So how hard is this game really ?

So how hard is this game really ?
Im at Chained ogre and its Hard but not that hard
This is my first fromsoft game
Im planning to buy Elden Ring after this

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It's actually pretty easy :lmao:
The only boss that got me filtered for hours on end was Demon Of Hatred because I wasn't consistent

I wont say its easy but its impossible like people claim

Third hardest From game.
Elden isn't even top five so there's that.

>This is my first fromsoft game
Just a bit hard. Part of the difficulty is adjusting from souls combat to guitar hero which you don't have.

pretty hard at the beginning but once it *clicks* it's...still hard. hardest game i'veever beaten.

Not as hard as elden ring, i think i spent 2.5h on the last boss

>at Ogre
Ogre is overtuned and the game knows it
He isn't hard to beat, but if you're struggling, exploring around will give you a few hints to cheese him

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Easy as fuck. The deflect timing is so generous you can deflect almost everything in the game just by mashing block. You can beat Isshin on your first try if you run away from all his windup aoe moves and then mikiri counter his mega telegraphed thrusts.

>Ogre is overtuned and the game knows it
Major cope.

>quick sidestep
>no stamina
>universal block
>punish for sweep/thrust attacks
>arm tools
>enemy heal you when killed

Cope what? He one shots you on base NG No Kuro's Charm
The game knows he hits like a truck, that is why there is not one, but two, hints nearby that try to steer you into taking a detour to Hirata Estate and get the Flame Vent
Read the previous post again. I followed up with claiming "He isn't hard to beat"

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Genishiro, the real filter of the game, is where it usually clicks

for me it was 7 spears

Fuck that guy 😠

It's easier than all the other fromsoft games but it plays completely differently. Once you accept the retard combat it becomes easy, but until you stop trying to play it like a souls game or like a logical person you'll struggle.

Was the base PS4 version of sekiro always this fucked or is my ps4 just dying? Its like 20fps in a lot of places

Started playing it recently, having a fucking blast. I would've said that the game wasn't too hard so far, lady butterfly is clearly meant for a later moment in game and none of the bosses/mini-bosses were terribly hard. That's what I would've said before fighting the spear guy Infront of the moon sights tower or whatever it's name is. I feel like I died on him more than all other moments in the game combined. He has a lot of health, cam swipe, can thrust (multiple times), hit like a fucking truck (even without that much windup), has a push/guardbreak, has a lot of poise, requires two deatblows AND has a pretty small arena to fight him in, with a small chance of patroling mobs noticing you.
I was legitimately fucking pissed at him and even tho my mikiri counter was pretty shit, he still was too fucking overpowered by any metric and not really fun to fight.

In hindsight, I think it was pretty stupid to put a miniboss like Ogre that plays by souls rules and doesn't take that much advantage of Sekiro's mechanics in the game to begin with. He's obviously not hard but the fight is boring as shit.

Take that "Is hard" idea out of you mind, game is fun and it's pure fucking action from beginning to end.

I've conversed with Anons regarding performance, and the worst to best seems to be
ps4 pro
Xbox series S
Xbox series X=ps5

Meaning yes, it's always been this fucked on ps4. or atleast that's what I can garner considering I played it on PC

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If you're a rhythm brainlet you'll have a bad time.
If you don't struggle with rhythm and timing you're going to be bored out of your mind since the gameplay is so bland.

Not that hard, but the combat is too aggressive and always the same style (there are no builds or anything). It's easily the worst soulsborne game.