Bloodborne is as flawed as Elden Ring, perhaps even more so

Bloodborne is as flawed as Elden Ring, perhaps even more so.

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BB is a much better game. It's not full of constantly repeating bosses. The dogshit levels are also sent to the Chalice Dungeon toilet, while ER sprinkles them all over the game.

dark souls 2/3/elden ring bunker tranny detected


absolutely filtered

Elden Rings bosses aren't inconsistent. They're just shit.

>Can play through randomly generated dungeons
>They all feel kinda different

>Elden Ring
>Can play through all these different dungeons
>They all feel and look the same despite all being handmade by someone


Even with incosistent bosses, repetitive content and inconsistent 30fps with framepacing issues Bloodborne is still a better game than Elden Ring.

imagine being this gay

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I don't play 30fps ANYTHING. I'm not a peasant.

Well at least I do have a chance of getting some good blood gems in the chalice dungeons, while in elden ring I know I'm just gonna get another useless pokemon.

Only bad boss there is witches of hemwick, only boss i would gladly skip every run if it weren't for the workshop tool. The other bosses are just easy, not necessarily bad, and Micolash is legendary i love that fucking dude.

>witches of hemwick
I really liked that boss desu.

I would fuck her boney ass

Based redditor

Both are easily two of the best games ever made

Elden Ring is a better game but Bloodborne has a better unique aesthetic.

>genuinely enjoy running random chalice dungeons and seeing what kind of neat gems I might get
>Absolutely fucking despise every grave/catacomb/whatever side dungeon in elden ring
Idk lol Bloodborne is just better

Im a fan too to be honest. It's easy enough that you can power through them with no problem but the atmosphere is incredibly kino

>isn't le prepare to die reddit tranny pandering
>reddit trannies predictably don't like it
filtered, BB carries on the spirit of DeS, and DaS, before the bamco suits ruined the franchise with their ad campaign with "prepare to die" garbage.

>bloodborne has flaws
>elden ring has flaws
>they must be the same quality!

Lol half of BB's bosses are unceremoniously dumped into Chalice Dungeon bosses. ER's minor dungeons, apart from being much better designed, have actual good items to find, and more manageable than the endless slog that were chalice dungeons, they are organically on the world map instead of just teleported to from the same hub.

Name one bad Boss in Bloodborne you can't the game is perfect. It's a love letter to Lovecraft.

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Watchdog of the Old Lords

>optional bosses

Kill yourself

Attached: anactualretardwillsaytherightisbetter.png (1200x1025, 214.07K)