Post game mechanics that make no fucking sense

Post game mechanics that make no fucking sense.

Attached: Rail_signal_entity.png (300x300, 251.39K)

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brainlet, it's just one fucking rule, signals on the right

What game??

Attached: safe safety.webm (1280x720, 2.46M)



Attached: factorio_1IQkKNHrgR.png (1578x683, 1.82M)


Green light = there is no train in the segment ahead of me, you may pass!

Red light = there is a train in the segment ahead if me, please stop!
What is so hard to get?

i wish i knew how to make mods

I just made a mod yesterday for early construction bots. Got them to build out of inventory which I feel is quite an achievement since the game has no support for that (unless you get an armor module and I wanted to avoid modular armor altogether).

What mod are you thinking of making?

Attached: factorio_zoepCLQyus.png (1125x725, 521.69K)

How do I pump petrol and water?
This game is so hard

Gonna have to play someone else's :)

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the zoomers have named it Factorio

pipes, power and storage

But what do you have to reasearch to do it?
I have a chemical plant but I dont know where to get oil from

That was exactly my reaction. Decided to play after a while and AAI industry is just cancer. Went with Krastorio, tons of fun.

There are oil deposits on the map. Small pink squares. Each deposit is as big as about a gun turret.

go back up the TT stupid and try and reuse the stuff you already have. You are able to get them well before chem plant so look it over.
Yes, oil and water is needed

Passive poise

Attached: Passive poise roll catch.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

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I'm going to kill you

Oh I see I'll keep exploring then
This game is so scary, those bugs are FAST

How do you make those machines have yellow red green colors?

They're pink on the map, on the main screen they are black puddles. Also radar explores a large area around it automatically for you.

You better never attempt to make a driving license dude, it the concept of green/yellow/red lights makes no sense to you

>How do I pump petrol and water?
Use pumps.


Attached: 11.png (786x508, 923.84K)

The throughput of this thing is going to be slower than crafting everything by hand, great job.

>make so much fucking sense

Based main bus enjoyer.

>Decided to play after a while and AAI industry is just cancer
What's it do?

Playing a new game.
Permanent, pitch black night so no solar; icy biome with occasional hotspots/volcanic pockets.
Frost biters, armored biters, and explosive biters spawning in volcanic spots
If you can't make the game interesting past launching a rocket, make getting to the rocket harder, and give yourself a secondary goal. This is an Island terrain, which means there is a finite number of biters. I kill all the biters.

Attached: screenshot-tick-425914.png (1366x768, 1.75M)

Any other useful mods?

Just fucking coal, coal, coal. I did not want coal. I did not want to build fucking burner everything and deliver coal everywhere by belts, but it needs so much research to get out of burner that you have to.

Here's what I have:
Even distribution
Factory Planner
Rate Calculator
Recipe Book

Krastorio2 is a good content mod
Warptorio2 turns the game into something entirely different

That looks like a C&C Red Alert screenshot from the thumb.

fuck you user, I want it as a PVP mod now

Careful, you'll summon the guy who wanted it to become a RTS.

No it doesn't.

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wat game

biters just aren't fun tho

OpenTTD signal blocks.

>what is robot army
It is already an RTS.

Yes, literally. One of the Factorio devs is also an OpenTTD contributor.

user, this is a blue board

nobody made a mod for what i wanted to make

I've beaten it like 5 times and not once touched the circuit network

What did you want to make!

Based peaceful mode enjoyer

My one serious use for it was activating oil cracking plants when light or heavy were nearing full capacity.

Killing them is fun, though.

>Tech up to trains
>Lose all interest in factories, efficiency, objectives etc.
>haha train go choo choo
>play Hornby for the following 100 hours

I used them for uranium enrichment.

Literally just download OpenTTD my dude, it's free.

I can't fucking bring myself to use trains, belts are so easy.

