This was supposed to be the last dlc and by extent the final boss in new vegas and we get this mirrored looking ass...

This was supposed to be the last dlc and by extent the final boss in new vegas and we get this mirrored looking ass that can’t stop talking about bears

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Lonesome Road is the worst Fallout DLC across all Fallouts.

Avellone thought it was vitally important you know how much he hates Fallout now

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Avellone was right. Fallout world has become too developedC it’s barely post apocalyptic anymore, the NCR has better living conditions then niggers in Africa in real life

That would be Mothership Zeta. Definitely the worst NV dlc though.

At least I had fun with how stupid Mothership Zeta was. I had exactly 0 fun with Lonesome Road.

All four of the new vegas dlcs are a slog.

Operation anchorage is, don't be a cunt.
Honest hearts is also worse

>it’s barely post apocalyptic
It never was in the first place

And you'd think a retard who started writing for the series on the second game, when it was balls deep in post-post-apocalypse would understand that. A retard who loved the series so much he wrote the Fallout Bible.

No, I'm afraid it's even more stupid that that. He's just mad he has no control over it and had nothing to do with the fundamentals of New Vegas outside some ideas for Van Buren that were changed by other writers.


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The only good DLC's are old world blues and dead money.

It did have the best armor in the game that didn't have a cute A.I in it, though.

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>Fallout world has become too developed
Dude, the USA is the size of a fucking continent and we've only explored what, 3, 4 cities?. If you want to do an extremely apocalyptic game, just drop anything close to California and move your setting to Wyoming or whatever.

I loved Fallout 3 but whoever made that pic is a schizo.

>plastic tacticool crap strapped on over a duster
you have abysmal taste

Unrelated to the bull and bear man, but I've just made a new character thinking that an unarmed run would be pretty fun. Turns out it's shit, it's extremely dull to play and I'm already in the Strip so I know that if I restart the game now, I'll just drop it out of boredom.

Yea, much like the regular game also. Fuck Fallout, so incredibly overrated

>guys lets play Melee/Unarmed in the game that takes place in almost entirely a flat desert with no sprint button!
Really man?

This dude has filtered more anons this his mask has filtrated radiation by this point

Ulysses is just Kreia 2. Writer insert who just wants to bitch about how bad the setting is but can't offer any solutions other than nihilist whining.

I've already done guns, heavy guns and energy weapons. Felt like trying out something new. Should have gone with explosives.
>with no sprint button
Why on earth would I play vanilla NV? Being able to sprint doesn't make unarmed any more enjoyable, though.