I feel the urge to get back into WoW again. Retail or Classic? Or is it just not worth it anymore

I feel the urge to get back into WoW again. Retail or Classic? Or is it just not worth it anymore
I could probably drag some friends to play with me

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>I could probably drag some friends to play with me

No, step away from this literal insanity and don't poison your friends

9.2 is fun if you wanna chill with a fun questline

obviously it isnt worth it you moron. i hope you log in and feel that immediate regret wash over you, you dumb addicted faggot.

>i hope you log in and feel that immediate regret
that's what happened to me and at this time I knew my addiction was cured to this shit game.
Was a little bit mad that I wasted money for a few minutes.

don't do it. do something else with your lifeclock

Play on a private server you retard.
It's free.

just play ascenion instead, scratches the itch and gives you something new to play around with.

don't, it's not worth, do literally anything else, that game will become more than just a hobby, you will feel obligated to login, even worse if you find friends there, you will play the shitty game just to be with them, just don't, don't do same mistake i did

just play on some shitty wotlk pserver, that was blizzard doesnt get any of your shekels and the game itself is more blizzlike and less p2w than """classic"""" even if the server has a literal cash shop

Private you fucking dumbass

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Why is Any Forums being spammed with shitty wow threads? No one plays this garbage tranny game anymore.

If classic burning crusade has a trial option, do that. You may just have the nostalgia for the early levels. If you get to 20 and still want to keep playing, it's worth paying for a month. Sunwell was just released so we're in the last phase of TBC with WotLK on the docket probably around September.
Retail is not really very fun in my opinion, there's zero challenge and all the classes don't feel interesting. Too much is just handed to you and the world scaling robs you of the feeling of progression. Also, avoid the vanilla servers like the plague; the autism levels are high even for an MMO.

host your own vanilla server, stay away from private circlejerks

Download MaNGOS and don't give money to a company that doesn't care about their own game.

Play a different MMO.


you zoomers might find it hard to believe, but mmos used to be a massive genre a decade ago

Sign the contract, cuck.

>used to be
Yeah, exactly. Get the fuck over it and move on. Classic copers are beyond pathetic.

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no, mmos are all dead.

Retail has scaled leveling which ruins any sense of progression but most people seem to be just fine with.

>scaled levelling
what does that mean

lmao even
imagine being an xivtroon and using this shitty meme contract to bitch about wow
when the entire reason they're adding it to the game is to copy ffxiv

Yes it's FFXIV's fault your game is now controlled by twitter troons. Cope.

why are xiv cultists like this

I dunno dude, I just play private RO servers or GW2.

>host your own vanilla server
I've always used AzerothCore to compile and host my own WoTLK server, what should I use if I wanna play vanilla?

1-50 keeps mobs at your level. some zones are capped, don't think it scales past 30 in places like elwynn.

literally yes
troons play ffxiv, get hired by blizzard, add troon shit to wow

SL content is putrid garbage, but the leveling is pretty cool now that you have freedom to choose any expansion you wish to go through

classic/TBC have a good bunch of active servers, but I imagine the economy's fucked for newcomers - probably it's best to wait for wotlk

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I just play project ascension now, waiting for wotlk classic to play the golden age of arena

No one mentioned FF14 except you, sperg.

Sounds like you got owned like a little bitch then, wowtroon

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literally the post above his, troon

I quit retail WoW after they added mobs scaling to your gear level. What's the fucking point of even getting better gear when there's an algorithm that ensures it will always take you 17.5 seconds to kill a boar, whether you're in green questing gear or BiS high end raiding gear?
don't care, didn't ask
if I can't delete mobs in 1.5 shadowbolts like in older WoW I will simply not bother at all

>ctrl + f "ffxiv"
>your post comes up first
Not sure why you're lying this desperately. We can clearly see you contradicting yourself.

wow troon? I am not a wow dev
wow is a game made by troons and played by humans, ffxiv is a game made by humans but played by troons

>Or is it just not worth it anymore
Sadly this

It's a shame you have to sub to play. I'm not paying a penny while Blizzard is full of woke retards

The game is shit but that isn't true. gear has a major difference end game in open world and instanced combat, both pve and pvp.

weird cope but you do you, barry

Its just not the same
community changed too much

The worst part is people pretending doing this added any longetivity to the world of past expansions. All it did was fuck up the experience of being there.


