COD is a 0/10

>COD is a 0/10
>zombies is a 10/10

Attached: waw-zombies-56aba1635f9b58b7d009cda8.jpg (1280x720, 126.3K)

Vanguard has killed zombies forever

Grab a gun.
Kill zombies.
Turn the power on.
Get perks.
Get more guns.

Now go as far as you can.
>You literally can't fuck this u-
>BOCW and Vanguard have appeared in your path!

Only WaW and BO had good zombies
BO2,3, Cold War had shit zombies

But World at War was good

Why didn't they make Left 4 Dead or Killing Floor style game modes? Infinite rounds got boring quick

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making a left 4 dead style game mode would require more effort

bo2 and 3 zombies were great dummy

BO2 was terrible

BO3 was somehow even worse

>implying kino and everthing after where even worth playing

>hating on Buried
>hating on Origins
>hating on shit like Der Eisendrache and Gorod Krovi
holy reddit 🤡

they need to make a open world zombie experience for once

COD isn't 0/10 it just seems that way because it's the same shit every year with minor variation.

Isn't that pretty much what they did though with the later maps that you could actually clear? 🤔

Tranzit was decent but hating on buried? That map is like a sandbox, there’s so much to fuck around with. Origins sucks, agreed
How about you check out the codzombies sub? The place is an origins, de, bo3 circlejerk. The only thing those fuckers want to do is a tedious quest for a broken ass weapon so they can camp in a corner. Then they complain high rounds are boring. Fucking niggers

Der Rieze was probably the only good map from waw

That's literally just Outbreak mode and it's either
>team is just fucking around doing nothing instead of going to the next area
>team is going up through the ranks too fast for equipment to reasonably scale with the escalating demands of the game modes

I'll honestly stick to the classic round-based modes.

Attached: Outbreak.jpg (1600x900, 1.08M)

why did zombies become so popular? what is it about these "horde" modes that people like? they never did it for me, and i never figured out why almost everyone gravitated towards them. same with horde mode in gears of war 2. i just wanted to continue playing the team pvp modes but my friends started playing these modes more.

Why the FUCK are CoD games still so fucking expensive? Black ops 3 for example is still $80 where I live despite being a 7 year old game. All the map packs are like $15 a pop and I only want them for the one zombies map, it's ridiculous

>Dude, just run in a circle while a bunch of zombies follow you.
>Okay, we'll change it up by adding in a few dogs every 20 rounds, and ranged bullet-sponge enemies.
I'd say they should just make a good zombies game, but the entire Treyarch team formed a new team and work under Sony exclusively.

Attached: 1647748627298.png (790x764, 1.32M)

It's a side effect of the Ghosts-era slump. There was always a noticeable drop in sales whenever it wasn't a Black Ops year so they'd keep prices high because they'd rather you buy into the newer game and populate that rather than go play Black Ops 2/3/etc. Because if you're gonna pay full price, might as well get the newer one, right? It's why Vanguard is having a two week F2P period, because across PSN and XBL, Cold War is STILL more played than Vanguard as a premium multiplayer game.

Moronic take.
Reminder for everyone in this thread: if you are one of those fucking faggots who thinks zombies should just be Der reise catwalk camping should fucking kill yourself. Zombies is at ITS PEAK in maps like MOTD and origins, with lots of quests and shit to actually WORK TOWARDS that was challenging and provided something to do and a way to WIN and not just "see how far you can make it before losing"