That investor meeting was a fucking black pill and a half

How the fuck do we save gaming?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Make ESG investment illegal so companies stop making shit games the market doesn’t want

AAA games and consoles have all sucked since the Xbone/Ps4
Yes that included what Nintendo shits out
Indies are the only things worth playing and even then a good indie game is hard to find
Let gaming die.

Indie games suck ass. Either they're clones of 8/16 bit games or they're SJW BLM bullshit. The "indies are saving gaming" narrative is long dead.

Don't worry, user. Sony is leading game dev renaissance:

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indies are trash faggot, 99% of them are just recycled ideas of the past and 1% does something relatively decent.
If you want to be "niche gamer" go emulate DS games or something

Look at that chart. Sony isn't leading anything. PS4 peaked, and will be surpassed by the Switch. PS5 is doing worse especially when Sony's offering sucks and they lack games.

Gaming is too far gone to ever be saved FUCK!

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After Jimbo meets with Black@PS 10 more times and funds a St. Floyd statue in front of PS HQ, PS5 will sell 100 million in a month. Trust the plan

>Waaah indies bad!
seethe harder

>Waaah indies bad!
Unironically yes

>no argument

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Just make central banking illegal and call it a day

>Sony is leading game dev renaissance
based sony crashing the industry

>99% of them are just recycled ideas of the past and 1% does something relatively decent.

So AAA games?

Pretty much. AAA games and indie games suffer form similar problems despite the massive differences in budgets.

no, indieshit does it way worse.
They take some old ass game that everyone loves and try to make a copy with different paint, obviously failing miserably.
It sucks

What investor meeting? What I miss? I spent the morning fapping to Camilla again.

No one wants your global homo CalArts zelda ripoff

The PS2 was only at 90 million by year 5?

How the fuck did that thing have such legs?

You're a dumbass

I think OP is mad about this
I don't know why though.

>best selling games are just games that are fun to play instead of "interactive" pretty movies
surprise surprise

I have to give credit to Ring Fit for being up in the top 10.

Imagine sucking AAA corporate dick. Like cheering on Amazon or McDonald’s.

At least they're games. Better than movies with walking simulator "gameplay".

free market chud :^)

Third worlders bought the ps2 10 years after release

the ps3 was so bad people kept buying ps2s for quite a while

You are in denial. It's okay man, the red pill on indies was a hard on for me to swallow too.

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