Unironically, what went wrong?

Unironically, what went wrong?

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Like most indie/crowdfunding failures, far too ambitious for its own good.
It wanted to be Terraria but bigger, but ended up having less shit to do on an infinite number of identical worlds than Terraria has in one.

combat is shit
building is shit
game runs like shit
game looks like shit
grind is shit
story is shit
female characters make me diamonds

something something the guy who made it was gaslighting people into working for free for him

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you knew what you were getting into before you bought it

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>200 out of 1032 total
Jesus fucking christ, why'd they do this?

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That's not really fair, considering this was their first project.

With a name as retarded as chucklefish you knew it was gonna suck.

thread ends here
this is the actual answer, everything else is wrong/shitposting

Unironically women.

Is it really? I thought they published quite a few indiegames

Its still bizarre to me how the just decided to shove that shitty story into it. They did it so late in development too; I wonder what their reasoning was.

Pulled a reverse NMS. Credits where credit is due. You have to be pretty talented in incompetence to do that.

the game had been pretty much abandoned by that point so my guess is they just shit out whatever they could so they could remove the early access tag and get one last cash injection before dropping it forever

Yet the instanced storyparts are still better content than the trash they call exploration and progression

>we will never get starbound but good
fuck this timeline, *nglish people should be banned from touching electronics

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>>we will never get starbound but good
Hello, retard??

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No craftable ammo types to experiment with. If a gun fired incendiary rounds, that's all it'd do. Terraria had a shit ton of ammo types that required different materials.
Ships are just glorified container vessels. You can't make you spaceship block by block. None of the devs apparently saw how this feature could be a huge seller, especially in a game who has its roots in Minecraft. Not that it matters, despite some of the ships having visible guns there were no space battles at launch. The closes to it was when they added mechs and you could use them in short combat segments.
You are a member of their version of Starfleet and later revealed to be the chosen one. Also the villain is a human supremacist who aids a evil alien in destroying Earth which is as confusing as it sounds. You can not start as a Floran and join a Floran tribe who likes capturing people to eat them or be a Avian and serve the bird church. This is why the story being shoved in is shit.
They serve as truck stops, nothing more. You land, gather resources and leave. Honestly I don't how you'd solve this issue since the core of the game is exploring the universe. If a planet doesn't have the resources I want then I won't bother.

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I agree that the missions themselves are fun, but the writing and story progression outside of those sucks ass.

>You are a member of their version of Starfleet
Fuck this gay ass shit so much
I miss in the Beta when all the Races were racist as shit to eachother.

Remember when they wanted to give each race its own intro? They probably figured it was too much work and went the easy route via the creation of the Protectorate, which in order to work they had to make the aliens friendlier towards each other.

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>Make a game clearly about exploration
>Sell it to the nesting crowd
>Change everything about combat every week
>Uninspired art direction

not the same, although terraria should have some space exploration mod at this point
I don't understand how still noone made a starbound clone but good, it's literally a goldmine waiting to be emptied

There was actually a time when several Starbound clones were in development but like the Minecraft clones before theme they all failed to deliver and eventually the fad faded.

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honestly starbound was fun for making neat little builds but even with it's cute artstyle it can't get passed how barren the actual game is

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The one good thing to come from the game

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You will never get any more content with your plant waifus
they will forever be discarded by a fedora wearing retard that thought rotating new interns in to make a game and discarding them when they realized they've been scammed was a good development cycle

same as it ever was, listened to reddit
here's another victim

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Pretty much this. It's harder to make games than most of Any Forums thinks, and that's why years of effort results in failures or games like Starbound - neat idea but lacking on implementation.

t. dev with a game on steam that has a 88% positive rating

This one still pisses me off to this day. Fucking fagex bought it just to run it straight into the ground. And even though Build and Shoot exists now the community never came back.


Avians are better

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way too distracting
i was so into terraria and i was hyped for it
once i played i instantly lost interest

The person who was doing the vast majority of all the lore was thrown out because Ty's girlfriend was a colossal bitch.
This mass removal coincides with the massive turnaround of "interns" who did the overwhelming majority of the work on the chance of getting a foot into "game development", not knowing that they would be used when convenient, then all their work more or less halted, and they get ghosted.
The problem Ty didn't take into consideration, people talk, and word very quickly got around that Starbound's dev team, isn't. So Ty very quickly put together whatever he had to make a "game" and threw it out the door.
Rumor is that the reason the entire bounty hunter thing took so long is that he had to go back, find, and beg the original programmer for help, because Starbound's code is complete spaghetti.
Ty was known from when he worked with Red on Terraria. It's part of the reason why one rumor is that Red did a chunk of Starbound's code himself, and Ty was little more than an Idea Guy.

Avali are better

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I got 500 hours out of it alone about 200 with friends so I consider it money well spent. Impossible to replay though without mods like FU

What games have you shipped? What context do you have to understand how much work it is to make a game?
I'm not saying that it's a good game, I don't like it, but I acknowledge that a lot of effort and work went into it.

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>once i played i instantly lost interest
Similar. Something about the characters, something about the lack of freedom (at least in the beginning). It felt like I was forced to play it the way THEY wanted. With terraria it felt like an adventure, I can do whatever the fuck I want and be successful. Just build, just attack, just loot, just explore, and it all yielded great and fun results.

Starbound was like
"do this specific thing, and do it the way I want you to" and I was like "idk, maybe later" so I got stuckish. Then bored.

They cared too much about pushing propaganda and not enough about guns and alien babes

Tiy really shot this game in both it's feet.

except he didn't use a gun, he thinks guns are boring

Its like he felt forced to use a sci-fi theme because then people would call it a shameless Terraria copycat but still didn't commit to it regardless.
I remember when they said there'd be no magic but then they added staves which function the same.

