Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origins

How the fuck do I kill these little fuckers? I'm on a side mission where I am supposed to kill 3 Master tonberries, and it's so fucking hard.

Attached: tonberry.jpg (1200x675, 61.93K)


just dont die


is the game fixed yet on pc

Dodge the purple projectiles and the mele attack, use your mates overdrive and use Ultima.

what you mean? it's a bit blurry but apparently it's like that on consoles too

Only attack to worry about it the purple one. Usually block or spam the parry on it and you'll have just enough stamina on it.

Have your dudes go all-out, once they get a knockdown go ham as they usually get knocked down quickly. They will respond with the teleport poke or a poke, so just dodge away when they stand up. Using the axe if you have it will help A LOT. You can usually just keep them on the ground the whole time.

I did the mission yesterday and the only one that took a long time was the 2nd one as the party AI just kept bugging out and not attacking.

You're gonna love the mission where you have to kill 5 of them and they're all in small rooms with other mobs nearby

go breaker and charge r2

you can play the slow way with magic and soul shield every attack so you can spam more magic attacks, or you can do quick 1/2 hit attacks and then waiting to soul shield the chef knife

use Areoaga

>Soul Shield all his attack
>stay the fuck away when he does Knife or Teleport ability
>any mage class + mace as main weapon
>rush in and slap his ass while he's flying to recover lost MP
Nothin' Personel, kiddo

You can actually soul shield the knife too

Never said you can't. I just recommend staying away because I choke a lot trying to Soul Shield it. Please don't judge, I have autism.

I can't blame you user, the way he waddles up and stabs you makes it kinda weird to block.

Beat the game tonight. Darkness Manifest was a great final boss, if not a little bit easy. Astos felt much harder.

Attached: Sopfinalfantasyorigin Screenshot 2022.04.02 - (1920x1080, 3.61M)

Did they nerf the game from the demos? I just did the forest elemental boss so I've done every demo boss so far, and they feel much easier than in the demos.

Runic can shut down everyone's grudge and punish the tonberry for it severely. Not quite to the same degree as tiamat and tri-disaster, but pretty badly for the tonberry anyway.

Does anyone have the picture of Nomura's storyboard of Jack listening to Frank Sinatra on his phone? I need it for reasons

Somewhat. Chaos Advent and the Elementals were much harder in their introductory demos. Guess their original strength was reserved for Chaos mode.

Eh it's just like how they nerfed Warrior of the West fight from Nioh demo compared to the base game.

The Shiggy Diggy fight in the full game is already the nerfed one?

Attached: 03694.jpg (636x900, 132.53K)

No user I mean the one in the "invitation from the warrior of the west" quest. I swear they were way harder in the demos than in the release version, could be because I was just getting used to Nioh for the first time but I feel like they tweaked some shit.