Do you ever judge someone based on their steam avatar?

Do you ever judge someone based on their steam avatar?

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Oh boy more cropped porn can't wait

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I only judge people based on their steam avatar.


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Yes, always.

incredibly so. also by the shit on their profile and if they are in any retarded groups like "hentai" or something

coomers don't get added

Frog posters & trannime faggots.
Not anime avatars mind you, you know the type I’m talking about.

If their avatars are from a video game, I give them a bit more credence. A far lesser extent if it's from a porn game however.

what was the name of this cartoon? think it was called the instigators or some shit


If they have a poltard avatar they're guaranteed to be a petty, whiny neckbearded bitch.

Yes, anyone using cropped porn/hentai images are degenerates worth avoiding. Alongside furries and their fucking fursona as their pfp.

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i can barely make out people's avatars because they're stamp sized 184x184 images.

the moans there in that scene were hot as fuck who did the voice for that i must know


Depends on what they say, how knowledgably they are on certain subjects. I don't judge a book by its cover. I don't want to pass up an opportunity because some appears to be crazy. Maybe they are rich AND crazy. You never know.

The one and only truth.

I don't even judge furries online because usually they're pretty friendly.

I don't really play multiplayer games where you see people's avatars anymore, so no.

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so what if they are? do you want to get on their good side so they buy you games? fucking leech

>he doesnt have a vidya daddy

Of my friend group from high school, those who used normal profile pictures went on to be academically and socially successful, while those who used anime girl profile pictures went on to be virgin losers (one crossdresses, the other ERPs as a woman in VRchat daily)

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