Modders of Any Forums, what are you working on right now...

Modders of Any Forums, what are you working on right now? I'm currently trying to upscale the low poly models of the HECU from Half-Life. Here's the beret guy's head so far.

Attached: 1622902158235.png (647x422, 256.1K)

i literally like right more. in other words, soul/soulless. dont bother.

I've released enough shit to be immune to retards like you. Don't bother posting next time.

I like what you're going for-- kind of like the System Shock 2 and Quake 1 remaster? More polys are nice but don't lose sight of the original vision-- keep that man's cheek bones!

Attached: somsnosa.jpg (400x400, 19.75K)

looks really good, surprising how they have the same texture
holy based

Always wondered why the textures have him squinting his eyes

They probably wanted him to look really haggard and serious.

This. Soulless faggots who think they are "improving" 2 decade old games by giving it le better graphix are just making it worse. The low poly is part of its charm but they'd never understand that.

Where are you releasing these?

That sounds like such bullshit.

Working on a submod that has gotten me banned off moddb twice now.

I keep tweaking it because I am never, ever satisfied enough and will likely do this forever. Is this autism? I'm not sure.

>Your mod sucks

cry me a river you tryhard faggot. still replied.

that's not criticism
criticism involves offering alternatives
criticism without giving alternatives is just whining.

I'll have to learn how to rig skeletons for Source/Goldsrc but I intend on releasing on gamebanana as a replacement for HL1 grunts and the Gmod workshop as a playermodel pack so I get some Source modding experience too. It'll probably take a while, there are some pretty bad texture problems on the body and I intend on giving them separate fingers, but maybe not cause I'd need completely new textures.

i didnt say i was offering criticism faggot im saying your mod sucks and its soulless.

How does that sound like bullshit? There are "muh soul, muh charm" dumbasses when you release any visual mod for an old game. No one takes them seriously except themselves. Do you think modders are going to think "wow they're right, I forgot the charm/soul!" or some shit? No, you get ignored or called a retard.

Are you using AI for this?

In the grand scheme of things it isn't hard or intensive compared to the modelling itself, but when you upload to gmod workshop use gmpublish instead of the fuck awful default gmod tools. Saves a lot of headache.

Making 3d vtubers and hope someone will ask for a commission.

Attached: 3dcg furry.jpg (516x767, 26.12K)

AI textures? No, I don't usually like how those turn out, especially with textures so low res.
Thanks for the tip


>average HD remasters

Attached: pooland.jpg (640x360, 28.55K)

your tranny mod sucks and you retard troon faggets don't understand or respect the source material and developers vision.

lmao accurate

Not bad, keep it up.

the rest of the model is good enough but you gotta fix that nose and mouth user