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>What games have you shipped? What context do you have to understand how much work it is to make a game?
lol no one's going to reveal what games they worked on on Any Forums
but the one dev team I observed was 1000 times more functional than what we saw from starbound
starbound's development should be considered a disgrace in game development and that's a high bar to meet
real devs set goals and work towards it with long term members and discuss it with a "professional" tone, starbound's dev comes off as a bunch of children playing pretend where they approached concerns about purposely gutting content with "I'M the game developer and I'M the one making the decisions >:(" just look at and base their decisions on factors outside of what's good for their game
the entire intern fiasco shows how little they cared about properly developing a game it's a surprise it got released at all with how dysfunctional the team was

also another user just posted the gun screencap which is another example of how immature they were with development

>starbound's dev comes off as a bunch of children playing pretend
I wished I saved those pics of the inside of their office building. People made fun of it because it looked like a child's room.

The revolving door of unpaid labor.

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>torrent them instead
if only they were even worth the effort

>The puppy

>the arenas you build are forever useful
...for the one boss that'll enrage/despawn the second you leave the biome. and then once you get some gear crafted you don't even need the arena anymore.
this is one of the biggest fucking problems with terraria for me, having to build a fucking arena in every fucking biome every run. so tedious.

thanks for reminding me

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the puppy didn't die bro it just... changed breeds, yeah

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They posted a pic of a puppy sleeping in a box next to a power outlet. Later pics showed a dog of the same name but it looked different. Anons deduced the original puppy is no more.

He just explained everything I hate about terraria. I just want to progress, not build a bunch of shitty arenas I’m never going to use again. Then I have to farm mobs for materials to make the boss summon which takes even more time to do. THEN you have to go looking for materials to create ammo which takes MORE time. Then you gotta create potions and not get your ass beat by super powered hard mode mobs.

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Kek, I think that image moved my birthyear foward just looking at it.

I liked the A.V.I.A.N. mod. She was cute

cute ship

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I think the thing about planets is bigger than people give it credit for. The core of starbound is in your ship, which makes planets kind of disposable. I'm still not sure how you'd resolve this. You'd probably just have to lean into it.

Yeah I miss my bird, but I don't want to play starbound any more.

You're probably thinking about Hello Games.

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Nooo not the heck in pupperino good boy nooo

two solutions off the top of my head:
A) The game takes place in one star system.
B) Keep the vast universe but limited intractability with planets. Most gameplay is centered around giant spaceships and stations. Maybe asteroids.

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Give me some good mods

It should be a game where it's one solar system with planets being biome equivalents
That way you also have the capacity to add new planets via mods and stuff easily, while making each planet have a purpose.

last time I tried playing this it ran like shit and it had no reason to

avians are zealot scum who deserve to be purged from the universe.

God I fucking HATE how energy for abilities, spells, AND ammunition have a shared pool
What kind of retard comes up with that

There’s no spells in starbound dumbass

There are the staves that cast spells

Don't worry, that's science.

I don't fucking care what it is stop making it share the pool with my movement abilities and ammo you hack-ass developers.
Everything you have in this game quickly ends up utterly worthless, it's like Cubeworld in space.

I've considered having the scope be limited to a single system. The issue is that unbounded exploration is kind of the whole point of space travel. When you work with limited scope like that, you just end up with "Sci-fi terraria", which is an interesting idea to be sure, but the space travel will sort of inevitably become vestigial.

Option B has the same issues with disposability, it just limits the types of environments you have access to.

My best idle idea so far is to have you essentially be an aggressive all-consuming space locust - You go to small planets and essentially strip-mine them for their resources. I even had this idea where you literally consume entire planets, essentially collapsing them in on themselves to create some kind of super-dense warp fuel.

I'm so exhausted from shooting my gun at forest animals

I used the word "essentially" three times in that last paragraph and now it's bugging the shit out of me

This is precisely why so many people flock to Frackin Universe. It's literally the answer to the game's primary problem, which is the comically empty structure and utterly barren base game content. Filling it with an obscene Calamity-esque dump of shit to do makes the game feel like it really should have been all along.


A lot of people dismiss FU as 'content bloat' but I feel like that's what a game about exploring a vast universe needs, so much content you'll probably not experience it all, some of it great, some of it shit.

It's very bizarre that Starbound's biggest criticism is that it's a "sandbox" game you can clear vanilla in one single sitting because there's fucking NOTHING to do, but people shit on the mod that instead makes it an extremely rich and broad experience instead.

>tea & noms
what the fuck

Well, Terraria is confined to what best can be described as a island continent and people love that game so I don't see how a single star system with huge planets, moons and asteroids couldn't suffice. With static planetoids you can add proper dungeons and settlements to them to give them character. Not to mention you can have proper invasions. I'd also have the ship be a actual vehicle that can be built block by block. fuck it allow the player to make all variety of vehicles to traverse the system.

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I'll be interested to try it.
Mind you, I even liked Calamity

You made a separate post just to sound like a massive faggot, that should bug you more. Nobody cares how many times you wrote "i love men" in one post.

Pirate Starbound, get FU and some racial traits mod, and a few other flavor mods, and you honestly have a fun autistic experience for some time.

please be patient


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>Mindless Disgaea number crunching in Alpha that breaks apart once you make t2/3 weapons.
>Next to no reason to explore any planets not in your progression route in beta/release
>Frackin Universe adds even more item bloat for a basic function that's worse than Calamity
>Never fixing Ningen's mech crash bug when you download it for the first time

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It's both of them. This is chucklefucks

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>that little childrens playtable you'd see at the lobby of the doctors office

>that isolated circle of chairs at the back
what the fuck? do they hold AA meetings in there or what?

Cute Turkey ferret.
Avali were pretty cool before they became Sparkle dogs.

