No seriously how did the Switch still sell despite all the negative factors...

No seriously how did the Switch still sell despite all the negative factors. You could’ve hacked it months in and can currently flawlessly emulate it both on PC and with the Steam Deck. This should’ve killed the Switch or at least shown it down

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same reason the psp did so well....

good system+good games made it being blown open early not matter

because unlike the deck, switch is good.

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Because the casual handheld market and the high end PC market have virtually zero overlap and it's the prior that made the Switch one of the best selling videogame systems of all time.

Same reason people buy Funky Pops: because humanity was never meant to survive this long.

Nintendo just making their 2 systems a single one thats both a handheld and a console was honestly a fucking genius move because now their playerbase and devs are all in one place. Its the best Nintendo gimmick since the analog stick.

>You could’ve hacked it months in
note the newer models

>and can currently flawlessly emulate it both on PC and with the Steam Deck.
to run it flawlessly requires an investment of at least x3 of a Switch t.own a processor that let me do that, and Deck, isn't avalible on most of the world, while If I want a Switch I can get one literally at MSRP.

Switch is winning because it appeals to everyone not just a little group of jadded autists, that would turn back on them at the first sight of something slightly better.

People continue to buy games because Americans are the wealthiest people on Earth. We pay for convenience because we can comfortably afford it
>But I work minimum wage at a 7-11!!!
Either you're sixteen or you're not a normal person. Americans have the spending money to buy games that poorer countries pirate since they can't afford.

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Is not just that, is just that consoles and games prices are just dollarized instead of being translated to every currency, that's the main reason why we can't afford it, not saying that it should be because from a business point of view is retarded but the point stands.

Emulating new games is a poor man's hobby

steam deck will never be mainstream, too big, clunky and ugly from a product design standpoint + valve is a nobody company in the consumer's eyes + half of the appeal of the switch is "play mario on bed or on the tv with your friends" which the steam deck doesn't have [through legal and developer-sanctioned methods] + it's still less available than the switch due to even greater supply constraints

hacking the switch is also at the moment inconvenient, from needing to buy some chinkshit 3d printed slider thing or using a fucking paperclip to literally short your joycon rails. and you can't even turn the thing off or you gotta do the whole thing again + needing to set up emunand so you don't get banned by nintendo
maybe hacking will be a little more accepted when it's as easy as a9lh made 3ds hacking but right now it's literally the pasty nerd's option

this is also correct

>Brazillians just always wear soccer uniroms 24/7

This is like saying "why do games sell so much when piracy exists??"
Most people either don't know that emulation exists or don't want to bother with it for a variety of reasons

90% of people aren't autistic enough to get a gaming PC and emulate games.

that's not brazilian uncultured swine.

nobody owns a cfw-capable switch
yuzu sucks ass
and the steam deck can only run some switch games at full speed
the switch is $200 and more convenient and accessible, only poorfags would really opt for the alternatives

The truth is slightly worse. People are not "wealthy", but instead have more money than they need to survive, but not enough to move up in life. There is such a giant gap between the renting life and the owning life that saving up for a house seems impossbile. So they just waste their money on toys. Or stocks, or crypto. This doesn't make these people rich, the real "opportunity" cost of a video game purchase is basically zero if you have nothing else to spend the money on.

Hacking a console is always the pasty nerd option. Normal people just want to play games, they don’t give a shit about being able to have access to 20 million different games from every console ever when they play Mario or Zelda a few hours a week.

But switch games sell like crazy, like Mario Kart sold almost 50M units, PSP best selling game was GTA liberty city with 8M units sold on 76M PSP.
People like the switch cuz it has everything that a Nintendo console should have, new 3d Mario, main Pokemon game, new Zelda and animal crossing. Switch combines both things that made Nintendo console good.

>This should’ve killed the Switch or at least shown it down
This is what the corporations want you to think. In the real world, piracy does less than nothing to sales as some people even buy the game after they played it for free.

Gaming is also much bigger now than it was then.

Maybe in the 3rd world, in the 1st not really

>Implying jailbreaking reduces sales
>Implying piracy reduces sales of good games

People are too fucking stupid to jailbreak it.

It has good games. That's the long and short of it.

Vast majority of people don't emulate or hack their consoles.
Only when it's as painless as DS r4 cards back in the day.
We're still a minority.

Not everyone is poor like you.

trust me when I tell you that even R4 were "hard" for normal people.

PSP and GBA both suffered from low sales due to being easily broken.

The real reason is that this IS the switch in its weakened state, if it were secure then instead of talking about potential for 120M we would be seriously considering 200M.