Why did you stop playing League of Legends?

Why did you stop playing League of Legends?

Attached: l.png (3500x2068, 2.83M)


deer top and human body would've been hotter

Never has a character made me more uncomfortable than this little shit.
I saw furry porn less horny than this.
I hate her so much and wish death on anyone who likes her.

I didn't, and that's the problem

never started. mobas are for nonwhite teenagers.

Not fun. Didn't want to learn every matchup or new items

I realized that the game couldn’t make me happy. I’d lose a game and be mad, but win a game and feel nothing.
Recently decided to give it a try again and just got mad again, so I think I’m fully over it.

I never started.

My friends quit
It stopped being fun


Attached: horse pussy monstergirl.png (531x621, 327.89K)

By the way, what's the character called? I want to look her up on e621 and beat my meat to her beautiful deer pussy.

I see that new Hecarim rework is coming along

Either you never played this game and hate it or you put 2000 hours into and hate it.

They removed dfg, nerfing my main (ap Warwick mid).
Then they reworked him, completely killing the build.
Fuck you riot games, you ruined my life.

Attached: mechanically intensive champion.png (826x989, 491.84K)

*smashes your had in*
*cleans your jungle*
>that was.. me?
*burns your top to death

Bitch you're killing things, act like it

because every other game has smurfs in it and there is no way to avoid low level accounts

i want to fuck that goat

put it in her pooper

What's her name though

