ITT: We post our Vidya opinions but other anons can only respond with a thumbs up or thumbs down

ITT: We post our Vidya opinions but other anons can only respond with a thumbs up or thumbs down

I'll start, Sonic Adventure 2 is not that good

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Sonic was never good





Paper Mario TTTYD is overrated

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare had a good campaign.

Sins of Solar Empire


if you think half life 2 is overrated but ocarina of time is a masterpiece then you need to be extinguished like a flaming paper bag of cow shit



there is not a single mario game above 6/10

nintendo and playstation sucks
xbox is and has always been the superior choice


Every game is enhanced by the addition of little girl characters

Banjo was never good.
👍 👍 👍


Pc is undeniably the best platform for videogames, and by far. Also, people who can't see the obvious reasons are retarded.