Holy shit redditbob game is boring as fuck

Holy shit redditbob game is boring as fuck

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wow, it’s almost as if it’s a shit remake based on a shit game that redditors overrated because they grew up with it as a kid

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the remake made me realize it was never that good

You mean just like your game?

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>flawed yet charismatic platformer with decent gunplay vs a slew of shitty party games no one cares about
keep projecting wariotranny, your shitty copycat gimmick is unironically so gay

>Super Mario Land 2 is universally beloved, and the games that followed it are considered one of Nintendo's best platformer series
>Sonic Adventure 2 has had its quality endlessly put into question ever since youtubers got a hold on it, and the games that followed it usually have reactions ranging to "mediocre" to "killed the series"
Cope. Shitdow does not draw dimes anymore like he did in 2001.

Nah, it's great.

I want to play Sonic Origins, but I also don't want to play $40 for a collection that should be like $10.


I like it
I played a little on a kid's console at his house once as a kid so I always remembered it as a game I couldn't play, we didn't have any consoles.
It's pretty samey, but I like running around in underwater landscape collecting flowers or whatever

My mom got S3K including both games by themselves, Sonic R, and Sonic CD as a bundle from Staples, physical copies, for W95/98, for $10 in 2001, with a coupon to mail in to get your $10 back as a check, so free if you mailed it in. Which she did. I guess the gimmick is most people would forget?
Anyways I got three and a half snacking childhood games for free

Just 100%ed it yesterday
I give it a decent/10
Boss fights are a little too easy and the dream levels are a difficulty spike but apart from that it's good
Also watching Spongebob season 1-3 + the first movie helps

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Keep going

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Based chadow

There is literally no point playing this unless you played it as a kid. I don't begrudge people who did, but there's nothing here for anyone else.

I really enjoyed the remake. I wish it had additional content, but it's fine just being a plain remake

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Keep going back*

Unhappy discorder

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considering the amount of dicksucking this game would get from Any Forums on weekly based dropped like a rock after the remake, i think that's the common sentiment
some things are better left as a memory

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>Chadow the hedgehog
Keep going

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