Sonic fundamentally does not work when you bring in the Z-axi-

>Sonic fundamentally does not work when you bring in the Z-axi-

Attached: Sleeping Egg Zone.webm (552x334, 2.87M)

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that doesnt look fun


>thin corridor going straight
Explain to me how this is any different to boostshit.

if you turn the stage sideways, it's going to play the exact same, wow, imagine that.




>empty stage
>literally just going up and down
>next to no obstacles
>can just jump over everything
Fun if you like speedrunning I guess.

what point does 3d serve here? none.

That looks like a stage out of sonic adventure, no freedom.


your moms pussy fundamentally doesn’t work when i brimg in the D axis lmfao

It works perfectly with a Z-axis, you also just gotta add in a y-axis too. Ironically, SA1 nailed this almost perfectly, then Sega proceeded to find new and inventive ways to screw it up after SA2.

>hold forward
Whoa, amazing gameplay

It's not the z axis. It's the fucking boring and repetitive level design and theming on top of an already boring gameplay formula. You can't make him go fast on a 3d space unless it's linear but you can't just make him stop on a dime because that's jarring as fuck 3d sonic has already been as good as its gonna get

>All this fan made junk but no one wants to remake the real cash grabber
Chao Garden


I remember playing a demo for this, was very fun but it was also a big open playground instead of a linear road.

Sonic is one of the few types of games that'd work with an open world and they're still going to butcher it with the world being generic as fuck and not suited for him at all.

Attached: 1645918630790.gif (148x111, 263.88K)

You could've at least posted Sonic Encore

Why do fangames think running in a straight line is good level design?

>Chao Island Resort
Sonic World it's shit though

welcome to Sonic Robo Blast 2. After 24 years in development, hopefully, it will of been worth the wait

Attached: srb2-title.png (640x400, 54.08K)

If it had badniks, rings and stage gimmicks maybe. It is also missing a lot of high low route variety and multiple paths. I keep saying this but go play sonic gt if you want the bluebrint for sonic in 3d.

Jumping ruins Sonic. I feel like every Sonic game is just me holding forward 400 feet in the air because his jumps are so fucking huge and obnoxious.
>jump into a spring
>leave orbit
every fucking game.

Attached: 1652380060421.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

>liking anything by the Great Lange
ummmm that's a BIG yikes from me...

Attached: 1525267773758.jpg (900x900, 101.62K)

I agree but I hate the camera and how often it takes control away from you. They want to show all these cinematic angles and all it does is mess up the gameplay.

>classic sonic
>hideous genesis inspired level
>le reddit infinite symbol run animation

Did the guy who made this not even play Sonic Lost World?

Looks like some shitty fangame.
Oh wait haha

Sonic works just fine in 3D, sega is just ass.

Attached: sonic adventure beta footage.webm (350x252, 1.43M)

It's actually Game Gear inspired you uneducated mongoose fecal consumer
