Evil Dead

Just released. What do you think of it so far?

Attached: Evil Dead.jpg (2560x1440, 741.8K)

It's like the Friday the 13th game but less jank and more to do.
Which isn't saying much because the Friday the 13th game was hot fucking garbage.

I think it will be dead in a week.

Unlikely, given the sheer number of viewers and the number of people who have been hopping on.

It absolutely will.
This is why I didn't buy despite my love for Evil Dead.

I want Bubba Ho-Tep and Elvis as characters.

IT's been out for a single day. Half those viewers will not be around for day two. half of those views will not be around for day 3. Not even 10% of those viewers will be around for day 4. Not unless specific high profile streamers are running bounties and sponsored streams. Because nobody comes to those streams for the game. They show up to hang out with their "friend".

>It absolutely will.
It's already on ps5 best sellers

It's already a best seller and hasnt even been out for two days yet.

How's the single player?

As a demon, fun
Side missions aren't that long though
Playing with bots gets boring fast if you aren't doing it just to learn your survivor

Does that really count when they have no games

Lots of love put into the design of your everything. I spent my first 20 minutes or so just geeking out at all the characters and exploring the exact model of the famous cabin. I just wish it was a single player story game that came with an optional mp mode. I always wanted a scary evil dead game with a batshit bananas plot, in the style of resident evil. Actual horror with humor from ash to break the tension sometimes.

im enjoying watching bald streamer play it
not gonna buy it tho

Pretty fun. Solo side missions are pretty hard and bots, whilst very good in general, tend to fold during the later halves of matches.

good morning sirs

It looks like a good game, so Any Forums wont be interested.

>Solo side missions are pretty hard
Okay so it's not just me. The first mission feels like bullshit. It'll say "Kill 6 deadites" and tally the amount of deadites but it wants you to kill certain deadites but allows other deadites to come in and fight as well.

You cannot be serious. How can anyone be this naive.

Its alright. I should do some more research before buying I was hoping for something similar to friday the 13th.

Wish this was mainly a traditional SP game with MP mode. It's just a gay zoomer gay.

sadly the game is trash.
For anyone wondering how the gameplay is, its basically "go there, fetch part of map" x 3, then you fight 2 waves of enemies for the pages and the dagger, and then hold key to finish boss.
coop is not very good, barely anyone cares for lighting fires, using abilities or leaving items for others.
the weapons feel weak, and the longer the game goes the more impossible it becomes to win as survivor because can hit you with everything once they find you. being trapped in a house not being able to jump out the window because the game thinks you wanna grab an item abd not jump a ledge makes it frustrating while learning to play it.
Oh and if the demon player quits the game, you return to the title screen with the results or rewards, meaning you just wasted nearly half an hour for nothing.

The game absolutely abuses the fact that deadites who aren't a part of the horde it initially spawns can come in and fuck with you. It also tends to abuse spawning the demon in places where you're not likely to be able to fight it effectively.