I think the only thing worse than fucking speedrunners is Guitar Hero idiots that only care about perfect scores and...

I think the only thing worse than fucking speedrunners is Guitar Hero idiots that only care about perfect scores and world records instead of enjoying the music.
I mean look at this shit, what is enjoyable about playing an [already fast] song at double speed? That's the equivalent of all the """professional""" musicians that go on TV shows to show how they can play Flight of the Bumblebee at 700BPM, it's fucking pointless. If these people went to an actual music class the teacher would beat the shit out of them like the bald guy from Whiplash.

Streaming video games was a mistake.

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-05-14 at 5.26.30 AM.png (1440x784, 1.37M)

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I'm sorry for your autism, user.

Get good

Who fucking cares.
Does someone have a gun to your head forcing you to watch?
Shut up and go do something you enjoy, nerd.

Guitar Hero is Gitadora for casuals.

Looks like I hit a nerve. Kill yourself, twitchfag. You couldn't play an actual instrument if you sold your soul to Satan.

Did someone force you to watch it?

Double speed makes the notes easier to hit idiot.
The notes don't get any faster, the track speed itself speeds up so the notes are father apart and easier to read.

was it autism?

This is a very dumb take.
If you want to just enjoy the music just listen to it on Spotify or something.

user it's a video game


That chart is fucked up, there were parts where the colors change but the notes/chords don't.

So why does Any Forums always manage to be more autistic about communities than the communities?

Why do people put so much value on being able to play a real instrument? I could throw a stone down a busy street and have a 75% chance of hitting a faggot with a guitar. It's like when people cry about nikocado and how he was such a talented violinist, nobody fucking cares if you can play violin and nobody knew who he was when that's all he did. You're not special. I honestly find high level rhythm gameplay more impressive.

>If you want to just enjoy the music just listen to it on Spotify or something
No, it's autistically pleasing to hit a button at the same time as the song.

>It's like when people cry about nikocado and how he was such a talented violinist
You are fucking retarded if that's why you think people say that.

I don't understand the problem here? Is it that hes just too good? Is being good at games bad now?

>Is being good at games bad now?
Where do you think you're posting?

He still plays it on occasion and every time he does all the comments are faggots going OH HE WAS SO TALENTED SO MUCH WASTED POTENTIAL HE COULD'VE BEEN A FAMOUS MUSICIAN. No he fucking couldn't. He worked at home depot because nobody cares if you can play an instrument.

That's not the point. The point is "You could've had a healthy hobby and dedicate your time to it but instead you ended up with a fat fetish because you're a degenerate homosexual".

Not him but the main appeal of Gitadora isn't Guitarfreaks (the "Gita" part)but rather Drummania (the "Dora").

>That's not the point.
I don't care what your point was, my point is people put so much value on playing an instrument yet you can spend years of your life mastering one and nobody gives a shit until you throw a bowl of noodles over your head and fake cry on camera.

That's kind of fucked up too, because the sound of the pads getting hit isn't synchronized to the song in some parts. Input lag could explain it if it was the entire song but it only happens in some sections, which means the guy is out of tempo but the game still registers as a valid hit.

Sorry but the most accurate scrolling-rhythm game has to be Clone Hero. You can connect a drumset to that too.

It's a fucking videogame you fucking faggot

And who says you have to impress others instead of doing it for fun? I've been playing guitar for 17 years in my room 4 to 6 hours every day and not a single soul has ever heard me play anything. It's just fun.

And by that logic why should anyone give a shit that you can press the same 5 buttons at 1400% speed without missing a hit as well?

>And who says you have to impress others instead of doing it for fun?
Nobody, but don't think you're any better than the dude that can press 5 buttons at 1400% speed and how a real musician would beat the shit out of you for daring to choose to be good at rhythm games over playing an instrument.