OpenTTD doesn't let you ride or drive the trains, though.

thats until you have a mammoth main bus and have to do 16-lane balancers

But it does let you build a Turing-complete computer using signal blocks.

i wanted to make a series of train puzzles like the ingame train puzzle tutorials

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- oils cracking and managing liquid levels
- kovarex enrichment
- enabling/disabling train stations
- rail crossing doors open/close
- powering/cutting power to whole factory areas if buffers are full and there's no need to idly draw power
just some examples for what I use them, true that you can "finish" the game without using them once though

That's not trains, though.

buy mashinky

chris sawyer's locomotion

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I think he means using trains for actually doing the computing bit.

you need to make 10 times more shit to craft a single science pack

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Do those let you drive the train, or just control them? That is an important distinction.
Not the original trainposter, but: Factorio not only lets you make train routes, automate schedules, lay track and signals and so on - but it's all from the perspective of your little dude that you're in control of, and then if you want to you can get in the train and drive it, or ride it as it travels between stops.

Both let you drive the train, though only via an easter egg in the case of Locomotion.
No little dude manually placing track though.

Its actually really fucking simple, peopleare just fucking trash at explaining it.


i don't know if i want to strangle or complement you

OpenTTD would be a lot better if the cargo payment equations actually encourages setting up supply networks instead of just picking up passangers on one corner of the map and dropping them off on the other corner.

Yeah it's sorta dumb and makes planes retard strong.

Belts lolz

Attached: fact10.png (1204x765, 2.72M)

Good choice. It feels like a reasonable extension of the base game without really adding anything uniquely different. It's just Factorio+... and you get waifu main menu art.


>splitter -> undies -> splitter
Nani the fuck?

I am a genius
Oh no!

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What am I looking at?

Eh - I'd still class that as different. I've watched some gameplay of Mashinky, and though yes it seems like you have the ability to drive the train, it's not necessary: you're still just a floating omnipotent sky god.
I think more generally that's why I like Factorio - in addition to being about setting up all these huge automated networks, you still play as this little dude. You're not invulnerable, you can be killed by biters or fire or getting run over by your own trains. Once you get advanced enough, sure, you CAN transcend mortal limits and construct an army of robot spiders that carry smaller robots to build and attack things remotely, but until that point (and even after, in some cases) you'll need to get from one place to another to do stuff. It makes it feel like more of an accomplishment; I'm not some disembodied god presence, I'm this guy who did it all.

Attached: shuttle.webm (1364x768, 2.79M)

when train arrive at green, train go past
when train go past green, green turn red
when train go past another green, previous red turn green (except if previous red is chain signal)
when train arrive at red, train stop
you now know literally everything there is to know about this mechanic

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Looks like krastorio module production

>spent like an hour spamming these things and the blue signals all over the track until it works randomly
Fucking hate the train system


Just module production with Krastorio's advanced 4x4 machines. It takes 4 lanes of blue, red, green circuits and circuit parts and outputs a level 3 speed module about once every three seconds. Lanes continue so I can tile those for other modules. One of those 4x4 machines kitted with modules and beacons is about as powerful as about 10-30 vanilla crafting machines. Completely consumes the bottom lane of circuit parts. The mod that shows the UI is Rate Calculator.

maybe you would like it if you understood it

what about yellow

What is the use though

Brainlet lol

It shares uranium

you didn’t beat the game.

chain signals prevent trains from shitting up intersections
always place them before each spot where two tracks intersect
use normal signals when the track ahead is free of intersections
literally all there is to know about intersections

yellow is just the cosmetic animation when turning from green to red
it can be used with circuit network to detect incoming trains
no functional significance for trains

Explosive biters are bullshit and you will end up disabling the mod because there's no way to prevent them from blowing up your wall after they evolve past a certain point

Factorio has no win condition you silly.

Apprently, this may be a part of a completely legit build, known as "The Sushi Belt".
I think this tooWith the right set of logic circuits, this can work very efficiently, in fact it can basically break the game entirely.
I'm too much of a brainlet to figure out how exactly it works - from what little I can tell, you use circuits to only let items on the belt when a machine or inserter for that machine signals it's going to need them, so the thing does not clog up.

I already did a game with them - you're right that they do suck once you get to endgame, but this time around they'll only spawn on the very rare volcanic spots; and I've disabled cluster spit projectiles and the Mother spitters, because they're the worst part.

There's various settings and mods to nerf passengers/make them harder (cargodist is a fav) and you can also just disable planes or make them prohibitely expensive

Completely legit and completely terrible with throughput compared to specialized belts.

>With the right set of logic circuits, this can work very efficiently, in fact it can basically break the game entirely.
not really, it's a awful for throughput
it can be useful in a mod with absurd recipes but in vanilla a basic bitch bus is superior

sus hi belts just means it loops back on itself.

