About to try this out. What am I in for?

About to try this out. What am I in for?

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skyrim magic in japan

It's so fucking awful
>despite being a set protag the game ask your preferred pronouns before it begins.
>you play as a virgin
>the first bosses are 100% aryans caricatures who wear variants of the same golden cloak, they want to kill you on sight
>every time they kill you they say "such an inferior being, they should stick to fishing"
>The final boss is a tranny who is revealed to be the actual hero who is trying to protect the world from the actual villain which is a conservative white woman who insist on calling you with female or male pronouns despite no one else doing this.
>The helpful NPCs are all black shamans who have white spirits by their side
>One of the gestures in the game is a strange mix between dojo salute and twerking
>All of the cursed areas have female bosses, you often will beat a demon and then a stronger female boss will appear.
>There's a mention of gamergate (it's very subtle)
>One of the NPCs references Rosa Parks
>When you get the option to change your appearance (yes even gender) an NPC will tell you "I'm glad you are proud of who you really are"
>there's a BLM mural inside a cave that is all way to end of the city, the description says "a painting dedícated to those brave warriors who disappeared way before the ghostwire incident "once you find this you can get an armor called "ghost tracker of King" (reference to Rodney King, victim of Police brutality)
>Some of the NPCs will often mention of how there's always "evil beings" stealing the lighting of more deserving people (probably a reference to how niggers believe that Edison stole a niggers invention when he made the lightbulb despite this not being true)
>There's a Chadwick Bozeman reference, in a scroll who tells the story of a half demon that was "as fierce as a panther"
There's lots of other shit the devs put here to show that are pro white genocide.

The prettiest bland game


It's a REALLY mediocre/average game, like It's comfy to me but it's not this super epic 10/10 game. It's maybe a 6/10 game at best, and combat is pretty shallow. You get three elemental spells and a bow, plus some talismans that let you stun enemies and a SUPER SAIYAN RAGE mode but overall the setting starts to get generic/bland and so does the combat. It has a nice photo mode though, so as I said, not really bad, but not great. I got bored within about 4-5 hours.

I probably won't even finish the game.

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It's "empty Tokyo photo generator" with failed Ubisoft inspiration (two wrongs don't make a right in this case) and giving it 6/10 is being generous.
Which is a shame considering they could have done a lot of things with this concept.

I like it


not surprising given that you're on Any Forums

I almost bought it but I ain't paying 60


Should've just made it a horror game where you wander the streets of Tokyo with spooky youkai to be honest. Instead you get Japanese far cry and the combat is just you shooting lame particle effects.

The gamergate and everything after that is fake it r a really big stretch on your part


Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon 2: Tokyo Boogaloo

Best modern immersive sim.

turn off most of the ui and treat is a neat walking sim and you will have an okay time

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Combat is so clunky


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im not gonna give you an epilepsy warning, but heres what youre getting into.


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