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bro.....i want to fuck a plant chick so bad

Terraria characters make you diamonds? Lmfao

*OC species were pretty cool before they became Sparkle dogs.
Every time

I've seen some in VRChat that look decent but there's always a vomit colored variant nearby


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>Floran lady in Scientist outfit
This does something for me.

Reminder that one of the devs wanted to make an actual system for guns, ammo, spells, and mechs, but Ty said that shit was boring and to get lost or else he would be fired.

Based ty saving us from bloatshit.

The fish and plants are too thin
It's baffling how Americanizing the game makes it decent

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Game became furry central as its popularity waned. Most of the players are furries using mods in private servers.

I remember there was an incredible gun/ammo customization mod early in EA that got killed off when Chucklefish brought the mod creator on board only to refuse to let him work on anything gun-related or to continue updating/maintaining his mod.

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The only good thing that came out of that dumpster fire is drawings a drawfag made about the PR bitch. Enjoy.

Based and Raptorpilled.

building is shit, the only thing worth doing is caving and wondering random planets.
i disagree tho combat is finnicky but not shit.

don't look down bro

>The person who was doing the vast majority of all the lore was thrown out because Ty's girlfriend was a colossal bitch.


I probably would an avali tbqh.

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Starbound's females are grade A porn art material, especially Florans and star cowboy people

>because Starbound's code is complete spaghetti.
I believe it with the amount of shit that is not obfuscated at all and the fact that you get 100ms+ network lag in fucking singleplayer.

The cozy moments were great
Everything else was shit
Especially considering the 'cozy moments' are only possible with small ship mods and an all-in-one crafting station mod

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Everything. Please stop making this thread so often and reminding me of the squandered potential.

I remember getting really far, then an update erased all my saves. That was cool. No more after that.

I always fucking despised the jumping and fall damage in that game. Way too much, not enough view of the screen at times.

>game in the first beta has ZERO reason to ever leave the surface
>in order to remedy this they just force you to get some stupid shit underground for the first mission and thats it, they never actually fixed the issue

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>100ms+ network lag in fucking singleplayer
Is that why the game feels like shit no matter what you do?

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>Back when the USMC were xenophobic and wanted to genocide all other races
Too good for this world.

dude...have you SEEN how fluffy the Zoologist's tail is?

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No reason to explore the current planet since the next progression planet will have white weapons that will beat the best weapon you could currently get. So much bloated collectables and garbage it makes terraria blush. Awful combat. Everything unique was cut during the initial release. Modders were just as autistic as Minecraft. Did I miss anything?

One of the original devs also left the team to make their onw game which didn't help. When he left there was no news about it. They only came forward when the fans started asking about it.

It's a shaming room. If you screw up a co-worker's pronouns they put you in the center of the circle and call you ableist and transphobic for one (1) hour.

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The problem is the endless planets, and the fact that they're sorted into strictly linear tiers. There's no reason to slowly master a world, learning where all of the good spots for farming are and building bases and cursing that one hole in your mine you keep forgetting to fix that you've died five times to. You just want to collect the resources and leave - there's always a "better" tier of planets right around the corner, and then you're at the endgame and there's no reason to start mastering a world when you're basically done.

Instead of going for the WOW INFINITE CONTENT route where you're constantly landing on and then forgetting about endless new planets, they should have focused on players *thoroughly* exploring a small stable of planets. Different types would have some different resources and rewards available, but crucially, they'd all have resources and rewards for the entire game's progression.

I'd totally fuck a floran.

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What would "Starbound but good" need to do differently to be good?

i want procedural generation for terraria as an option for map gens. yes kill me.

it's been a while, are there mods to make this game any fun to play?
I hated the whole "go into boss minidungeon to fight them there without able to use all your digging/movement options" and the huge enphasis on that nexus thing
why did they try to make a linear storyline for a fucking sandbox game?

>no bjs

Bro your dick will get sliced off. Bird beaks are wicked sharp.

>planet gets blown up
>end up alone stranded on some desolate planet
>comfy solitary post apocalypse vibes with some great music to maintain the atmosphere
>find a ruined tower, fix it up as a base
>do a bit of exploring
>within 5 minutes you've fixed your ship up and made contact with a huge civilized hub area full of life and you're the chosen one or something
What a disappointment

is there a mod to remove the whole "find the infinity stones" plot? Hell is there a mod to remove the hub and the plot in general?

Does sexbound work with that mod yet?

right off the bat, build your own ship incorporated into the game, make it so your primary hub (your ship) is a big focus, give the player access to a shipyard where they can either change their ship, or build their own, so a player could ride in a premade ship of their choice at the beginning while they design a huge ship they change over to in the ship yard

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actual incentive to build than charging random npc's a pittance of rent
better combat
more randomized planets rather than the same handful of types over and over
a plot that isn't retarded
better combat
mechs actually mattering

The throat and tongue action is out of this world though, it's worth the risk.

Sorry but I like the use of my dick more than once, besides Floran would be way better.

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have a big draw be about player content, I've always thought about a game like this having it's own "steam workshop" where players can easily design, export and import their own dungeons, homes, towns, whatever and even allow it spawn in game as a natural dungeon
of course it'd be flooded with dirt houses titled "my vrey furst homme :)))" but I like to hope that proper filtering could allows users to easily find high quality "map packs"

Either that or a very sad and pathetic developer could constantly update it with home made dungeon packs they put out every month, updating the game with new encounters long after any sane member of the team has moved on

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based starlover

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I have replayed that fucking intro so many times, god how I hate that old bitch

