Can Duke Nukem franchise survive in current era?

Can Duke Nukem franchise survive in current era?

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It's already dead tho?

Yes. Just lean more into the parody aspect.

Not made by the current dipshits who own it, no

Series like this are too important to ignore. Doom got a remake, Perfect Dark remake is coming, I’m sure some company will buy Duke IP and reboot his franchise

It died before you were born, phoneposting itoddler retard.

Shit and cum about jt

Embracer just bought Gearbox AND 3D Realms, so..

I have this theory that ONE of these left leaning products will be so fucking bad it will change the mindset of the producers in most of the entretaiment media (games, movies, etc) and they'll just forget about this PC bullshit or they'll add it in the minimum way

I thought Amazon's LotR would do it and it kinda look like it but the outrage went nowhere besides "reshoots"

I might be wrong and it will take dozens of this PC corporate shit thing to floo for this to happen however I guess when this happens the Duke can have his big comeback

Be the change you wanna see. Gas a kike tonight.

he for sure has a big enough audience to succeed regardless of the amount of seethe

Is that why duke nukem forever collector's edition was selling for like $20 on ebay 6 months after release

>Stage III: Bargaining.

This. Don't just make it a typical action game. Go to town with the parody and nostalgia for 80s and 90s action movies and people would love it.

Nope, it's not about money anymore. All the little guys are gone, the money has been concentrated into the hands of the few and now they're all "too big to fail." The financial destiny of America was handed over to Blackrock after the 08 recession and they can just do whatever they want. If your ESG score is too low, you're dead. Crypto? We crashed it on purpose faggots, what are you gonna do about it? Your vote with your wallet doesn't matter anymore, you can't not vote for them.

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too much toxic masculinity and casual bigotry and racism

The west will fall from within and sino-indo-ruso alliance will take over together with brazilian favella monkeys. It is what it is.

>Can Duke Nukem franchise survive in current era?

Considering that gearbox doesn't do anything with the franchise, I would say no. But I think a game like Duke would go over really well in the current time. Too much globalhomo is bad in games.

Ain't up to Gearbox anymore, they got bought out by Embracer. And if they tell Randy to do something, then he has to.

ah yes it must be because no one liked duke nukem

no one liked DNF 2011 because it was shit
the entire franchise has 2 good games, duke nukem 2 (1993) and duke nukem 3d (1996)
refer to

Manhattan Project and Duke Nukem Advance say hi. Maybe Zero Hour.

I don't reply to tripfags even when they're demonstrably WRONG, too easy.

the perfect dark reboot is in development hell


>Manhattan Project and Duke Nukem Advance say hi. Maybe Zero Hour.

I thought Zero Mission was pretty good. Maybe like a 7.5/ 10 N64 title.

I have this theory that ONE of these left leaning products will be so fucking bad it will change the mindset of the producers in most of the entretaiment media (games, movies, etc) and they'll just forget about this PC bullshit or they'll add it in the minimum way
This is cope I'm sorry user. It won't matter if a movie or game is so shit Because of the PC bullshit and the out rage is so strong that it has to make a company or studio shut down permanently they will continue to push PC bullshit till we are dead. The culture war was stolen we won they bought or snaked their way through so now all big places to movies to games to comics have sjw Jews that will gladly lose millions of dollars just to push there political agenda. It will never matter if a product is so PC that it literally causes a company to file for bankruptcy they will not learn and all companies and studios will continue to push it.

So, sell a duke nukem game when its audience is 35+ year old manchildren who probably spent all their disposable income on funko pops already

he's an easily liked character. all you have to do is make a good game

I agree, that's why a shameless douk rip off like serious sam was successful and douk isn't

ok, so then a new duke game could succeed

On a modest serious sam budget, yes.
But if you examine the clusterfuck that was DNF's development, nothing but the best would do for their little baby.
They could've released the game at least 3 times, once in 1998, once in 2001 and once some time in the mid 2000s.
But no, a fast real time shadows alorithm was implemented by John Carmack, we gotta redo the engine. Fucking idiots.

i'd rather play old builds of dnf over serious sam

I literally just want a Duke Nukem game where Duke is just ripped Donald Trump and he's blowing away filthy Democrats who are invading his Casinos and Hotels

that's not the point I am making, the point is return on investment
square enix considers a 5 million copies sold game to be unsuccessfull
brazilian user from Any Forums considers 30k copies sold to be super sweet and he doesn't have to work any time soon
AA used to be a thing you know