Yeah I know about private servers, some are p2w, some get shut down. Too much hassle for a game I've never played but wouldn't mind jumping into with some friends just to fuck around in.

there's a bunch of reeeally long running wotlk servers, I think most of them have their own launchers by now so you dont even need to fuck around with setting the login ip etc

If you don't renew your subscription, almost everything stops at 20 with you.



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most complaints about pservers (bugs, p2w, cheating) are hypocritical because official wow servers are worse in literally every single regard
more bots, more cheaters, more rmt, more bugs
a server like warmane that literally outright allows you to buy shit is less p2w than classic since at least it doesnt have the gdkp meta which means you can actually pug without swiping
as for bugs, I encounter more bugs on classic on a weekly basis than I did in 10 years of playing various pservers in total

i fucking hated gear and level scaling. retail wow sucks ass and classic will never be what it used to be. I have long abandoned this franchise and won't pay blizzard anything more again. I play UO Outlands now which doesn't cost shit

come play ultima, bro (I am )

Been on Ascension for a while, nearly all of the paid stuff is cosmetic, though there are a few "Pay for Convenience" items like Exp-boost auras and the like that are disabled until Server First 60/70s are reached. The only thing I've seen that has any impact in actual gameplay is a cosmetic that gives Moonkin form an astral appearance of your regular character and allows you to keep that form while mounted -- would technically save you 1 GCD in a PvP situation, but that's about the extent of it.

It means you’ve grown out of it. Better late than never

>choose shit because it's better than diarrhea
how about neither?

Just when I thought the copium couldn’t become any more pure, I find this.

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just for this pathetic obsession I am now going to contact the janny on discord to delete the current Any Forums xiv general thread

I dislike ascension on the principle of them not having a WOTLK server despite them advertising one

current state of classic:
>most servers are dead
>the few servers not dead are either completely alliance or completely horde
>leveling is dead, everyone just boosts
>community cares about nothing other than raidlogging or high end pvp, rp is either extremely cringe or all coomers

current state of retail:
>leveling is extremely fast until 50
>current expac leveling is a boring slog that forces you through a linear subpar storyline
>endgame has you grind systems so you can grind more systems (anima, renown, soulbinds, conduits, soul ash, legendaries, archivist codex, cyphers of the first ones)
>new players have to play through the entire covenant campaign which is a long endgame quest chain that doesn't give you anything
>no new content until 10.0, "season 4" will literally just rehash all the previous content
>guilds are pointless and dead if you don't do high end raiding
>community are becoming more and more a bunch of soft sjw faggots and being a bad boy and saying "white people aren't evil" in trade chat when some troon goes off on whites, gets you banned

in short, don't bother. wow's been dying since cataclysm and it's entered its final death spiral with BfA and SL

Just watch some videos instead.

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Well I am sure one of these days someone is going to release a modern MMO that isn't complete dogshit, but until that happens, only options left are official legacy servers for once good MMOs or pservers for those same MMOs.

barry baby settle down you already got your ass blown open by preach on stream

>come play ultima, bro
I don't think Ultima will scratch the itch either. I think MMOs only worked in this very small pocket of early to mid 2000s where the internet was there but people weren't so used to completely taking games apart with wikis

zones up to cataclysm zones scale with you up to level 30.
zones up to mists of pandaria zones scale to 35.
Wod scales to 40. Legion to 45. BfA to 50.
Shadowlands has some scaling in some places, it depends on how you're leveling

gear scaling isn't in the game though, just level scaling. but certain mobs are much weaker or stronger at similar levels

>hurr what is gamefaqs

What about it?

It's cutterntly in development and is available to test-play. As for the other servers, they run on 3.3.5a, which is the WotLK client.

Arcade RPG with an absolute ass-ton of content nowadays. Its all between poor to middling in quality but it has its charm for a short while. Held my attention enough to get to almost the end of the story but thats my fault. I played too many alts.

Respect yourself and don't give blizzard any more money kek.

Did they remove it in Shadowlands? I know for a fact it was a thing in BfA.

i'm pretty sure they removed it during BfA

This guy Madseasonshow, who devoted 18 years of his life on World of Warcraft and made a viral 2 hour video about Blizzard, recommends Final Fantasy XIV.