>be high ranking member of the USMC remnants
>after the destruction of Earth under the weak and pathetic leadership of the Protectorate, hidden cells of Federation Holdouts have reestablished contact
>with the hated Protectorate dead, take up the task of assisting Human survivors and recruiting or settling them
>the USF rises phoenix like, ready to stand against a hostile galaxy
>one day, be on patrol in Federation space
>find Alien spacecraft trespassing in sectors under USCM protection
>don't recognize the design
>its doesn't belong to one of known species of xenos
>demand that they surrender
>they attempt to flee
>board them
>they are a species that looks like a mix between a otter and a chicken thats covered in fur
>they put up very little fight
>we kill most of the crew, take the rest for interrogation
>looking through the advanced looking ship, find a lone and unarmed Alien soldier
>point sidearm at its head
>its obviously female
>shes clutching her side
>she is looking at me terrified
>begins to stutter and blubber at me in its xeno speak
>can't understand shit, but can guess that shes begging for her life
>instead of killing her like the rest of her crewmates, take her prisoner
>always wanted a pet bird

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now I want a game about those guys, someone go make it

You can literally do that with starbound. The only issue is that structure/dungeon spawning goes by biome and then by chance of appearing, so chances are you'd either almost never see them or you'd see the same one repeatedly.
It's why many of the player-added planet mods are really cool the first time you land on one, then the next time you realize it's exactly the same just in a different layout. They create a few new biomes, only add a few structures with a high chance of appearing, then it's just copy pasted.

>You can literally do that with starbound
yes but what I meant was making it easier, more accessible, give it an even easier to use sdk and an ingame interface to edit, and control the parameters of something spawning
encourage community contribution as much as possible so that a large amount of player created content helps extend the game's lifespan. the only way you could fill a game with a world with infinite space is to fill it with infinite content

I don't see novakid on here. I can only assume there are no cons.

For me, all they needed (or need, because they technically haven't announced they're done developing yet, although updates are unlikely) was to make something akin to the Project Knightfall mod but with a vague story to string it together.
The base game's story is short and shitty, but exploration is fun, there's just zero reason to do it. Knightfall allows you to spend all your saved ores on OP armors and weapons which, by itself, is a bit pointless but still gives you something to work towards. If they added a story backing and maybe turned the absolutely pointless gas giants you couldn't land on into "you can't land on these until you have the god-tier endgame armor." Then the gas giant planets would just have very tough enemies/bosses on them which you can farm for things that essentially break the game and make it feel like minecraft creative mode. It would take minimal development and would give most players another half dozen hours of gameplay at least, and would likely hook tons more by actually allowing them to build easily instead of struggling with outdated/broken mods.

Pic was made before they were added to the game and I guess one con would that their insides are hot, though that depends on just how and if your in to that.

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>combat is shit
>building is shit
its actually decent
>game runs like shit
>game looks like shit
that's your opinion, i think it looks fine for what it is, the enemy desing are terrible but that's because they are mostly soulless random generated pokemon rejects
>grind is shit
true and mods only make this worse
>story is shit
it didn't use to be this bad before the threw what they had in the beta into the trash and replaced with the shit that the game ended up shipping with
>female characters make me diamonds
this, the music is also great

Bros im so ashamed to admit that i bought starbound just to jackoff witj the sexbound mod

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Modding is the one thing Starbound has over Terraria. If you're a furfag its a goldmine.

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Why would you pay when the art is free?

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Porn with context is nice and with mods you can roleplay just about any scenario you want.

Sounds interesting

You will never get a qrd from an anti starbound shill

Lots of promises with no delivery and constantly relinquishing their ideas for a casual bitchy player base that just wanted anothet platform sergel furry rp
To cater to those idiots they removed heat, and racial specific abilities.
Combat is trash and they stole the block mechanic from Secrets of Grindia after the devs ignored Tiy asking if they needed a producer on Twitter.

The dev took in naïve noobies wanting to get their foot in the door for video game development. They'd help develop the game for free and then he'd get rid of them and acquire another. The consequence of this is that the code made by previous interns weren't understood by the new ones. This is why the game runs like shit.

I wonder if Stockholm syndrome can also effect non-humans.

On the bright side we get tons of seething moralfags to laugh at.

Didn't they not even properly credit them in the credits? like they used their reddit names instead of their actual names?

No, I'm pretty sure the mod dev is also making it incompatible with FU as well

There's Outworlder as a WIP that was kicked off by some of the former devs. Might be worth looking into, and there's a demo for it on steam for what they've got so far.

the artstyle is kind of grating
the characters are kind of lacking detail

How am I supposed to enjoy the sex mod in a game like this?

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Why did they make the floran so hot?

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they wasted their kickstarter money on getting a london office and moving the dev team there because their overly diverse leftist team desire social status above all else. this is a common theme among small devs that are given a large cash windfall, they don't know what to do with it.

Post a part 2 with Avali prisoner slave.

I like Starbound, it's relaxing and quite comfy.

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Same, it's a more fun single player experience compared to Terraria for me.

Never played Terraria, the graphics, art direction, setting and gameplay look like shit.

It could have been so much more, it sucks seeing what it is now.


Something about their design is just so alluring, sexy plant nympho's that can seduce you.

Attached: 1613116031144m.jpg (683x1024, 105.7K)


Would you?

Attached: 3986453.png (1500x1455, 1.71M)

have a free doodle, on me.

Attached: flora.png (512x512, 125.84K)

I really hate the absolute joke Chucklefuck made humanity in their shitty storymode. Some gay ass trekky faggot federation instead of something more closer to our strengths.

Attached: 1582009791506m.jpg (1024x768, 77.2K)

and anons are fucking stupid

Based doodle user.

Starbound is still the best landlord simulator out there
Couple that with the sex mods and you can RP as an ugly bastard

Attached: 3quARL5.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

Seems skyrim and fallout 4 will forever remain the best fattie fucker game.

Why would you wear a condom when fugging a xeno? It's not like you can get them pregnant...

Its hilarious that a mod OC furry race has more presence outside of the game than any of the vanilla races. A shame there aren't any Floran avatars for VRChat.

