Could it though...?

Could it though...?

Attached: everring.png (2000x2000, 2.75M)

Holy shit an evergrace thread.
These are rare.
What a mysterious game.
Waking up in a world perpetually in the season of Autumn, having so many paths blocked yet you can tell there is more beyond.
Having no interest to actually go further because the game creeps you out with "sunlight streaming through leaves on a hill.mp3", so instead you turn off the game.
Wew, lads. Those were the days.

Yes, it's a good game.
I asked a question in the picture, I wanna discuss before bots get here.

Attached: 1474504214-216096466.jpg (1024x768, 196.79K)

You're expecting some decent lore from Elden Ring / From Software?
Prepare for disappointment.
They may have decent gameplay up their sleeves but good story telling? Not a chance. Wasting your time.

That's the Dishonored trademarked symbol though


I genuinely think elden ring has a fantastically written lore. everyone here just hates everything. I've played every from game not as a fanboy, but just because i play everything (borderline neet) and as far as their narratives go, they are sparse but not poor. Demon's Souls, Kingsfield 4, shadow tower to a lesser extent. Even eternal ring. They all have a mysterious vibe. Even some of the armored cores. Armored Core had a ton of interesting mysterious characters: White Glint, Noblesse Oblige, Unfettered (2another age). I digress. I think theyre all neat!

Elden Ring for ps2 in a graphic style similar to KF4 would be amazing

lmao shadow tower
i tried playing that last week, game is arcane but also hilarious
>slapping birbs with my AR
and it doesnt even feel out of place
i no shit was looking at evergrace and the sequel for my weekend fare a couple days ago
and thought something was fucked with the screenshots because everything in all of them was orange
the menus
the landscape
most of the textures
Didn't know it was golden-era from, might just swoop them both then and sideline my gaming plans

nothing touches the lonely ambience of kf4
shit feels like a mid 1990s art-album's visualizer
the music is really good (3s is king though) on it's own, but i feel like some portishead/peter gabriel sideproject should be playing as it goes

Attached: 1645570461651.png (406x390, 181.34K)

I may be mistaken, but I cant be bothered to open another tab to check, but i do believe the kingsfield sound guy is the same guy who did the amazing experimental soundtrack for evergrace. He uses clips of his own laughter and children as instruments in evergrace, and the music is just so unique. I would almost describe it as foreign or ethnic-alien.

>I'm an easily amused idiot who thinks good lore and story telling equates to a lack of lore and storytelling because it's more mysterious that way.

shadow tower and lost kingdoms guy apparently
the real bangers on his list are otogi and armored core 0-3 though
so the guy hangs pipe, i guess i gotta turn off Curse of Darkness, because fall is coming.
S'fine already beat the first boss and got a cool demon for later.
I wanna see what this odd looking shit is all about, if it's another atmosphere-piece I can't miss it on a rainy saturday.

>Yes, it's a good game.
absolutely not, it was a terrible game and the only thing of value in it was its weird ost
you guys need to stop pretending that everything fromsoft shat pre souls were hidden gems

Like I said, I play everything. There really isn't much out there that compares. Uniqueness is especially important in our day of endless indie copycats. I'm not saying its a brilliantly written story, I'm saying the vibe is great and a story much more involved would just get in the way of the gameplay, which im sure we both agree is why we show up in the first place.

Aside from iron wolf (which is basically a fun side project with armored core assets), their games have never been focused on story, but what there is certainly isnt bad. A haiku is just as valuable as a sonnet, they just try to tell the message in different ways. There is an undeniable vibe in their titles which, yes, does make up for lack of words on screen, and its better for it.

No names pls I'm sensitive :(

Anything else is just rose-tinted nostalgia glasses because the game reminds you of a decade you liked.

Yeah I'll be the judge of that myself, you guys are wrong about 99% of everything you excrete onto the board.
I have played everything from has put out save the first tenchu and evergrace, out of 20-some game, I found only one I didn't like and that was armored core 4.

We'll have to agree to disagree then oh sensitive one because your haiku style preference of storytelling is just laziness.
leaving things open to interpretation is good for an ending to a great story but not for in place of the entire story.
That is always inferior to tge hard work it takes planning out a good story.
You have bad taste.

Both of you could load it up right now on an emulator and try it again to see. Its way ahead of it's time regarding mechanics. The combat is shit and the environments only are a twinkle of from's best, but it still holds even now. I'm saying this because I just finished playing through it, and may fire up 2 if the fire stays "linked". That's why im sharing the insight. It's not a hill im looking to die on. It's just a suprisingly unique title that we should also remember, launched with the ps2. From actually had 2 launch titles for ps2. The other game was eternal ring, which is like a simpler kingsfield. Not their best. I'm mentioning it because i think it is important to remember that before demon's souls, from was low budget, not indie, but not AAA. They had 2 titles ready for release on the ps2, and both of them are still at least historically interesting to this day. They've always had the spunk, I'm glad souls brought them the attention they deserved. Im not fanboying, just old and a shut in lol.

there are people that will tell you deadly premonition isnt worth playing because the graphics suck and the combat is ass
but that is one my top ten games
games are meant to be played

I've physically owned this game since about 2001 when I bought it from a guy and played it many times.
Not sure what you see in it but it's basically pure shit in the form of a video game.
Not that I dont love it for the nostalgic feelings it gives me but at least I'm not so delusional that I can't admit it's a shitty game overall.
Bad voice acting, bad combat, unique yet TERRIBLE soundtrack, awful incohesive story, lame 1-dimensional characters, ugly world.
This game was only good to serve as the butt of many jokes among me and my siblings.

Is that ninja blade game worth checking out?

Jokes such as "THIS..THAT!"