Bidya character is gorgeous with huge tits

>bidya character is gorgeous with huge tits
>Oh no I am 25, I am so old and nobody wants me

Really Japan?

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That is actually a problem in japan

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Past 25 is old user..

Shit I hate to say this because there's this 33 year old boyish girl I like alot but man..she's got 2 years left before babies get birth defects and shit.. and I had to tell her straight up that I could never take it seriously with her because she's a bit too old for me.. obviously I got shit on for saying that to her but it's the truth.

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fucking matt

Men want a women they can mold and cultivate. Nobody wants a woman with preconceived notions about how things are because they've been riding cock for too long.

That's something Japan got right, a woman aged from 25 to 30 is waiting to get expired soon, a woman after 30 is a useless flesh golem.

Why the fuck do you care you fucking homo? Enjoy the tiddies.

i'd want them
the problem is, they don't want me

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Matts gonna die alone. life is over after 30, too late to start dating.
still funny tho.

Why don't Jap guys start fucking then?
They'd literally rather work overtime (for free), drink a fuck ton because someone with authority told them to (then pass out on the street) and then fap to Hatsune Mikus ass rather than shagging bit fat titties.

yea its rude but I kind of hate how we live in a world where someone can just take your private conversation and post it to the public forever like it's just some kind of normal thing

Roastie cope

I look exactly like this IRL

You're considered non-person past age 20 in japan

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>Be 33
>dating an 18 years old
>bring her with me to a class reunion
>all the girls are seething at me
>all the guys are jealous
>half of them got married and they all got fat
>the only ones who didnt get fat are me and the curlbro who never stopped going to the gym all these years
>he brought his gf with him too
>she was 20

Not gonna lie, it was an abstract kind of feel, but a good one.

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If you haven't gotten your life together and things lined up for the future like a career before you're out of school you're deemed a failure in Japan, its just their culture.
I remember reading a QnA with the creator of Gundam where he told some 15 year old that if he didn't have a manga published in jump or some magazine before he got out of their equivalent to high school to just give up completely on ever working in the manga industry.

Who gives a fuck if she's gorgeous OP?
I'm speaking from experience and seeing my friends..

Just because she'd gorgeous doesn't mean she's good relationship material. More than likely they have issues because they are 10/10s.

Let me ask you this would you marry a woman like Amber Heard?

Any woman who's over 25 and single or not married are either too focused on their careers, or have too much issues to keep a relationship with.

A woman like the one in your OP? Fuck them, but don't date them.

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>Not allowed to touch women under 21 because you're a grooming pedo
>Women over 25 are "too old"
In short, stop having sex.

Is she, dare I say it? BUILT 4 BBC?

Based, I hope you enjoy your teenage sex toy for many years.

help me bro, how do I lose weight
I can't stop eating

> teenage
> 18

>anime has the "lonely teacher who's never had a bf despite being absolutely gorgeous and is going through an existential crisis because her time is running out" character
>she's only 24

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Everyone dies alone

>enjoy your teenage sex toy for many years
2 years, exactly

Brilliant, good show. And you can leave the Milf hunting to me. Two birds with one stone


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It's a gacha slut, so it should just be assumed.

Then it's time to trade for a new model!

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If you really cared enough you would learn japanese and if you're fat just lose weight. Asian girls are pretty easy if you're white.

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that's "teenage" retard

There needs to be porn if this bitch


because women are soulless.

Lose weight fatty

yeah i know, i'm just lazy and can't be bothered.

She's at the tail end of being haggard and washed up lmao
But enjoy your fat wife in exactly 2 years!

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I'd reply "oof XD" to end whatever conversation I had with someone named "legal virgin" on Twitter tb.h

Idk, they probably got fucked in the head by overworking themselves while listening to their parents propaganda about "working overtime is honor", the last thing i think about when i get back from work tired and exhausted is starting a family or having an intercourse.

What if I'm a manlet

>Thought that dating a girl like this would be fun
>she was a pathological liar and a serial cheater

There is a reason why these nymphomaniacs end up alone, user. They are the fucking worst.

