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Other urls found in this thread:

Final Fantasy VIII on Switch. Just reached Dollet town for the first time
Quest for Fire
The Sittaford Mystery by Agatha Christie
Some veggie wraps for lunch
Pepsi Max Lime

Unreal Gold, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Super Mario 64 Romhacks, and Clone Hero
Astros and Nationals games later
Megadeth, Meshuggah, Bury Tomorrow
When Marnie Was There
Corn Dogs
Water, Red Bull
Tiddies and ass
Not too shabby
My GHII Xplorer guitar is supposed to come in the mail today so I'm excited about that. Might mainly use it to play GITADORA and just keep using my World Tour controller with Clone Hero.
>Final Fantasy VIII
Is it good?

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>>Final Fantasy VIII
>Is it good?
I think it's pretty good. It's the first time I play this game. The Switch version is the remastered version with higher resolution and improved character models compared to the original. I am playing in handheld mode and the game looks pretty nice that way.

Far Cry 6,Witcher 3,Halo Infinite
Scott the Woz
Any Forums
Hot Pockets, not sure what to eat later
girls in prom dresses/ball gowns
Average day so far, living the NEET life

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deep rock galactic, siege and tekken
some twich streamer vods
noise rock on spotify
nah, have shit to study
maybe some pasta
idk, maybe milf
I have to finish a project but life's good, got some new company and I'm having the time of my life

>clone hero
my man what song are you playing? how's the GHII Xplorer?

Slurping penis!
Slurping penis!
Slurping penis!
Slurping penis!
Slurping penis!
Slurping penis!
Slurping penis!
Slurping penis!

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>girls in prom dresses/ball gowns
Hook me up nigga

Chrono Cross, just got bodyswapped, pretty neat. Probably going for some FFXI later, gonna see if I can be arsed to level a new character (and possibly even enjoy it).
Might watch the FA Cup final later with buddies.
Not right now.
I'm pretty sure what I'm studying right now isn't going to work out either, but I'll try to hang on for another year or so. Already ready to embrace the dead end job though, even if only for a few years, hopefully.

nice PLAYAN and EATAN, wishing you fun on your playthrough also rinoa a shit
Nice EATAN too. I've been trying to play every mainline FF, but I wonder if I should bother with Crystal Chronicles. Tactics truly was amazing (even if I wish there was out of battle exploration, but that might not lend itself to SRPGs I dunno) but I don't think any other spin-off has that high of a reputation.
based NEET, kinda wonder how hot pockets are from the memes but not sure you can get those in krautland
Good luck on the studying and project!

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Was playing Hades for a bit. Now I've torrented Deathloop to see how bad it really is.
Shall We Dance (2004)
Hiroyuki Sawano music
Was reading the first book of Sun Eater but it's just a shittier Dune. Now Im confused on what to choose since I'm going to DNF Sun Eater, Perdido Street Station by Meiville or Under Heaven by GGK.
Tired. Started fixing my sleep cycle and waking up early. I get drowsy by afternoon, my body really needs to adapt to this new cycle asap or these next few days are going to be horrible.

>Far Cry 6
How's the game? I've not touched the series since blood dragon. Is it good? I've heard it went open world and that kinda turns me off.
>I have to finish a project
What's the subject? Is it some uni stuff or is it work related?
>Agatha Christie

disco Elysium
one piece older arcs then Firestarter, the outfit
kendrick new album
one piece
going to make myself a chicken sandwich
blue sour chug gfuel
mommy joi
tired as hell

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thanks swappanon
uni bullshit

King's Field 1 (JPN 1, not 2), loving the atmosphere.
My own covers, here's the newest one:
Previous 3:
Any Forums, (you) guys
Had A&W today, was great
Water right now
Pretty good overall. Been enjoying my friends company, we've been having fun emulating stuff on our xbox's. My head started hurting a bit ago though so I probably need rest.

What Megadeth albums/tracks in particular?

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dragon warrior NES, dragon quest builders 2, starcraft 2,
dragon quest adventure of dai
gachi mixes
mobile suit gundam thunderbolt
probably a big fat pizza tonight, gonna save myself til then
alpines and cokes
amateur sloots on leddit (bonus points for cute chubby harry potter nerds)
bretty gud had a busy week did some good jobs now i'm just gonna get stoned and sssssssssssaturday night it the fuck up.

>Hiroyuki Sawano music
unicorn's ost was god

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halfway through Soul Hackers 3DS for the first time and almost done with Xenoblade X for the second, playing both in preparation for their new entries later this year. Soul Hackers isn't groundbreaking but as far as pre-Nocturne SMT goes its pretty good, i like the loyalty system alot in particular. i used to be a huge Xfag, but playing it now while its still a very good game i think its my least favorite xenoblade entry (1 is my GOAT and i warmed up to 2 alot on my last playthrough in 2019)
30-sai no Hoken Taiiku, its basically if 40 Year Old Virgin was an anime. its funny, i recommend it
Yankee Jk Kuzuhana-Chan, its above average as far as harem manga go (which is not a high bar to clear obviously), it was recommended to me by the horniest fuck i've ever met so i'm just reading it while i look for something that actually catches my attention.
Krave cereal, its stabbing the fuck out of my gums but its so good anyways
the milk in my cereal
my usual tags are: oppai loli, femdom, succubus
tired, i've only been getting 3-4 hours of sleep a day after work since monday, i'm probably going to crash hard in the middle of playing xenoblade and wake up 15 hours later like i normally do when i'm like this

>what songs are you playing?
Just randomly going through all of the custom songs and GH setlists I've loaded into it.
>how's the GHII Xplorer
Hasn't been delivered yet. Hopefully, it'll get here this afternoon.
>What Megadeth albums/tracks in particular?
I'm primarily listening to Youthanasia.
>King's Field

Elden Ring NG+ and Kirby FL
YT videos
New My Chemical Romance, fucking LOVE IT
Any Forums
Papa Johns
Coffee now, beers, wine and alcohol later
Just did
Weed and Marlboro Gold
Best day in years, we are finally having a festivity here in Madrid thats been away for 3 years cause of COVID, its pretty much half of the city reunited in an immense park partying drinking etc
So pumped for it

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>Papa Johns
Based, wish they would open in Sweden.

>Far Cry 6
>How's the game? I've not touched the series since blood dragon. Is it good? I've heard it went open world and that kinda turns me off.
id say its pretty good, Ubisoft open world games get a bad reputation here and for good reason sometimes but as mindless fun id say Far Cry its good, im only about 2 and a half hours in and its fun just to go clear enemy bases and run around doing missions but the simplicity probably isnt for everyone

>I'm primarily listening to Youthanasia.
Oh, that album's pretty good. and yeah, King's Field is fantastic.

>Buy total war Britannia
>Runs like ass
>Spend 4 hours trying to fix it/being alt tabbed on support forums
>Request refund
>Steam say no
>Make a new request explaining I was alt tabbed trying to fix it, have no achievements or actual time played
>They say no

Fuck me right

>he bought a total war game
you fucked up