The campaign is...actually pretty great...

The campaign is...actually pretty great? I suck right now and im currently getting filtered by the multiplayer but I'm playing the single player right now too and this is quite possibly the most dynamic a first person shooter has felt gameplay-wise in a long time.

The movement is handholdy enough to be extremely fun, but not handholdy enough to autoplay platforming sections for you. Games like Assassin's Creed or something the game will be extremely generous if you fuck up a jump and they'll just give it you. Sure you auto-stick to the walls, but if you miss a jump in this game you're basically scrambling for some kind of way out on your way down to your death and you either find it or you die.

The mechs feel fucking amazing to play in especially against other mechs and bosses. All tied up in objectively, flawless Arcade-style COD gameplay with a pretty good story. When's part 3?

Attached: 368083-titanfall-2-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x800, 111.49K)

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the campaign was amazing. great 5-hour experience would recommend it for all.

Perfect length and the story is simple and isn't tryhard

It had one good mission.

What makes the campaign so good is that even though it's only a few hours long every level had it's own fun little hook that didn't overstay its welcome before it moved on to something else.

>Titanfall 3 died for Apex Legends

Attached: gameofJUST.jpg (600x581, 45.8K)

Seethe, grandpa

Frontier Defense is extremely comfy and an easy way to rank up your titans

Attached: 1652410784766.jpg (1024x959, 117.96K)

Could have been prevented, but you niggers wanted to play BF1 an Infinite Warfare instead.

The factory level and the level with the time travel gimmick are both really cool.

Apex would be way more fun if everyone got a double jump and wall run

and no armor

Now keep in mind that you barely even scratched the surface of the movement yet.

>When's part 3?
user, I...

Needed more enemies that could keep up with the players speed and locking the hardest difficulty to replays was FUCKING GAY

The campaign is awesome

Attached: BT a CUTE.gif (497x280, 2.93M)

>locking the hardest difficulty to replays was FUCKING GAY
I don't think that was the case.

the most annoying part of all of this is that people love to frame is as Titanfall fans being unable to give up the past when the depressing part of what happened with Titanfall and Apex is that Titanfall was genuinely mechanically fresh in a sea of incredibly similar ADS shooters- and Apex is once again a shooter about beaming somebody while standing still on the ground.

Apex isn't hot and fresh, it's a market-driven regression.

Show me a screenshot from Titanfall as soulful as this, I'll wait.

Attached: Apex_Legends.0.jpg (1200x800, 176.98K)

normal hard was too easy

el goblina

what's with giving niggers asian characteristics by these devs?

>They're all so quirky and fun and unique! They're taking part in a blood sport created by a mass murderer sponsored by the company that made civilian-targeting killbots, but aren't they so lovable?

it's so fucking cynical

No, I meant I don't think master difficulty was locked for first playthrough.

They didn’t let the Australian say cunt. Absolutely soulless

>When's part 3?
In a few, EA just lost FIFA so they're gonna kick out all the rainbow parasites and start making games again, if they want to live.

I don't think there was ever a point where people actually criticized the TF campaign, it was always a good time.