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no he doesn't

FFXIV is a bad mmo though
it's a single player story (that you HAVE to play through) with multiplayer elements tacked on

Ask if WoW is still popular in this thread

yes, i quit ff14 to go back to tbc to prepare for wotlk and im having a best leveling experience i've ever had because i joined a very nice social guild

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No updated good looking Worgen=No play


If I'm gonna play a wow clone I'll just play gw2 which I already play
I am interested in wotlk servers though. I tried vanilla+ and really liked that since I never got to play wow as a kid cause nobody had good computers so we all played RuneScape
Finally sick of jamflex fucking up the whole game so I'm trying to get into more wow servers to see what I missed

>being a furfaggot

I just resubbed a few hours ago, shadowlands isn't THAT bad but it's nowhere near as good as other expacs. If I were you I'd just wait until dragonflight, or at least until they release the loot changes with 9.3 in a few months.

>being a skinfaggot

you ff14troons do realize ur game has been dead since asmongod has stopped playing your shit game right?

XIV killed your game, wow troons

And soon the Riot MMO will be another wow clone to execute wow once and for all

jokes on you i wear demon armor bitch

the only thing that killed WoW is WoW itself


They said that with new world and crowfall and ashes of creation
As cool as it would be to have an actual wow killer, nothing can kill wow but wow itself

it doesnt matter how many buzzwords you spam, ffxiv is a bad mmo

Fair enough man. Well, it's very social and fun over here so if you ever fancy, join. It's free anyway and no p2w (on Outlands - official is a different story...)

>Well I am sure one of these days someone is going to release a modern MMO that isn't complete dogshit,
MMORPGs took off when they did as they did in part because it was the first time they were accessible to retards or normalfags too high on their own farts to enjoy roleplay or even just let themselves sink into a setting and enjoy the immersion. Everyone has been skinnerboxed out on what we've got now, the weird old autistic fuckers who actually enjoyed MMORPGs are slowly becoming the only ones who still want to play them and the favorite MMOs from the explosion of accessibility are dying in a puddle of their own vomit. Skyrim did it to the Elder Scrolls series. The same thing just happened with elden ring, the second the new game was accessible even to bottom barrel retards it exploded like none of the older games despite playing almost identically. We are the old men sitting at the bar talking about how fucking good it used to be wish those days will come back or that we'll get just one more hurrah. MMORPGs are a bygone era in video games and will soon be spoken of in documentaries in the past tense.

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Is this new way to market your tranny game by posting same questions every day


Don't give money to blizzard, download and make your own single player server with bots. Make up your party of 5 and have fun that way, its a different kind of fun and adventure

>don't do it. do something else with your lifeclock
lifeclock? interesting expression
did you come up with it?

on-topic: wow is dead, it's a waste of time and the story has been completely butchered after TBC
wotlk sucks ass and that gay nigger boy that replaced the lich king is a homo that I don't give a fuck about

it's just not worth it any more


FF14 killed it, bro. Even your /vg/ general is fucking dead with FF14 players shitposting in it.

>another boomer not good enough to handle m+ or something
didnt ask

Check out Turtle WoW.

BC is boring dogshit
Every minute spent in karazhan in TBC classic is a minute I wish I had spent doing anything else

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tranny server

>XIV killed your game, wow troons
wow literally lives rent free in your head. It's honestly pathetic

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wow is a trans game

>Anonymous 05/13/22(Fri)12:50:02 No.598828095
let's avoid this time wasting niggerbabble and agree that wow sucks ass
its story is atrocious
graphics are shit
game mechanics are ass
playerbase is nigger baby tier

lets agree to agree, right niggerbros?

There is no reason to play retail. Just saying. Do what you want though.

hmm I think you're right, I actually agree with you
vanilla wow was the only good wow and that's only because we felt it had potential

ff14 is a tranime game

because all wow trannies moved to it

I dont need to watch the video to know its about him being sour and just like most wow addicts they migrate so they can get their bump, because their previous coke dealer mixed in too much shit. The current one does that too, but just to a lesser extent.
Playinh any mmo now is just choosing the lesser evil. It sucks.

literal mentally ill subhuman
just kill yourself

Will blizzardjews give me free transfer off dead server for my classic char when Wrath comes out ?

tranny genre

i played it and don't remember a damn thing
Zerith Mortis felt so empty

Pay up, piggie

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