You thought you did, but you didn't

You thought you did, but you didn't.

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I played it and had fun and I will play wrath

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I always knew that TBC was shitty, lacked content and was basically like any other expansion just easier and lamer though.
Vanilla was at least unique.

>class changes

I thought I did, and I did. I'm enjoying the Sunwell. It's been a pleasant change of pace compared to how boring and easy every other piece of content was outside of Vashj.

>tfw raid disbanded days before sunwell release
Not sure how to cope. I already missed out on doing this raid in original TBC.

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>want a bike
>you get a bicycle
>see? you didn't wanted it

I didn't think I wanted it, and I wasn't wrong. Checkmate

You make such a thread on this, the day after Sunwell's release?

>"M'uru is going to be a huge challenge"
>Entire SWP gets cleared in under one hour day 1
What did Classic copers mean by this? What's the next "big challenge" that will get inevitably killed on day 1 showing once again how pathetically easy boomer content was?

>cleared in an hour by people who spent multiple days progressing on the PTR
durr durr durr

Muru is still difficult but raids are using strats that people didn’t use back in the day.

>"big challenge" that will get inevitably killed on day 1
Definitely Sarth3d. I would imagine Firefighter and Yogg+0 to still be difficult, but I haven't played any WotLK private servers, maybe they're a joke now

>entire soulsborne series beaten without taking a single hit

lol and ppl say these games are hard

I thought I didn't want level 58 boosts and I didn't.
>wotlk level 70 boost
Dead in a week

WoWbucks are notorious liars and copers

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what was the point of expanding on Classic? like, "hey, we gave you the original untainted experience, now let's fuck it up all over again".

PTR was a mistake. T5 was great fun, even with the KT aggro bug.

>But it's so your friends can join you in the fun without the pesky boring leveling!
I fucking hate nuBlizz. Why can't the old games just be the old games without them trying to shove their cock down my throat

Ptr is just free play testing from the devs. You work for blizzard for free if you play that garbage

I realized that a year ago when I spent 4 hours in Kara bored out of my fucking mind. Haven't touched it since.


Blizzard is cashing in on people's nostalgia because they've proven in the past ten years they can't create anything of worth.

Reminder that the people who designed and created Vanilla WoW were no longer/bullied out of the company by Legacy of Steel Everquest poopsockers by the time it launched. It's why TBC and WOTLK don't stand up on their own today. BC and WoTLK coasted on Vanilla's success.

Fuck raid niggers.

This isn’t even counting the thousand of unironic boomers who play on PVE servers like Mankrik and have never entered a raid

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Uh bro if you factor in alts...

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Not everyone is a sweaty who raids on multiple characters

I knew I didn't.

Left my chars in classic.