Enjoy jail when you can't stop committing sex crimes!

you keep eating but change the portion, the frequency and the type of food
you can get to your ideal weight without exercise, just controling what you eat

>have too much bodyfat
>continue to eat fat
>"how do i lose weight"

preferably with a black dick inside her dripping wet pussy

but the pussy game ridiculous right

It's a shame because she's cool as fuck to be around. Bro tier..we get along well and she punches my arm and I can get really physical with her and play rough. But when she wanted something more I just couldn't do it. Sure she looked good for her age (she was fit and never really wore makeup so her face looks young) but 33 is 33. You can't change that.

underage b&

Roastie cope.
You're just jealous of men trading for a newer model every few years.

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>instead of being helpful I'll misrepresent what he said, that'll show him!

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yeah but HOW

>incel hands typed this

I would call bs on this one but an ex coworker of mine in his early 40s who was into Brazilian judo got married to a 18 years old who gave him two kids and counting, she was 3 years younger than his daughter from his first marriage.
I strive to get old as him but i am already balding at 29 but I lift so is ok.

Unless you're a nigger who believes that the greatest achievement in life is dick size and sex (and most niggers dont even have a big dick), who care about the pussy game?
You will get horny and you will think of nothing but sex, but then the post-nut clarity will set and you will want to do more with your life.

I can't believe there are people fapping to this shit who manage to look at themselves in the mirror

>that arm


> How do I change the portion!
Instead of having 6 plates of pies have a single pie.
> How do I change the frequency!
Instead of eating every 5 minutes, set times when you'll eat.
> How do I change the type!
Say "No!" to BurgerKing and MaccyDees and "Yes please!" to salads.

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as a 27 year old guy, i'm not really trying to date anyone older than 22. there's a ratio of emotionally intelligence and trauma experienced that peaks around that age for most girls. after that they either soft plateau emotionally or experience too many bad relationships that break away parts of their soul.

you can still kinda chill out and watch movies with a 22 year old for a first date and she's happy. but a 27 year old girl is gonna wanna go to dinner and talk about your career and shit. i'm cool on that, senpai. i don't wanna hear about Janice from accounting. i wanna hear about this 22 year old's squishmallow haul she bought with her retail/food service paycheck.
'girls my age' have been dating boys older than me forever, go get a 33 year old.

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you dont change habits in one day, you start by eating half a bread less each day for a few weeks, then change the full meat lunch with half veggies
also you start to drink more water, tea, or natural juice, instead of cola and other drinks
a few months in you start to see changes
so, slow and a lot of patience

She bigh look good but the fact she has a tattoo deducts 5 points of.
Tattoos are fucking disgusting on a woman..

>*emotional intelligence and trauma experienced

There's nothing wrong with that age you literal faggot.

then find a girl who's significantly shorter than you? the manlet shit is a meme and if you eat it up you're a retard, unless you're actually shorter than most girls then you'd be fucked i guess

>just do it
I'll try my very best user, thanks for taking the time to answer

>Men want a women they can mold and cultivate.
literally a groomer holy shit

> Just do it!
I told you how you can make changes to your diet, but only you can really make those changes. It indeed is a case of having the willpower to want to change your body and situation. You might not want to hear it, but YOU are responsible for your own body once you become an adult.

I want lots of kids. Healthy kids. Don't fucked with me user I'm not budging on this. And I'm not going to waste her time by "trying to make it work". We're just friends now. And that's all it is.

>TFW Last Origin might shutdown because the CEO did something extremely scummy

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It's honestly not that hard to imagine. Today's 30 years olds, grew up watching anime and playing vidya too, so they already have something in common with all the zoomer teens of today, especially the socially inept ones.
Combine that with a 30+ years old's ability to be a good fatherly figure and any teen girl with even the slightest childhood troubles would want to date them.

Hell, my gf who was "only" 8 years younger than me at some point said "I wish you were my real dad" in a post-sex cuddle session. She said it without really thinking about it and she got extremely weirded out when she realized what she said, but it made perfect sense, desu.

>i don't wanna hear about Janice from accounting. i wanna hear about this 22 year old's squishmallow haul she bought
Why would you want to hear about either one?

Lemme guess...she is also fit and brown and reminds you of Korra and us tour boss?