Incredibly popular game in a popular 10 year old game series

>incredibly popular game in a popular 10 year old game series
>barely any discussion here and no /vg/ general
what gives

Attached: Daffodil_1P_Awareness_INT_Epic_1200x1600_1200x1600-356dd4965bde4c5dbd1000f9c97ac4b4.jpg (1200x1600, 2.03M)

>incredibly popular game
maybe it just isn't incredibly popular game?

>incredibly popular game
>popular 10 yr old franchise
>what gives?
no one cares about Anthony Burch's brother

They didn't advertise it at all and having a false steam store page isn't helping them

>incredibly popular game

>tiny troony trannylands
you have to go back & dilate

No steam

No buy


Borderlands 2 was a flash in the pan, everything after has been utter garbage

It looks like she has a massive boner

thats a dragon

>>incredibly popular game in a popular 10 year old game series
no one gives a shit outside of BL2
>>barely any discussion here and no /vg/ general
game isn't that good, there's nothing to discuss

yea but the part where she's sitting looks like a skirt with a giant dick pushing under it

Huh, I thought that valve didn't allow games having steam pages for epic games anymore if the steam release isn't soon or something like that

not even considering its existence until gone

I'm a heterosexual white male so I don't feel like that game is for me.

Maybe you could discuss it with the troons over at /lgbtq/?

No one here played it so the only thing threads turn into is the typical crying about those dang dirty SJWs. Shame too because the game mechanically is the best the franchise has to offer.

No advertisements, selling a BL2 DLC with a similar title as a standalone prior to the launch misleading people, and EGS exclusive just like BL3

Kys Randy

>incredibly popular

who buys a game like this? Like maybe if you have a friend circle and its become a begrudging tradition to slog thru the latest border lands I can see them getting 3-4 sales from that. but if you're just joe blow wanting to play a video game, why would you pick this shit?

how many single games have sold 22 million copies?

It's a decent loot treadmill and the only other competition in the genre is fucking Destiny 2.

>epic exclusive
>still multiple threads every day
why are you retarded?

>incredibly popular game

Maybe because the genre is trash?

>tiny tina's
lost all interest right there and im saying this as a huge bl2 fag

>Borderlands 2
The series hasn't been popular since then

Zanzibart won

oh was the title of this game BORDERLANDS release date 2009?

Fuck off Randy, shill faggot, piss drinking cuck, release the source code of the original DNF.