
>my documents/my games/game
>my documents/company/game

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i hate windowsfags so much it's unreal. this piece of shit shouldn't be used outside enterprise


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hey that's a funny picture of a person's face closeup
can i share it with my friends at reddit?

I play on console, nigger, get a grip

>this computer/D:/Game Archive/Repacks/fitgirl-repack-game/game

Yes, they kept actually encrypting folder destinations for games to encrypt games themselves like how stores are afraid of niggers stealing game boxes so they lock them behind crystal radio boxes that need a special tool to get it off. The Jews thought it was a good way to deter white people from buying them by making it seem like only niggers wanted it so badly that they were shoplifting them.
In reality, white middle class Christian conservatives were decent PC gamers in the 90s and early 2000s. I even knew some kids from school and church who played duke
Nukem and I asked about the nudity and they said their parents were okay with it.
So they just really satanic accusers who weren’t okay with that choice and wanted to stop people which also shut down gaming for PC as a whole and lowered the quality of it. Also loss of political correctness so they don’t like depictions of strong white males killing demons and shit. Instead, they promote quite fucking heavily, depictions of pedophiles raping little children, and animals.

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lol why was the american thread deleted?

Incorrectness+ I guess, I prefer saying loss of FREEDOM BITCHES.

As if that's something to be proud of lmao

That's why I use Mac

>program starts becoming fucky for no reason
>delete all data
>reinstall program
>good as new
Once I figured this out all my problems became easier to solve

paradox games?

No. Microsoft Office.

imagine bragging about being a retard


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They do that fucking shit on linux too it's driving me mad
Why nobody agrees on a fucking proper standard way to do this is beyond me


it's maddening

i hate to post this faggot but a broken clock is right twice a day

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>and thats a good thing