Post indefensible game mechanics

Post indefensible game mechanics

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crits are fair and balanced

you first

unlucky retard

Getting hit on the first attack of a chain results in death as each subsequent hit is assured.

>4channelers love crits
>the most popular servers in the entire game disable them
>nocrit servers have over 80% of the players who play on community servers
>b-b-but the community loves le funni random kill!
*Uncle Dane the Engie Mains to the theme of Bill Nine the science guy*

TF2 style random crits? Yes, they're retarded.
Normal crits achieved by hitting a weak spot on the enemy, thus rewarding you for good accuracy? It's great and you're a seething retard if you hate it.

>random bad

just randomly don't get hit by crits then dumbass.

Ok: positive reinforce
If a player is doing good making him do even better is unfun all around, the people losing have no chance of turning things around and the winner just gets a mindless stomp that feels undeserved and gets boring
Like, say if players doing well just randomly started instakilled people sometimes, that would be stupid

Also random bullet spread, two identical shots shouldn't do wildly different damage, that's retarded

>nocrit servers have over 80% of the players who play on community servers
And it only took Valve killing off nearly every other community server and near constant harassment of startup servers

>source: dude trust me

>Valve didn't kill user servers by forcing people to play Valve only servers to participate in ANY of the major updates for two years straight killing off user servers
>People totally like how the game is now
Ok Groomer

>YOU don't like how the game is now
>Everyone must hate it
The servers you don't want to play on are popular because they run settings that people want to play.

Uh huh, and it's just a coincidence then that in the 8 years the game was running up until that point those servers were totally dead?
And forcibly starving traffic for two years straight to every other server has naught to do with it?

Uncle Dane has no hair.

It's almost like the community changed and the people actually still playing instead of bitching they want to play but can't because "those other servers!" are filling servers they want to play on.
Go ahead, just join a random crit server and wait for it to fill up or queue casual. Nothing is stopping you from playing the game besides yourself. And hey, if there's such a big crit loving hard cocked community you can convince to actually play the videogame you can make your own community without all the scaryness that seeing the tags "uncletopia,cp,nocrits,nodmgspread" causes

crockets are based, change my mind

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When they come from your pocket kritzkrieg medic girlfriend (male)

>Y-you're threatened by how epic we are!
>The community changed for REAL and ORGANICALLY!!
>if I keep running with the script people will actually believe this
People bitch about the bots 24/7 because everyone would rather be in valve servers than yours, cry about it

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Crit rate is garbage in pvp games, but fine otherwise.