This guy's the most hard-yet-fair fight I've seen in this game so far...

This guy's the most hard-yet-fair fight I've seen in this game so far, and he's fucking relegated to a random-ass evergaol and only gives 1500 runes
Man Elden Ring SUCKS I mean I like exploring and shit but basically everything relating to enemies sucks

Attached: Elden-Ring-Crucible-Knight-Boss.jpg (2000x1000, 281.57K)

Don't worry, you're going to be seeing a lot more of him

There's 16 of them, enjoy.

>and only gives 1500 runes
i dont think i once paid attention how many runes i get from whichever enemy or boss
there is a constant stream of them, its only at the very end of the game where i was upgrading weapons for shits and giggles i was actually running out

lmao 2k***ht

>the crucible knight behind the Nightsky Unending waygate doesn't drop anything

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You've unironically seen nothing yet

Don't tell him

No it's hard or lern2parry there's no real imbetween

they make black knights from dark souls look like absolute pussies

What the fuck was the point of that belfry? Complete waste of time. None of them are that good but at least at worst you get a shitty talisman.

i don't parry in this game because the timing is different than dark souls
i just put no skill ash on whatever shield i use and pretend parrying isn't a feature in this game

That one also has a shitty talisman, at the end of the bridge without the crucible knight.

Well, there's a talisman there too. But the Crucible Knight standing there, staring off into space, that was just such a disappointment

Not even shield counters? The counter windows aren't crits but they work and you can use any shield with them. Some of the AOW for shields have uses. There is one that straight up makes you invincible briefly and one called a "golden" parry that extends the parry window at the cost of FP, usable on any shield too I think.

Damn I guess the talisman was so shitty I forgot about it

he was so fucking fun to learn and to fight
it was really satisfying to beat him

he's pretty simple but also difficult at the same time, it takes not too long to learn his patterns and when you do its super cool to fight him, he gave me a feeling of defeating sekiro boss

At least black knights are designed and fight like actual knights. Elden ring knights randomly grow magic wings and tail midfight because Elden ring is weeb gay shit.

>At least black knights are designed and fight like actual knights

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The tail whip incantation is pretty cool. No clue if the long ass cast would benefit from dex though

the fight with two of them in the grave makes me want to crush my balls with a hammer