Attached: avali vrc.png (768x828, 350.76K)

Do you want to catch space AIDS?

Okay now you're just retarded

Why the condom though?

Funky stds

There are some wicked STDs out in the cosmos. You don't want to catch that shit. I've heard too many horror stories from horny truckers fugging a plant whore and regretting it.

Wide as an ocean
Deep as a spilled glass of water

stop making this tired fucking thread

Tiy needs to know why and he can't accept any of the actual answers so we're never going to not see this, unfortunately.

everytime this thread is posted there is another chance for me to draw starbound smut

I must vent my frustration in a game that's now a husk and only played by furfags!

Probably because it had more effort put into it than any of the Vanilla races did.

It takes a long time of being close to eachother to pick up an std. A quick raw shag wont leave much.

Only once Chucklefish admits they killed the dog

Attached: rosie.jpg (600x800, 88.9K)

Too ambitious, tried to be like Terraria instead of going for like a more casual/sandbox type of thing, doing away with the lore from the Beta and not making Sexbound an official update.

custom races are always a mistake


as i recall people got sick of resets on an incomplete basegame
also they removed the race war ai

The pupper fluffier wuffer...

Why would they kill the dog? Why not just throw it out?

The living room/bedroom area in the back looks very comfy.

bird tongues are sharp

I have yet to see a single legitimate argument against mod support.

remove that "main quest" entirely if you can call it one

accidental because they put a puppies bed right next to a bunch of unsecure cables

>no space battles at launch
Still aren't

Attached: burb.jpg (2048x1360, 824.31K)

You could probably do the same for the other races with their old lore.
Wish I could find a good archive of all the old lore though.


Only if it she had a natural fur color instead of being some chromatic monster
Fucking tell me about it. We need more pragmatic militant dictatorships and less "Utopian" republics.
>Terrene Protectorate from Starbound
>Human Republic from Master of Orion
>United Nations of Earth from Stellaris
>New Republic from Star Wars
Is there any other examples of pathetic Human sci-fi empires?

Attached: image_2022-05-12_191448683.png (1620x1080, 1.52M)

Why are they even popular anyway? Seems like your typical shitty oc race.

gotta thank this game and ningen mod help me make a character for basically entire rest of everything I do.

>Caring what other people do with a single player game

Doesnt mass effect fall in that list too?
Its been a long time since I played the game but the human goverment seemed to be just murica but in space

If you didn't know better you'd think they were a vanilla race because of how much content they had. Most mod races just add character models. He added clothes, guns, armor and settlements. They even have different character so some vanilla clothes don't look right on them. This made them extra special among other mod races. That said they're not even close to being what I'd call popular. You're more likely to bump into a protogen than a avali in VRChat.

While the Systems Alliance has a retarded name, it actually is pretty based at times. They're were the only galactic empire to get sick of the B*tarian scum and try to do something about them. Their was even a major politically party of "Humanity First" xenophobes that advocated increased militarism and isolationism that you could support.

really? Tell me more

Attached: 32523626235.jpg (680x680, 45.36K)

yes, you do have

Just a reminder that Starbound supports mods for Sex, Weight Gain and Vore.

Because they came out pretty quickly after the game first did and the level of quality the maker put into it made the games Vanilla races look lazy by comparison.

I still don't understand how this game in particular has so many degenerate mods like that.

Every popular game has degenerate mods it's just more noticeable when there is NOTHING good about the game left to actually talk about.
Skyrim alone dwarfs starbound in degenerate modding.

I liked the Galactic Republic from Star Wars. They're complete /fa/ as fuck and are all about being republic at a face value but will occupy and kill the shit out of you for attempting to become independant.

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Attached: fish.png (512x512, 122.79K)

Funny feesh.

what would floran milk taste like? nut-based milk alternatives? fruit juice? tea?

Extra sweet from flower nectar, varying flavor based on the type of flower

It wanted to be Terraria in space without remembering what made Terraria good.
It had a lot of potential. The race identity was slick, the outpost hub was really cool, it was gonna have mechs, an upgradable ship with a crew, tons of biomes, bosses, you could do asteroid mining in earlier stages of the game, and all this neat stuff... and then it failed to make the core gameplay good. Weapons were boring where Terraria's were all unique-feeling and upgraded beyond just higher numbers. RNG Diablo loot should never be done outside of actual Diablo clones. Mining was boring because there was nothing underground besides ore and lava. The bosses were so much more lackluster. The story literally didn't need to exist but they put a shit one any anyway and slowed the progression for no reason. I could go on.
I wanted it to be good so badly. I didn't care how long development took, I just wanted it the features they promised to be more compelling. The only thing they did right was the sheer block variety they added for builds, but that in and of itself doesn't excuse the rest of the game. I haven't played mods but I don't think they can fix the game.

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Floran's make nectar not milk.

Attached: 1650060164983.gif (220x220, 543.9K)

i had only one arena and a hell bridge, nothing else
plantera doesnt need an arena
the corruption/crimson bosses dont need an arena either
golem is a joke
pillars arent even bosses
and so on

As someone who really likes starbound, I really fucking hate starbound.

New Republic. Not Galactic Republic. I'll always be a Separatist simp but yeah, the Galactic Republic was evil and dystopian as fuck.
New Republic is the goody two shoed failed abortion of the Galactic Empire. In one of the Nu-Star Wars their was a "independent, strong girl boss" admiral that went to war in a fucking ball gown.
The New Republic is beyond pathetic.

Attached: image_2022-05-12_195301867.png (379x512, 198.48K)

Dogs are based, faggot. get that shit outta here.

Love it. Please do a couple more before the thread dies.
luv me flowa's
luv me feesh
luv me 'Vali
simple as

Just search loverslab and Bbw in google/yandex. They’lol have EVERYTHING you’ll need.