Factorio but also Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe

For vanilla would it be worthwhile for bot frames and satellites, since they need like 4-5 ingredients?

Good luck
I'm playing Space Exploration too so defensive tech is slowed down and Rampant to make biters a lot smarter, explosive biters were simply not manageable when they reached behemoth

This is what happens when you don't give your children OTTD, they grow up to be slobbering fucking retards.

>it can be useful in a mod with absurd recipes
Did someone say pyanodon?

Attached: red circuit.png (421x533, 111.19K)


the point of a sushi belt is that it's a large base-encompasing thing able to distribute any item to anywhere else, you wouldn't set it up for a single recipe
but sure, you can do it small scale like that to learn circuit logic I guess

Dorf RTS iirc

How do I make graphics like this as an amateur game dev?

From what I can see on the picture it blocks input into main belt when there aren't any of those items in the main belt nearby, so that one machine does not clog the whole belt with its goods, and that's it.

Yeah, the behemoths suck.
I might honestly just nerf their health as well, so they're still dangerous from exploding but not UBER strong as well (like, moreso than armored biters - they could tank nukes after a certain point).

Because I think I heard someone say pyanodon.

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>sus hi belts just means it loops back on itself.
Not what I've heard, but I'm hardly an expert on this.
I just recently watched a couple of really interesting challenge runs of Factorio, done by a guy who apparently is an engineer. One of the chalenges was a burner-only run, a custom made mod where every machine - including all inserters, assemblers, chem plants, pumpjacks etc... required coal to run.
He started by saying that with one exception (which was feeding end-game science to labs), he will avoid sushi belts because it would remove any challenge from the run.
He later on explains what he means by a sushi belt and demonstrates in function on the science setup, but god I am too thick to understand the explanation.

People use sushi belts just for bringing science to labs all the time, it's the only common use for them

DoshDoshington? He has some good stuff.

Yeah, I noticed that as well. I think the more efficient and common version is to have the circuits connected to the inserter than the belt in front of the inserter though.

>grow up to be

That's... retarded

a bit gimmicky too imo since you can just chain labs together with inserters, but hey so long as they have fun with it

>Not what I've heard, but I'm hardly an expert on this.
To be fair, it's also the main use of them, since with any normal belt with 2 ingredients there's no reason to loop it back on itself and it only makes it harder.

Factorio is just CnC where you play as engineer instead of general.

Yellow just means a train has a block reserved. This is because trains take time to come to a complete stop so they do all their signal evaluation some distance ahead of the signal. It still behaves as Green for the train reserving the blocks, or red for a train encountering a reserved block.

Yeah sushi is never optimal, it looks good for science tho since it makes a pretty rainbow belt

It definitely scratches the itch I got from playing C&C as a kid, playing in skirmish mode (1 easy AI vs me and another easy AI) and spending all my time turtling and building a massive base instead of fighting the enemy.

Of course he does. He's from here after all

What the heck? The route changed mid circuit?

Yep, that would be the one. I find him quite fascinating, in the same way I find watching some youtube chanels about chemistry fascinating. Normally, I don't watch playthroughs for any games, but watching him coming up with shit like the god damn refueling trains on the burner-only run is just mesmerizing.
Keep in mind I'm true lol social studies and art type of person. To me, this might as well be magic.

uhh yeah it does there's even an achievement for it, launch one rocket.

Factorio is completely gimped by the shitty character/bot loop. After a certain point expanding is a slog and gameplay is mostly waiting

That's because he can just insert coal when it's depleted instead of having to deal with belt merging and various logistical challenges with delivering coal every where. Normally a sushi belt means that 1 belt (15 items/sec) is having to deliver everything you need instead of just 1 ingredient.

Yeah, I watched the no-belt run this week, amazing stuff.
Don't skip on Factorio though if you are, even if you're a brainlet STEM wise; you can launch a rocket without ever doing math.

I don't think you're playing it right. Most of the time I spent is building and building, not waiting.

>expanding is a slog
You're not doing it correctly. If you don't have an automated supply train that's on you.

That's just the beginning mate.

How do you expand without putting down roboports, radars and poles? It's extremely timeconsuming because of how bots fetch items and distance keeps increasing

this is (you)

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