What is the LOST of vidya?

What is the LOST of vidya?

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Metal Gear Solid


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Outer Wilds?


Assassin's Creed.

Intriguing premise and a good start, then completely jumped the shark.

The season where they went back into the past with dharma initiative was kino though.

Is this game any good? I got it at a thrift store recently for like $2 but haven't tried it yet. Hoping it's cringekino at least

No idea, I've never played it nor watched the show. I just remembered there being a game for it and grabbed that pic

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I had that game

it was..... fun but also really shit
those fucking pipe puzzles man

No idea about a game, but the manga equivalent has to be Dorohedoro.

elden ring



Man that least season of LOST was so bad though...

Bioshock Infinite.
>Very popular game that has a story that ultimately means jack-shit because even the creator admits they didn't know what the fuck they were writing with that ending.

Same with lost, except they'd never ever ever admit they were just making it up as they went and couldn't write an ending they liked well enough so they went with basdically no fucking ending.
>pic unrel

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You couldn't pay me to play it

The Game.

but time shenanigans kill the serie

You know the plot has become too complex when they have to show crib notes in each episode

not really. The fact that Jack, Hurley and Kate are magically transported to 1977 makes no sense, but other time jumps actually make some sense, and they're a great plot device to show how life in Dharma Initiative looked like.
What I'm trying to say is, they might be bad sometimes, but not bad enough to kill the series. and they aren't as bad plot-wise as the flash-sideways world

I'm trying to think of and example for "first game sets up a bunch of plot points that not even the director knew where they would lead, which led to am awful conclusion to all of them" but somehow nothing comes to mind