A fellow floran fan I see

Attached: 1471243651545.png (500x594, 118.53K)

Its an autist trying to fit in by pretending that liking animals and being upset that Limey faggots got a puppy killed makes you a Redditor.
Ignore it.

Avali Predate Starbound, I remember seeing them in Spore too. I think they're some open species some furfags made aways back.

Like Sergals but less shitty.

It doesn't really matter because they were not relevant before the Starbound mod.

There is a known creator with IP rights to the character, he just doesn't give a fuck what people do with it if it's non-commercial.
Tiy being the greedy nigger he is actually tried to poach the IP rights to Avali FOR FREE from the guy so integrate it into the base Starbound game.

I know but the surge in art of them occurred due to the Starbound mod. Its when most people heard of the.

Attached: birdthing.png (1407x789, 1.54M)

>Like Sergals but less shitty.
Y-you better take that back...

what? I said less.

Attached: Comfy_guy.jpg (600x579, 42.44K)

I bought this game to drink soda and get a gorillion levels in the Steam Grand Prix sale and I'm not sorry

Attached: 1638833498475.jpg (640x539, 57.02K)

thats some ken penders shit right there, goddamn

Been playing modded the past few days. There is a lot that went wrong but there is a gem somewhere in the idea. The potential was there and I'm upset we have no true successor. Frackin/RPGgrowth can only do so much.

On a side note, running Explorer/Beastmaster class/prof respectively and the Capturenaught set, my firing squad of Wispers, Fire Wispers and Wattspers rapes everything and I never need a light source. Haven't had this much fun with a pet-class since Gw1 MM Necro.

post more cute avalis

Attached: 38oOgMi.png (1311x541, 103.65K)

Of course, their design is really appealing and sexy plants are such a rare thing.

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How do you know your seed can't grow a plant baby? Only one way to find out. Fuck and cum in all the Florans you see until you make an entire race of half-flowers.

As you wish.

Attached: image_2022-05-12_200856229.png (800x2000, 1.53M)

>It'd just be for the exposure

Attached: no.gif (500x281, 501.88K)

>Galactic Republic was evil and dystopian as fuck
Nah it was very based. All you had to do was just pay your taxes. Also yeah the nu-trilogy is fucking garbage so no surprise there.

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Half-human half-florans would just be shit like terraria dryads or the Sadida or pic related

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Why even be this cheap when you have money pouring out of your ass from all the preorders? Are all goons just natural greedy bastards?

Tiy disappeared into a fucking black hole pretty quickly after the stories of child slave labor came out so we will probably never know.

>all you had to do was pay your taxes

Attached: image_2022-05-12_201547068.png (450x630, 237.96K)

The mod dev isn't making it specifically incompatible, they're just not going out of their way to make sure it works
I use both of them together any time I play starbound and even lurk in the discord so I can grab WiPs and drop them off for user sometimes.
Keep an eye on starbound threads for the next couple weeks architects, looks like there might be something worth Dearing soon

Based I'll stay tune

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Attached: avian.png (512x512, 138.96K)

Just pay your damn taxes it doesn't have to be this way you only extend your suffering.

Attached: 1612001662358m.jpg (1024x630, 59.21K)

Fucking nice.
Any chance for a Fenerox and/or a Avali?
That would be based.

Excellent, I want to snuggle with that bird.

>tfw no ai birb gf

Attached: 1601939075842.gif (820x504, 537.17K)

I'm probably the one guy that would like it but please do Apex if you get the chance.

Ain't nobody wants to fuck a monkey user.

God I love this cute bird brain.

Attached: image_2022-05-12_204355268.png (574x1024, 505.83K)

Explain the bloons TD threads then.

great, I gotta be to work in 4 hours and now I wanna fuck a bird, thanks Any Forums, god damnit

a bit tricky to get right the first time rushing like this

Attached: avali.png (512x512, 138.93K)

I hate how Tiy used the pre-order money to kickstart his faggot game """publishing""" company.

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I bet she's a real dummy that's not very good but you keep her anyway.

Weird exception and not the general. Monkey's are ugly and madw for being pets only.

Fucking saved. All of em.
Good shit doodle user.

Request you draw a Novakid because they're very neglected.

Attached: 1615322933129.png (256x256, 60.43K)

Oni is justifiably good. Still, fuck starbound tho

Meant to reply to this pic
Am retard, please disregard.

The devs consist are like 6 overpayed and aimless 'Ideaguy' Artists and like 2 underpayed Coders
Like reminder that they once spent like 8 months of no updates and then when they finally showed off something it was because they spent those 8 months doing nothing but adding the 'Skyrails' from bioshock infinite because they thought it was the coolest shit ever.
and when people complained they eventually reused those rails to make 'elevators' pretending it was the original purpose but that has basically been the games entire development cycles of "this is cool we should add this" without even taking a moment to consider how it might affect the game or trying to make it fit in existing systems

This. Main storyline sucked the soul out of the game

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A main story wouldn't have been such a bad thing, just not the absolute retarded way they went about it.

Attached: 1582488346981.png (743x715, 394.6K)

You can just ignore it. I don’t get why you guys seethe so much about a shitty generic “old evil” trope

>lmao just ignore it bro
The game fucking locks content and forces you to play it.
Im seething because Starbound could of been fantastic if Tiy wasn't a fucking hack.

Ignore the long cinematics and just not advance through the game?

I remember convincing my dad to buy starbound for me way back when
now there's sex mods
Well, I know what I'm doing this weekend, at least.

Because it's just retarded. And le ancient evil niggerman in space only works in something like Dead Space because it's backed up by the creepy and claustrophobic ship atmosphere, audio effects, horrific enemy and gore design with the general feeling of death and things going to shit fast everywhere. It's so fucking cringe this thing wrecks Earth and just goes back to sleep behind a door that can only be opened by the 7 chaos emeralds you have to find by scanning a couch.

