Wtf did the Halo composer mean by this? he deleted every single video off his channel and uploaded this instead

wtf did the Halo composer mean by this? he deleted every single video off his channel and uploaded this instead...
this is alarming

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Other urls found in this thread:

He wants to move away from social media, because he's ashamed to be associated with his projects anymore

that is not at all how he acted until now
stop making shit up
he was actively sharing his work on his channel

He watched the TV show.

>master chief has sex
>composer is so ashamed he deletes everything and disappears

Then why it gone user.

why would you even acknowledge the existence of that shit tier tv show?

He lost the lawsuit. Bungie now owns all his work past, present, and future

I wonder if it's the rights thing again? Though I thought he cleared that one up already. He uploaded the Steve Vai thing again recently, since he was finally able to legally. Or maybe it's his discord getting to him.

Yeah but he talked shit about halo for woke full sjw but his masters probably got mad

Also did anyone notice that he was playing silent night? What did he mean by that?

>marty is going to finally sudoku

>Work on something that became iconic
>Wonder where your legacy went years later
>See the show and kill yourself

man fuck bungie

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finally we live in a cyberpunk future

>present, and future
not how it works.

Because Pete Parsons had an autistic meltdown the moment he uploaded music without his permission to the point where he sent all his lawyers after him as revenge

It does with copyright laws

Marty is honestly kind of an arrogant ass, he obviously thinks very highly of himself.

>future work of an individual can be copyrighted by a third party that he doesn't work for
are you retarded?

>he doesn't know

I hope someone archived those talks he had with people who worked on Halo. Him doing that stuff was what I was looking forward to most.

you don't either

Don't you dare talk shit about the acclaimed composer behind the internationally revered Flintsones Vitamins theme

It does. His name was used in the contract as the artist name.

It's like saying daft punk owns their own work after working independent of the record label.

They don't. The record label owns the name daft punk.

Bungie owns the artist name Marty O Donell. They own the music.

Feel free to debate me on this. I've worked in the music industry before and the contracts are Jewish as fuck.

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Wow didn't think the music industry would show up this early.

>owns the name daft punk.
brand/band name is not the same as an individual's OWN FUCKING NAME

He was literally posting in the comments on Deebeegeeks halo lets plays just a few months ago, Im worried he might have depression, I really hope he doesnt hurt himself :(

>Bungie owns the artist name Marty O Donell
Now tell me about government names

>They own everything about me, just not my name lol

>>They own everything about me
no they don't

absolutely how it works. You can thank hitler for not going all the way.

>>>They own everything about me
yes they do

no they don't
post source or stfu

>Sign a contract that all my work is own by said company
Fantastic you'll be a great corperate mule.

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Check the front page of Snopes right now

I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

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>Chud O'Donnell
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

>this is alarming
Easy there faggot, he doesnt give a fuck about you or any of us.

He cares deeply about me.

>Poor guy is fishing in empty waters

I don't believe you

>A-am I being detained?

its ok, we can tolerate the TV shows existence as long as we all remember one key important detail
its a tumblr fanfic, it isn't canon.

I want to fuck that user

That's really too bad, but ultimately, it's not my problem.
It's not like that, Marty.

holy shit its Marty O'Donnell

He left the fucking company. They own his Halo music (or not, depending on how that lawsuit is going), and they don't own anything he's done afterwards. If what you're saying is the case then signing a contract with a company effectively makes you a slave to that one company for the rest of your life, and though I have no doubts that music industry contracts are disgustingly jewish I have doubts as to whether it means they can effectively enslave you.

Probably legal trouble

>individual's OWN FUCKING NAME

The brand name is the same as the artist name.

It's one and the same in this instance.

They don't own the government name they own the artist name. Doesn't matter if he uploads his music using his "governm name" he will get copyrighted on the spot.
He now either has to use a different alias, name or whatever for his work if he wants to retain the music rights for his current and future work.

I told you last post and I'll tell you again.

You're signing a contract by some fucked up labels. They will fuck your ass like the Jews they are. If you want to defend them go ahead and be naive thinking Marty owns his music.
And hope to god you never enter that industry.

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>then signing a contract with a company effectively makes you a slave to that one company for the rest of your life

>he doesnt give a fuck about you or any of us.
how is that relevant you dumb cunt

He’s not ashamed to be associated with his own work. The fucking media has brigades him for the last like five years over innocuous shit and he’s tired of it.

Oh yeah. He's a Republican, right? Makes sense.