You have 30 seconds to come up with a new special infected type for L4D3

You have 30 seconds to come up with a new special infected type for L4D3.

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Zombies with guns.


Shape shifter that can look like your teammate

Interesting, can you elaborate?

A zombie that has a high amount of HP but no attack. It's purpose is blocking a path forcing the survivors to spend time killing it or going around.

One that can "burrow" into certain spots and come out to attack, or maybe act as a landmine?

Zombie that is invisible when standing still/moving slowly?

A headcrab like zombie that, upon successfully taking over a survivor, gains full control of them including any weapons they're carrying to attack with.

A zombie that can do an instant kill on backstab

Spider zombie that makes a sticky web to slow down survivors.

A zombie that looks just like another special but can jump around on walls and spam eanhed attacks

mario but the music plays backwards and he rapes and murders the devs with hyper realistic pixel blood

so there's zombie that can look like your teammate

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Zombie that regenerates limbs quickly and you have to destroy them all to kill it. A tank tier mini-boss.

Ok, how does it take advantage of that? It has a normal attack so what? Thats gonna be kinda useless.

Zombie that disorients the player as in something like temporarily switches x and y axis around.

Infected that messes with sound, something like infected are hard to hear it
or sound only comes from one side

Fast low to the ground zombie and can't jump, that grabs survivors by the legs but does low damage like the jockey.

Not him but the best thing I can think of is they have the ability to interact with doors or take consumables to run off with.

Locking the door behind you and then taking pills and a defib with you out a window could be pretty funny

A zombie whose severed limbs are still active and hostile. gotta destroy the whole fucking body

A zombie based off that fish with the light on its head. But like, you have a bottle of pills, or a health kit or something to attract players toward you. If they take the bait they get trapped in place?

It's like a jockey but it makes you start shooting your gun and it can spin you to make you shoot other survivors

Fusion of all the special infected from 2

Best ones

A super-fast zombie that ignites itself when it detects you and chases you on all fours in an attempt to set you on fire. Causes an explosion when he dies. Low health, but dangerous if you let it get close to you.

One that can pick up common infected to use as a shield and throw at the survivors.

Zombie with hardened skin that reflects bullets, sometimes hitting survivors. Best to kill with melee.
Or maybe absorbs bullets and can throw them back, but with poor accuracy?

a spitter type enemy that is blind but uses smell to navigate. If it spots you and spits at you it'll take away your normal vision and replace it with zombie-vision in which every enemy character looks like one of them, this includes teammates.

Donut zombie, has a big hole in the middle so if you try to shoot for center mass you miss.

zombie that can fire a coating that disables outlines for survivors for 10 seconds and also covers the area in a black smoke or other obfuscating ability blocking the ability to see more than, say, 2 meters.
Don't know how you could make it do damage without stealing spitter or boomer's niche. (maybe versus only?)

zombie that runs up to and grabs a survivor, like how jockey can attack, however damages survivors in place, has high hp (charger tier?) and can throw a survivor a small distance after grabbing dealing X damage based on distance thrown/if they hit a wall or other obstacle damage increased.