Gatekeeping is always a good thing

Gatekeeping is always a good thing

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>make up fictional scenario in comic
>this is proof of reality
huh okay

cring zoomi

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>half the board constantly felating the dorito popes advertisements
>It's fake
I hope you're pretending to be retarded

I was fed up with my old friend group so I stopped gatekeeping one dude's girlfriend from joining our activities and 2 months after she joined it all fell apart. It's that simple.

Why are you posting this? Is it some attempt to try and push this idea on the board or some shit? I think forced gatekeeping is bad honestly as many regulars of the site end up having to deal with other Anons giving them shit and refusing to participate in shit with them; this is especially a problem on imageboards because we're all anonymous, so you're really only the contents of your post.

As far as gatekeeping goes, I think the more crass and edgy humor that's on the site keeps a lot of the people away that'd wanna make things really strict here. Freedom to say whatever the fuck you want and have a fun time with other anons has always been the spirit of Any Forums to me.

I like spoonfeeding too because it means newfriends get a better idea of what's going on instead of trying to understand and potentially losing a lot of the meaning of culture along the way.

How new

Gatekeeping doesn't work in a site where you have no identity or presence to speak of. I can guarantee you that most anons that get told anything more severe than "lurk moar" just shrugged and moved onto another thread or board on the site.

gonna be brutally honest and say no one really cares about any of this. these awful threads are made to bait retarded tourists who feel called out by the image so there's no need give your detailed opinions or have a debate. move on

And that's another thing, it doesn't matter how old or new someone is because you're only "old" or "new" depending on the content of your post. You can be an oldfag or a newfag behind the screen, but your post gets judged by other anons as to who you really are. It's why simple buzzwords and namecalling is so effective to shut an argument down; paint someones post out to look like they're objectively in the wrong for being a bad type of person, and then you've "won" or whatever.

People being miserable towards each other and witchhunting can easily choke the life out of an imageboard; 8-chan died a slow painful death from it despite being a massively popular site at first in 2015. There's a point where even longtime users get fed up with the fact that half of the board is namecalling and there's less and less constructive posts with each passing year. I agree that it's important to celebrate culture and make sure it's never truly lost, but as sort of implied, you kind of just end up gatekeeping out a lot of people who were here back in the day for chill discussion and vidya shitposting.

Haha, no that's very fair. I just think speaking up is important too as maybe someone could read my posts and think about it for themselves a little. OP's image has been around for ever and I've seen it posted several times. Truth be told I'm saging with each post as I don't think this thread is a great use of space and I don't really want to bump it.

only get into hobbies with no presence on the west, and when you start to see more and more people pay attention to your hobby then its time to move on to another one

I don't even think you guys can name me one thing that is successfully gatekept that doesn't gatekeep itself already. What kind of shit are you even defending half the time? People are not interested in stuff like fighting games. if you try to gatekeep someone from them and fail, they will just end up getting gatekept by the game by finding it boring. you didn't need to obsess over it. Most of the time you guys are just slowly draining the possible new users from your fanbase

This image sums up the history of the internet.

Why are u writing essays faggot? Didnt read lol

dissemination of information good
eyes wide shut parties bad

Post too clever for Any Forums. Leave now before it's too late

We could only be so lucky if it were constrained to the internet.

>People are not interested in stuff like fighting games.
That's pretty funny. Fightfags from Any Forums is always making thread about "why fighting games are dead? why nobody play them" and then you have threads like this

>Most of the time you guys are just slowly draining the possible new users from your fanbase

Name it then pussy.

This. Immediately stop liking something if it gets popular.

>only get into hobbies with no presence on the west
yeah we get it, you're a weeb and you only play ching chong sham zhu

You don't get it. If someone wants to play a fighting game, they'll play the goddamn game and that'll be a sign that they're interested enough to put effort into playing. If someone asks about a game, that means they want to be spoonfed, put less effort in, which later inevitably turns into forced rules, the degradation of the hobby, that person inviting more of their quasi-normalfag accomplices and so on. Every community needs to be as hostile as possible, so the only people who remain are those who were willing to put the work in.

If your hobby could be destroyed this easily, your hobby was already shit.