Weird west

Probably the best Indie game of 2022

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looks like shit

that's because it is

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I want to like it but faggots will DODGE, fucking DODGE, you stealth melee attacks. I can forgive all the tee-hee-oh-so-subtle Arkane wokeshit. Whatever. Slamfuck me raw with that commie crap, just give me a game that fucking works. Why is a stealth melee build fundamentally fucked like this?

No. It really isn't.
Nice attempt at shilling though.

I don’t care anymore

Controls (aiming) and camera feel wonky. Also, AI is kinda bad. The game reminded me Desperados 3 which I really liked. Unfortunately, this game is not as polished.
Can anyone spoil the lore/story? I found interesting that you played as a spirit possessing humans (Passenger)? Who's the little girl, though? And what's in the box? I never got that far.

>white men are a minority in a setting reminiscent of the American old west
Weirdest thing about it, really.

>I can forgive all the wokeshit

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It was kinda fun but I was plagued with bugs that fucked my reputation so I took a break
>horses and people glitch out in town's stable and knock each other out
>kinda funny
>-50 reputation and now wanted for this
>happened twice
And then I got vendetta and -15 rep for giving away a farm deed that I never even owned
Dunno if I'll go back to it

Why is every other character in this game Chinese?

These pretentious hon-hons have been doing this shit forever and have been upping the ante with every release. I'm surprised Jane isn't a trans pansexual wheelie.

>1st act: woman saving his husband
>2nd act: owner of a brother turned into a pig by a woman
>at some point, there is a sect of women with special powers that will guide the West to a better future

Men bad. Check
Feminism. Check
What else?

Oh no, he's one of *these* devs.

Attached: honhonhonhonhon.jpg (1324x333, 56.58K)

>stealth melee
Literally doesn't work in this game. Most effective way I've found is to choke people out then cut them up while they're unconscious. The actual best method for stealth combat is the silencer on the rifle.
>Controls (aiming) and camera feel wonky.
Feels like the game was made for consoles/controllers first and m+kb second which is just strange. Very often I find that I need to perform precise tasks with imprecise controls. For example interacting with small objects on a table requires you to just jumble your character around until the game decides to target what you want to target.
But he's right?

I’m just waiting for a game that tears into wokeshit

another flopshill thread
enjoy your shitty ipad product based off of a great ip
>immersive sim
yeah you can simulate being a fucking rube

Perhaps he is but it comes off so... juvenile and arrogant to engage people like this. It smacks of Derek Smart, Phil Fish, Denis Dyack, and other asshats.

people are only playing this game because they're starved for good stuff
if Dying light 2 hadn't been shit and Zelda had released, nobody would even look at this piece of shit

I hated the controls so much I sadly had to stop playing it.

beta tested this, super underwhelming game. cannot imagine having the balls to call this an immersive sim

Because our society is run by jews and trannies

From all the interviews I've watched he seems to be a pretty genuine and humble guy, I wouldn't call him an asshat over one twitter post. He made the closest thing we'll ever get to System Shock 3 I think he has the right to tell people he knows a thing or two about the genre.
>Dying Light 2
Not competitors for this game.

Someone tell me how did so many Asians get into the West in the gunslinging era?

I don't know. the isometric view sure takes a dent in immersion. And he probably knows it but I guess he just wants his game to be successful.

You're right, this game has no competition because it's pure shite.

I can already hear their disingenuous explanations:
>oh but there WERE don't you remember the railroads they built?
>well, it is the WEIRD West, it's not historically accurate :^) or perhaps even the same time or place at all
Anything to weaselly justify marxing the joint up.

If there weren't so many women and minorities in it I would consider giving it a chance.

railroads and mining.

you lose all arguments no matter what if youre a smug prick in them. you could be arguing with someone whether grass is green or the sky is blue but if you do it like "Ermmmmm... the grass is totally green dude. I read a book on ecology and its green." you lose the argument just cause of how much of a shitheaded nigger about it.

Here we go: yes that would explain them representing half the population and maintaining so many positions of authority, wouldn't it? Go ahead, fall back to the alternate reality bullshit. I'm already tired.

>Arkane wokeshit
I hope this isn't true I was interested in this game
he's right but at the same time the indie circlejerk over "immersive sim" is incredibly cringe, nobody really knows what they are because the term is basically redundant

Who the fuck are you to judge what is and what's not an immerive sim? Don't you know that the developer is an expert on the subject?
So what ifyou're not immersed,sounds like a you problem and not a game problem to me.

--------------------------- RINE END HERE.

the controls are awful. combat seems like it should be fun but its so awkward that nothing feels natural or fluid. really sucking me out of it

>isometric view sure takes a dent in immersion
Immersive sims are more about gameplay design than graphical presentation.

You start off as a racially ambiguous (I believe she's black or mulatto?) woman in what could best be described as an "old west" populated by southern California's current demographics. The game's pretty mechanics driven anyway and it can largely be ignored. The jank will get to you far more than the woke will, however.