What to buy

Switchad here I want a new gaming platform, I'm thinking either a PC or PS5, stream deck seems pointless because I have a switch already

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Xbox SeX with gamepass

PC is the only option.
The last non-nintendo exclusive game worth buying the console for was Halo 3.

Try switching your gender

like my ol granpa use to say
>if you litter you're a nigger


a good PC is far better most of the time but has a higher barrier of entry. (though most people overestimate overall cost for PC,cause consoles have alot more fees,like online and more expensive games)

If you've got the money, get a PC.

York is a lovely place, you'd have to be degen to want to shit it up

Objectively speaking a PC is the best platform in existence, just for the sheer amount of games it has access to. And even multiplats run and look better on PC more often than not. The only reasons to get a PS5 are a) your friends all have one and you want to play with them b) you want to have the latest sony moviegame that's trending on twitter so you can feel you're "in"

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Only reason for a PS5 is a handful of exclusives, which may eventually get PC releases. PC is in a frustrating place right now because port quality is just inconsistent, costs have gone up (apparently soon to come down), and it does condition some bad habits (for me anyway). PC just hasn't grown to a place of convenience, which is annoying. It's a platform that now feels more like a status symbol for gamers, despite them really being responsible for stagnation. The popular shit isn't warranting the costs.

Anyway, PC is still better if you're willing to spend more, but it is a different experience to consoles.

>It's a platform that now feels more like a status symbol for gamers, despite them really being responsible for stagnation.
The fuck are you even talking about.

Having some flashy RGB rig that boasts the newest hardware to just play shit like LoL and Valorant. It's extremely common now. PC should be leaps and bounds ahead of console, but it isn't now.

>pc should be this
>pc should be that
Completely missed the point of the platform. PC is scalable exactly to what you need it to be, just because other people aren't using PCs in a way that you don't approve of doesn't make it worse.

That's not really my point though. PC has been my primary platform for almost 20 years, and there was a time that the top hardware was significant for games that were releasing. We don't have that now, and big releases often aren't even running that well despite the cost of top hardware.
It's definitely a status thing, because there just isn't a need for it now. I'd argue it's because there isn't enough money in pushing boundaries, but there also doesn't even seem to be much of a demand for good port quality now either. There's still money in overpriced "gamer" peripherals though.

I legitimately used to be an environmentalist and volunteered to clean up rivers and shit when I was younger but when Canadain demographics started to collapse I turned punished snake and started dumping medical refuse and car batteries in the woods. I just don’t care anymore. I sometimes don’t even see another white person on the street for hours depending on the neighborhood.

You're just rambling nonsense. Games being tied to cutting edge PC hardware stopped being a thing in the 90s, there's never been any money in demanding people have the absolute top of the line hardware just to be able to boot the game, THAT would be a status thing. PC gaming is the same it's always been, wildly inconsistent port quality (I'd stay still better than it was in the 00s), fairly wide array of viable hardware depending on how far low are you willing to go in graphical fidelity, also we're in a transitional period now with raytracing same as it was with dx11 where games offer both versions but most big titles aren't going to outright demand you have RT-capable hardware because that would invalidate a good chunk of the existing install base. One thing that has changed I guess is that the distance between the minimum acceptable graphics and the top of the line experience has grown wider. In the very early 00s 720p was sort of the baseline and 1080p was the cutting edge of visual fidelity and you wanted to be somewhere between that, nowadays 4k is the cutting edge but you still have a huge chunk of people playing at 1080p or even 720p.

give money

Yeah I'm overthinking my phrasing here, been drinking a fair bit trying not to just post a jumbled mess but I guess I'm not doing it too well.
I just don't see the worth in PC as I did years ago, doesn't seem to have advanced as much as consoles despite the costs. It benefits from a huge library and user control, but idk, just feels like it's all about "gamer" shit now; RGBs, chairs, overpriced keyboards. All sorts of shit that does seem status related. Worse than it was at the height of the "PC master race" stuff.

>walks up to you
>"Pick up ze träsh and put it in ze bin, littering up ze streets ist not gut für our enviroment."

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Same as it's always been. Optics back in the day were tinted by console war bullshit, and people arguing how anything less than the then cutting edge 1080p60 at max settings was unacceptable. Nowadays the equivalent would be 4k120 but yeah, it takes a TON of money to get there and even then even the most powerful PC hardware can't drive every game at those specs. Meanwhile consoles are the same as always too, they never run at the resolution and framerate advertised, often upscaling from a lower res and with constant framerate dips, while the settings are typically equivalent to middle-ish PC settings. Overall, the status quo between PC and console is the same as it always was but again, the reason it doesn't feel as pronounced is that everyone's mostly moved on from console wars shit and don't care to argue day in and day out over who has the sharper shadows.