Attached: 1641870977422.jpg (853x475, 54.1K)

Be pso2 but you actually get to explore the planets.

>predate starbound
>were made by furfags for furfags
>predate most of the current internet
>were made by some nip without furfags in mind
Sergals are less shitty by default.

God I miss pso2 so much

The games design was fundamentally flawed and can't be fixed.

Did something happen to pso2?

Attached: thats questions regards vulture.jpg (400x422, 44.14K)

That doesn't really answer the question tho.

Avali are cuter.
Through, less shitty.

Attached: image_2022-05-12_215845250.png (491x581, 112.49K)

I'd totally fuck an avali.

The question is pointless because the game can't be fixed.
The image in this anons post sums it up better

Starbound is the quintessential game for when you have 30 "idea-guys" hammering away for a year making every useless item sprite possible,
and 1 person goes "ok and what do we do with all this?"
I was showing starbound to a few friends once i after I showed them something that looked cool they said what does it do? and I told them it does nothing at all

Attached: alterthing.png (1252x679, 183.39K)

>The question is pointless because the game can't be fixed.
So what would you do to instead make it a better game? The issue with your pointless statement is that it assumes there is literally no way to make it better or replace components to make something better. It is not the worst thing to ever exist, it's just a game with several major flaws.

Also, the design is just so fucking gay and lame.
Brother Moons looked better and more menacing than this cartoon shit.

Attached: 1633144314495.png (1440x833, 250.82K)

last one
sorry for monkeyanon had to go with the gas bags

Attached: novakid.png (512x512, 120.01K)

Fucking based drawfag delivers.

Attached: 1b9.jpg (640x539, 43.95K)

You would have to get rid of the ship and multiple planets completely because it just doesn't work for a sandbox adventure game and never will, but at that point it's not Starbound anymore.

That image is basically just saying get rid of the procedurally generated planets.

Don't trust them, user. Their just trying to disarm you so they can strike.
Strike your cock, I mean
She looks like a champ.
>last one
Shame, but no worries. You spoiled us, my guy.

Attached: image_2022-05-12_220959587.png (1032x886, 279.03K)

>because it just doesn't work for a sandbox adventure game and never will
Why not?

Should've gotten another year or two of dev time, but Chucklefish became a publisher (somehow) and dropped the project.
Everything still seems really half-baked, which is why modding it is so necessary.

No, just make the world finite.

I'd let her disarm me alright.

In Terraria you shape the world because you have to, it's the land your stuck with and you work with what you've got.
In a game with Infinite planets you have two options for progression that both result in the obvious question of why have Infinite planets at all.
Option A: you allow all progression to happen on one planet, this would give you an actual reason to set down and start a base on one world and focus on it, but then why go anywhere else if everything you could ever want is on that one world? Why even HAVE multiple planets at that point?

Option B: Progression is Tiered by Planet (Like how Starbound does it now) this inevitably results in you having to dump the planet your on for a new one eventually once you hit the next tier of progression so you have no real reason to set up shop on a world your going to end up abandoning in the future anyway.

>playable galaxy is made up of about 15 crafted solar systems
>each planet is properly designed instead of procedurally generated
>each species homeworld is present and can be explored
>throw out the whole faggy Chosen one end of the world storyline and have it focus mainly on conflict between the galactic powers
>Earth is contested between the idealistic Protectorate and the brutal United Systems Federation
>can choice to help either one
>race dictates were you start and how people interact with you (for example, Hylotl are cool with everyone but Floran and will kill them on sight)
>no "real" main storyline, just questlines that you can ignore if you want

Attached: image_2022-05-12_221906803.png (811x1013, 608.42K)

>properly designed
Or just have it Terraria style where you know what elements to expect but they’re constructed in different ways each time

Now this is an actual good idea though I'd also keep the lovecraft entity story in there, just buried (literally) beneath the surface and being more of a treat to be discovered rather than the focal point of an unnecessary narrative.

Space eldritch shit really doesn't work without all those Dead Space elements to it. Even Terraria has the whole disgusting bloody Crimson in it.
This kind of shit is absolutely necessary if you want to do ancient evil cosmic horror. dude still becomes a monster even after taking three limbs and bleeding to death to not hurt anybody, he crawls towards you with one arm In the engine room

Attached: 1650414137501.jpg (500x320, 29.3K)

I honestly think they intended for the game to have an advanced colony system at some point, the story with the whole "earth is fucked and humans couldn't build shit for colonies" deal would really play into that shit with a "rebuild humanity" rhetoric, building up a planet into one big human colony with a bunch of smaller proxy colonies funneling materials unique to certain planet types back to the main colony to fuel it's growth (also a build blueprint system to make building these colonies easier, maybe let you put the blueprints into an autobuilder at some point too). Add in some shit like maybe an academy that requires you to explore the remains of earth/failed colonies for historical documents and shit, a government that tasks you with bringing order to the prison colonies that fell apart after earth fell and trade/military missions that promote a ship combat system to defend from pirates/take down invaders. It provides a basically endless stream of content, brings in new systems to toy around with and gives you reasons to mess around with shit already there.

You need an arena for every boss on master mode.

>You need X on try hard mode
No shit retard, normal doesn't need any of that

>bought game day 1
>its shit
>start fucking around and looking for ways to grief
>people realize the stats for all items are in a txt file
>can effortlessly edit it
>make a pickaxe that mines 999999999x9999999 tiles instantly
>join peoples games
>destroy their world
>destroy all items in their spaceship
>start blasting a midi of gangsters paradise

i had my fun but it wasnt close to terraria

Attached: 1623787207506.gif (600x782, 3.28M)

Why not just have different types of planets that have mutiple tiers of resources on them?

