftfag

It hurts. It hurts so much to go from the biggest esport to nothing in a matter of years.

>Destiny 2

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D2R was a huge success. Do you people just say things?

cinematic trailer was cool but the game sure as Hell wont be

I'm expressing my own opinions.

whether or not D4 is good, 1 and 2 exist, so,

I'm guessing that Inarius will get out of his prison and take over hell. Considering his sin of Pride he seems like a Lucifer figure as a fallen angel and all. Could be cool.

I mean Diablo 1 was always just a copy of MORIA with 3d graphics, great music and 90% less complexity.

You don't remember the Real Money Auction House in launch d3?

yea it was shit, but the next move is to lock content behind power levels

If your a whale you get new content bosses/raids if your a regular pleb you get to wait

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fuck i love roguelikes bros,..

Don't forget they also added a 'Premium Arcade' to StarCraft II, which sells custom games for real money. They also kept the lion's share of the revenue from these premium maps. People think that Blizzard's decline was something recent, but they've had dogshit practices for the better part of the last two decades.

To be honest, if Reforged took off, I bet the next step was to launch a premium custom game ecosystem for it too.

I wonder how the genre would have turned out if they went with their original idea and kept it turn based.

someone would have made the right call which led to Diablo 2, a perfect 10/10 masterclass in design, eventually before too long

>changing directors halfway through development
there's absolutely no chance this won't be a shitshow

fuck blizzard and fuck you too