Smash Summit Day 3


It was supposed to start but somebody got covid so everyone has to get tested today before it can start

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Schedule, which may be useless today

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Rumor is that Leffen is behind this

>all these Twitter retards (all young and not at risk) pretending covid is deadly

>It was supposed to start but somebody got covid so everyone has to get tested today before it can start
are you fucking serious?

What are the odds of it being cancelled?

Going to be pissed if they cancel this over one random testing positive. Just kick the dude out, wipe everything down, and get on with it.

I think summit is finally oversaturated. Having like 3 a year was a bad idea. The vote-in players are literal whos, even more so than usual. No good players even campaigned. This one will likely be cancelled. They should go back to having one summit a year.

Oy vey think of the advertisers


They should go to one and year and open up more slots for people to qualify for in tournament while reducing the number of buy in slots. These last few summits vote ins have been especially bad with multiple slots going to random streamers ect. One cuck with money being able to buy themselves in while purchasing every single vip pass for their tranny friends does not need to become the norm.

But that makes summit money and its clear the event only exists to line their pockets with as much of it as possible.

Sadly they'll never do this because I'm pretty sure the majority of their funding comes from random rich people buying their way or their favorite player's way into summit. Personally I've always the whole thing was kind of weird. Why do people care so much about sending these randoms to summit just so they can job to actual top players? What do they get out of it?

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you underestimate how brain rotten the average zoomer is. Blue is a literal who tranny who got voted in because he's a celebrity in the melee online discord. They have the mentality of
"Oh, if this discord tranny who i've never met goes to summit that's like a win for all of us!"

>people with money can't contribute to a scene they like without ulterior motives
If I was a bazillionaire I'd be sending people to tournaments all over the place for all sorts of games

COVID targets fags wearing masks and using pronouns on stream.

>the pronouns on stream
>were very strict on being vaxxed before entering and wearing masks
>going to cancel the whole event because of the coof
elon please buy twitter and shut it the fuck down

ibdw is behind this somehow
i just know it

>getting triggered by pronouns
Relax snowflakes you'll get to watch your fellow autists play a children's game soon enough.

The cognitive dissonance is insane. They're all wearing masks and vaccinated, and when one of them catches it it's always the same two things twittards circle jerk about
>people need to wear masks and get vaccinated so we stop spreading it

>are you fucking serious?

Yes. One person at the event got covid, which everyone is vaccinated for, and which everyone accepted the risk of acquiring by going to said event...

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