Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

This is Swordsoul of Mo Ye. She is beautiful.

Attached: Striking-like-waves-hitting-the-shore-Swordsoul-of-Mo-Ye-1032x800.jpg (1032x800, 115.11K)

I'm making a SwordSoul deck and I just pulled 3 of that bitch. What other packs do I need to buy for deng long and all the tenyi shit?


Stat your archetype's diversity. Socioeconomic is how much support the archetype has and physical ability is how meta it is.

Attached: blizzard diversity power level.png (1552x1236, 190.1K)

Auroradon and maybe dragite

Dragon Spirit for the Yang Zings and Tenyis

your lack of respect curses you, may your swordsoul matches be bricked up bitch

Duelist only want one thing and it's disgusting

Attached: FQduGTOUcAU49PF.jfif.jpg (1400x2000, 247.99K)

i hate numerons so fucking much

ban thunder dragon colossus this card is so fucking stupid

This kills the roach.

Attached: BODE-EN017.jpg (385x558, 69.15K)

Really? That thing never seemed to make much of an impact when I was playing it. The decks I was facing seemed to have no trouble vomiting stuff from the field from the deck/hand to out or they topdecked some backrow/a kaiju to fuck my board.

both males btw

you don't always have a kaiju in hand

>Culture: European?, 0
>Race: All witches are white lmao, 0
>Age: Potterie is 7, Haine is 20, so a 4?
>Cognitive ability: it's clear all of them are autists, 6
>Physical Ability: Very low meta, almost a joke 7
>Body type: 0
>Beauty: 0
>Gender identity: Realistically 0 but 10 according to /vg/ threads
>Sexual orientation: Again, 0, but i know people out there will say 7
>Socieconomic: a 4 or 5 I guess?, Their two waves haven't made them even remotely functional
Can't imagine archetypes like these existing if Konami implemented that chart

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Best dragon maid

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post aleister the fooser if you have it anons.

I'm a fucking loser

How big is her scaly dick?

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That's not her actual 'skin' color, she appears with a different appearance in Icejade

Vampires: Very gaybut in a late '90s sort of way very sexually ambiguous, very beautiful, very european, very white, very old, differently abledvampirism and slim.

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>google this
>it's fucking real

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Save us Buggy

>Build a pure Swordsoul deck
>didn't even netdeck
jesus fuck, this is fun and disgusting, so this is what it means to have a top deck?
I'll still try to get there with my PUNK deck first though, this is my backup plan

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Please don't bring this shit into wholesome master duel threads

Are we in autosage?

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Attached: 4872812 - Andrew_(artist) Dragon_Maid Laundry_Dragonmaid Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh!_OCG.png (1950x2000, 2.56M)