What video game does he play

What video game does he play

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Why aren't we doing more research on these people. I want them to be given up to science entirely. They must be taken apart and looked at.

I would imagine that once your IQ hits a certain level, that you'd lose all interest in video games, since they're aimed at sub 150 IQ midwits.

currently logging his 250th hour into elden ring, just completed his twink invader build

The sad thing is, people this smart see what's wrong, know what's wrong, then do nothing to fix it.

Einstein is well known because he applied all the theories that he stole.

This, should have had his brain peeled apart and in several jars by the time he was 10.

Terrence Tao used to play Civilization in his grad school days so something like that probably

No, your taste just becomes more niche since the lower level stuff won't stimulate you. I think an IQ > 200 would mean playing strategy games as a "turn off brain and relax for an hour" kind of thing.

They won the genetic lottery. Simple as that

Attached: DavinciCopter.jpg (640x353, 45.07K)

tfw 259 hours logged on steam

Industrialized society and its...

People like this end up being the most being people imaginable.

They don't play videogames, they don't like music, they don't watch movies or do anything fun that normal ppl do.


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Clearly rapelay.

Probably some Zachtronics stuff

And his achievements and contributions to humanity are...?

it's kinda rare that ultra geniuses actually innovate in any meaningful way
intelligence =/= creativity & vision

Sizebox and ResizeMe

To be fair, learning new stuff that you're interested in is pretty fun

This guy is 60 years old surely he has invented something with that 210 noodle by now?

2 years old and speaking 4 languages this is complete bullshit

Sadly it's true. Talent is everything, user.

He should use his high IQ skills to solve Cancer and issues related to modern medicine. If he fixed that I do think it would be a great contribution to humanity.