Attached: chuck.jpg (700x873, 148.46K)


Attached: The-perefect-Mario.jpg (700x933, 70.37K)

completely fucking bastardized the subdued look of the original

is that a painting? looks pretty nice

it’s a painting. relax.


Why don't we have 3D games that look like moving paintings

Epic! I too browse r/gaming.

it would be really annoying to play

Eye melting

amazing stone path

Attached: file.png (206x241, 106.03K)

Skyward sword

Okami, but it's a PS2 game so the models and render distance could be better.

TF2's art style went for a very impressionistic look before they fucked it up with hats

stop exaggerating jesus christ. everytime somebody posts a crappy redesign theres always a retard saying THIS IS LITERARY ARTISTIC GENOCIDE its just a bad painting calm down son.

I tried my best to kinda get the feeling of the original back.

Attached: 900hoursinphotoshop.png (688x427, 537.74K)

It just really depends how it's done
I think it would be very doable

Attached: out.webm (640x480, 546.66K)

Washed out undersaturation doesn't look good
I'm sorry you are so offended by colors

>the subdued look
Kill yourself

we did, but nobody bought it. then it got a miracle steam port last year, and still nobody bought it.

Attached: 20.png (1920x1080, 2.99M)

Well I did say I tried to replicate the original. Kokiri Forest has a kinda foggy look to it.

this looks so awesome

Yeah, for some reason braindead people think MORE = BETTER
Literally why Monster Hunter Rise looks better than Monster Hunter World, it understands where the focus should be despite weaker hardware

Attached: world rise.jpg (2800x2235, 3.52M)


So you can't point out it's ugly? Kokiri is a shadowy place with a thick fog that hides it

Oops, not 3D.

zelda on the cdi

that face is just straight up young goku/akira toriyama sameface

>Monster Hunter Rise looks better than Monster Hunter World
Stop using cherrypicked images please!

those baras look like they're going to fuck

>game that was meant to run on 1080p at least, is a upscaled 480p picture
>game that was made for a handheld is the upscaled 4k picture

At least try to hide that you're dishonest

Dark Souls

what game?

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron

Never heard about it

Maybe they should have invested in marketing as well...

I should stop fucking with this, I got work to do.

Attached: 901hoursinphotoshop.png (688x427, 523.97K)

>animated painting as pre-rendered

Could be cool desu