Civilization connoisseurs thread

What's your wishlist for Civilization 7 and why?

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Bring back doomstacks.

Thanks for ruining the thread right out of the gate

I just want AI that doesn't suck ass

Make civ 6 moddable again instead of trying to charge me for a new game after breaking the latest one.

The opposite of almost every major decision made in civ6

Golden ages were a neat idea
So were corporations and barbarian tribes

Adolf Hitler playable German Civ

>actual fucking governments again and not Civ5 skill trees or Civ6 card bingo
>give up on the one music track per nation thing because its execution is never going to be as good as the way any of the old civs worked
>some sort of compromise on 1UPT so that the AI is capable of actually playing a game
>please don't go back to Civ5's obsession with trying to baby """tall""" players aka retards in a game that is supposed to be about expansion
but more important than anything else
>AI that can actually play the fucking game

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Trannysylvania leader

Go fuck yourself brainlet
stacks of doom are literally for smooth brain niggers incapable of strategizing
That's why 90% of v/ is still playing civ4

Doomstacks are simple enough for the AI to wrap its tiny brain around and be able to go toe to toe with a competent player even on standard difficulty. In Civ5/6 you can decimate AI civs with armies 10x the size of yours without taking any causalities with cheese strats that a 10 year old would find out on his first run.

Just don't fuck them up as bad as they did in Civ4
>Have the entire stack take chip damage when a unit in the stack dies
>make flanking bonuses more meaningful
>have withdraw rates rise with the size of the enemy army
>attrition penalties for stupidly large stacks
Previous civs already did some of this

Them using actually well-known leaders from each civ again instead of diving into the pits of history books to dig out random women whose only achievement was marrying the right man.

I do actually really like the concept of civilizations and leaders being two different things like they did in civ 6. So you can have a peaceful version of India with the mandatory Gandhi iteration and a more warlike version of India with a different leader. But just don't be fucking lazy again and have the same leader in a different outfit like Teddy and Catharine.

The current version of Civ 6's climate change and natural disaster system is really good.

Some way of simulating that the Earth is a sphere.

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IS endless space 2 fun?

Cut content that was a failure
>giant garbage deck of policy cards
>governor system

I hated Endless Legend and Stellaris but ES2 is up there with my favorite strategy games. Take that as you will

I swear I didn't mean to upload that image

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I keep forgetting that the governor shit is a thing. They were really out of ideas for the Xpacs weren't they

Can someone educate me on what a doomstack is?

I just want Civ 7 to be a mobile only with battle passes and seasons.

No fucking cartoon artstyle

Is has already been said before me but I'll repeat:
Good AI that doesn't need x1000 resource production.
Famous leaders again with a more serious artstyle.
Get rid of district placing and improve trading mechanics, migration and culture.
Governors and cards were terrible. Too much tedious micromanagement. Just focus on government types.

I personally hated the district system. I could see it being tweaked to a point where I'd like it but I don't trust the devs with this. Remove it and try something else

most important things are AI and UI that doesn't make me want to uninstall

I think it would be nice, at least in the later half, if multiple connected cities could be turned into regions where you select production in one of them and the others just contribute their production and resources to that city, so that you can switch many weak cities to a few good ones

just refers to having all your military units packed into one tile

it's not necessarily a problem as in hoi4 you can infinite stack but don't get any advantage for doing so, it's just earlier civ games that had a bad execution

musou battle mode tuned by p* with the mgsr soundtrack

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