Evil Dead The Game

So this released today, it seems pretty cool if you're a fan of the franchise or bored of DBD I guess.

Anyone playing or DOA?

Attached: evildead.png (642x350, 456.03K)

Idk how many people are online but it's fun.

Only on epic. Its DOA for PC.

It's crazy how having a game on epic is just guaranteed to have 0 hype or traction. It's literally just flopped out of the starting gate for that reason alone. It's probably not even a bad game.


Has nearly overtaken Fortnite in the number of people playing it and this is a newly released game. What the FUCK are you talking about.

>noooo it's not on my social media app nooooo

Played the tutorial and a vs ai yesterday. actually had fun. loling at all the fags crying DEAD BY DAYLIGHT it's not like DBD at all, even has single player missions

Anyone expecting DBD is going to be extremely disappointed, it isn't like that at all
A good thing however, as that game of tag was getting fucking boring

good morning sirs!

They made a good choice of having cross play from the beginning. I get that it is launch day but I haven't had to wait more than 30 seconds for a match.
It's pretty fun if you are into janky asynchronous horror games like dbd or Friday the 13th

fucking loving it, even the single player missions are great.

Have you played the demons yet?

So are you guys aware that the cracked version can play online?
Idk how long this will last but go pirate and play it lol

Looking up gameplay it seems kind of simple, just chainsaw spam and then shotgun blast anything heavier than a regular deadite, granted I stopped after two missions because I didn't want to spoil it. Seems more like something you get on sale with the boys and crush in a weekend as an excuse to chat and hang out.

Oh there is single player? Is it just DBD but with bots?

I was expecting it to be more of a friday the 13th clone but they added a ton more shitty pve stuff, none of which plays well

Demons feel ridiculously OP unless the whole team communicate, which isn't common. I only managed to win once because I'm pretty sure the dude didn't know how to level up and do stuff. Every other time has been a stomping.

These threads reminded me I'm a deadhead but damn if I dont want to use the Epic Store.

I'm enjoying it. I fucking sucked ass the one time I played as the demon though; but I think I can see a lot of where I went wrong. Survivor isn't too difficult as long as your group is half competent. All the characters have reasonably interesting abilities which is nice.

There's matches where you play as a survivor and you have AI teammates and fight an AI demon. Then there's also a handful of single player missions where you get different objectives and it plays differently from normal matches; like in the first mission you run around a section of the map to go to get the amulet from the movies, then get a shovel, dig up Linda's head, and then go over to destroy it in the work shed. Main purpose of the missions is to unlock some characters, skins, and lore tapes explaining how everyone got summoned together to make the game sort of fit in canon. You don't get character or player experience with either.

>i'm going to pretend steam being bloated with features is worse than epic being barebones and shitty

The demon has more win conditions than the players and I think they tried to balance it in mind of all 4 players having their butts in a row. There is no way to 1v1 the boss monster for example, you need 2 or 3 players right there fighting all at once to get rid of him.

As someone who hasn't seen Evil Dead(Watching it today), what are the chances of more demons? Or is this every one in the series ingame?