Here are those Playstation games you wanted, son

Here are those Playstation games you wanted, son.

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Those are the ones uncle the pedo Steve wanted mom, I said crash bandicoot and metal gear solid

Thanks, dad.
Here's the make-up you wanted.

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Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura was great, I just wish it had more puzzles.

Thanks dad.

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I don't watch tranime dad wtf


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Sakura Tetris is quite good if you ask me.

Woah Dad thanks. They must have cost you a pretty penny. Let's go out for drinks my treat. Hell bring Mom too its been awhile since we had a drink together.

If only CCS and Angelic Layer got better games. So much wasted potential.

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"Thanks dad!"
*beats off*

Hello DSL
-Dog sucking lips

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Holy shit, thanks Dad. I never even knew I wanted them, but I'm glad to have them.

Thanks dad

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It's an american thing, weirdly enough. Most countries and Japan itself don't have this bizarre tranny-magnet for anime.

Tetris CCS is fucking great.

dad always knew where to get the good shit

its not anime, its twitter culture

Good son, beating your dad off to show your appreciation.
>It's an american thing
Not at all, trannys span the world over.

Why would you turn your child into a lolicon?

He's already on Any Forums, so there's not much you can do anyway

Twitter is the embodiment of american culture, retard. Japs go there exclusively to shill their NFSW art and talk shit about americans.
True, trannies exist in most of the west. Do they have a ridiculous amount of power and influence outside of the US and some central european countries? Fuck no.

>Tsun for America
This is prevalent all over Western Europe. Can't turn on the TV in the UK, France or Germany without seeing equity and diversity everywhere. America learned it from Europe, just like Australia, Canada and South Africa did.

Holy fuck.

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