It's over

why did Elden Ring die? What caused the fall from grace?

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When will we get a battlepass?

>Fucking 100k concurrent is considered dead

This thread is bait, but most zoomers actually think like that.

>losing 90% of playerbase is considered okay just is, you chud!

>two full runthroughs of the game with two distinct builds totalling 340+ hours

There’s literally nothing left for me to do until some DLC drops, why would I still be playing it?

because its a singleplayer game lol. youre not supposed to play 1 game forever and ever. youre too used to shitty mobas and mobile bing bing wahey waiting simulators to realise that youre not supposed to spend your life in one game

What are supposed to do 2 months after the release, achieved 4x80% runs and 300 hours played?
Pvp endlessly? No thanks

>why did Elden Ring die
People finished the game and also a 2nd play through.
Only people left are pvp nerds and those who are still starting for the first time.

people beat the game retard

Concurrent doesn't mean total, you have to multiply that by 24. Over 2 million people a day still play it

Concurrent players doesn't tell you how big a player base is. A more accurate number would be total unique players that player more than 1 hours in the past week .


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Pathetic. This shit is even more lame than New World. "Wow killer" my ass. All my friends were back on wow like two weeks after this shit released. Pathetic.
This shit is fucking dead in water. Japs just can't make online games. 0 content, no raids, no battlegrounds. PVP is gankfest bullshit.
Bamco fucking paid for those reviews and you know it.
Fuck off.

Nigga it’s a single player game. The fact that it still has 100K for a a FUCKING SOULSLIKE is insane.

Bait aside in so happy with this games success. It’s so fucking good and I'm glad it’s has staying power.

100k after 3 months is fucking massive. most games drop to 10-20k.

>online game playerbase is in downward spiral, lost 90% of playerbase in month after release
>"user" is "so happy with this game success. It's so fucking good and I'm glad it's has staying power."
Are you paid shill or did you overdose on the fluoride in water?

Yeah ER is not an online game. Try again.

I still play new world. I played just before, me and a friend did some dueling, ran the depths and took a fort.

the online was literally always a gimmick

Its mainly a single player game with multiplayer stuff that is entirely optional.
This isn't a game with a battle pass, no accounts to sign into, no skins to buy, no premium pass or whatever.
Its just a game plain and simple you play by yourself.Then people beat the game what do you want further?

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Right. It ain't no online game when nobody is playing it anymore LMAO
stop creating spam threads shill, you were found out. The game is dead, done, finito, it ain't coming back alive.

People are realizing it's a shit game designed to make zoomers think they're playing a "Nintendo Hard" game.
If zoomers wanted a real challenge they would play Zelda II or Castlevania I

>zoomer bought Elden Ring because he thought that it would be the next big pvp game
can't make this shit up

There are still 100k people playing on average on Steam? Damn I haven’t played in a few weeks at this point, what were DaS3 numbers like?

>zoom zoom who bought the latest fotm "wow killer" becouse of fomo calls someone else zoomer

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no one cares about you child toys nintentranny