Even if it's a shitty game it still took effort to make, you try making a game that isn't just another shitty clone of a better game.

Though it's interesting that Hello Games took the shit to heart and actually eventually knuckled down and made NMS into an okay-ish game for free.

It's weird thst NMS being quintessentially 3d Starbound had the opposite effect starting out shit but actually refined itself as it went on.

And specifically targeting Earth.
Always hate it when there's a universe full of 725089437259875 planets and races and whatever and the plot is always "lmoa anchent evel want deestry erth" and there's not usually much reason for it, unless they hamfist "the evil god of death fears the humans xd".
Should've had where there's a 1/10 chance or so that a planet you find is in the process of being destroyed, and there's a time limit before it's destroyed, but the planet is absolutely loaded with erchius fuel.
Maybe they'd even reduce the fuel you find on moons so you almost WANT to loot dying civilizations and subject yourself to the tension of oncoming doom on purpose, IDFK.

>keep the lovecraft story
Nah without the atmosphere and horror scenery like Dead Space it's just fucking gay. I'd rather something with technology going completely out of control or some completely hostile new race coming out of wild space.

name ur game fgt

If they really wanted to keep the plotpoint of Earth being destroyed instead of the retarded hentai tentacle monster it should have been completely self inflicted with the planet slowly dying after many technogical breakthroughs and industry creations causing lots of toxic contaminant immisions and heavy metal dumpage into the environment which makes the Ozone layer completely fucked, devestating mega weathers and it's rapidly dissipating with no way to fix it getting worse and worse that now the suns radiation can kill you. Eventually the atmosphere will be uninhabitable to any kind of natural life so Earth has to be abandoned.

Internet Historian has a good video cataloguing it and the development process of it, namely the clusterfuck nature probably stems from way too many things being promised or seen as a promise, and all of their post-launch time was spent fulfilling those promises and perceived promises after the game released unfinished

>Internet Historian
Is a faggot who always tries to sympathize with villains and see the good side in everything even when there isn't one. You don't need a 2 hour analysis to see how Starbound's failure is purely due to incompetence and selfishness of Chucklefuck.

Oh wait you were talking about NMS. Similar thing though.

>roping IRL politics into vidya
Pic related.

Attached: 4984895451651651.png (151x162, 44.59K)

the only good things that came out of starbound is
>fish pussy
>plant pussy
>twink bird cloaca

>ozone layer completely fucked
if you're going to try and loop climate change politics into a game, the least you could do is be right, chemicals that caused ozone depletion have been on the decline since the 80's to the point that any size increases in the hole are countered by shrinkage the next year or two.

>people shit on the mod
They shit on the mod because the creator isn't woke and makes fun of trannies

I like Avians, but I downloaded the mod that gave them wings on their arms and also made the females flat chested.

I was going to upload a picture of my tree colony from my old world, but apparently I only took pictures from the inside. I am very annoyed so instead, here is the earliest screenshot I have of Starbound from the beta in 2016.

Attached: 2016-02-22_00001.jpg (1920x1018, 297.45K)

i though avali were just the fleshy precursors to pr*t*gens

My system crashed, I lost my data!

NMS is still shit tho

A product of bitterness
Too unfocused

I think people are way too hard on the game and it actually does a lot of cool shit, but its biggest problems for me (compared to Terraria at least) is that it has no real sense of gameplay/world progression, you have no purpose to settle anywhere or become familiarized with the world, and even though I find the combat and movement to be much smoother it also ruins the challenge since you can easily just abuse the AI. It actually takes a long ass time to see all the different biomes and go around the map in Terraria so you get a sense of "adventure" but Starbound has you go to a planet, fly around it, find a little village of NPCs and maybe a "unique landmark" you've seen a couple times already.
I think the farming and cooking is pretty cool, being able to customize the ship is nice, the visuals were (emphasis on "were") a step up from Terraria, and there's plenty of great ideas implemented that make it unique (designing mechs, trading across star systems, quest, mounts, villages, etc) in its own right.
It does all that cool shit, but completely loses the feeling of "adventure" by putting you through the same cycles over and over again.

They are a way to revert the game back to the beta before the release ?

This would have been so much better. Although every planet should be procedurally generated in the same the Terraria's worlds are. Same biomes every time, but procedural terrain.

I didn't play it last year, but I think Any Forums still plays it every year around the holidays. If that's no longer happening, then any "culture" this site had is officially dead.

Shut up nigger it's all fucking garbage, play other games for once in your life.

Pick which version you want
Paste in a browser and send: steam://nav/console
Paste into steam console:
download_depot 211820 Depots# Manifest#

I wish there was a good game for designing ships like this where everything has utility. Empyrion is the only game that lets you set up things like indoor gardens and bedrooms and I can't stand working around the "grid" system it uses. I just wanna fullfill my dumb cowboy bebop fantasy, that's all man.

Haven't played it in years you dumb cunt. Can't even have a reasonable opinion without getting one of you retards frothing at the mouth.


Why do you keep making this thread?


Now, I need to find the good version.

From here : starbounder.org/Version_history
It seems that Glad Giraffe is the best version or I am wrong and I should take Cheerful Giraffe ?

I found the last version before they nuke half the content.

download_depot 211820 211821 1842730272313189605

Pretty spot on opinion. It's nice to see constructive criticism about the game that isn't just mindlessly shitting on it like most of Any Forums does.

Go be braindead somewhere else.

Nice, is it still possible to run multiplayer on it?

>each planet is properly designed instead of procedurally generated
Unironically, a terraria type of structure would work better. Same structures on the same same planets but in different places. Maybe some small procedurally generated elements that really just amount to colors for dirt, grass, trees, etc.

huh, didn't know you could do this. I'll have to try it later.

I pirated this game. Then I bought it. 2k hours and counting.

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