When did you realize you owed Wind Waker an apology?

When did you realize you owed Wind Waker an apology?

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When SS and BOTW proved that 3D Zelda could be far worse than WW

Never because I liked it from the start.

I always loved it. I also loved Twilight Princess.
Never understood why the artstyle was controversial.

I never played that boring game

I'll never forget watching the E3 where this was unveiled. Nintendo gets out there on stage and shows this cartoon game that looks like it's for little children, and every gaming forum just fucking melted down. Nintendo had gotten everyone's hopes up with the Zelda Gamecube tech demo, and then comes out of nowhere with something that is for for fucking babies. A game for infants and toddlers. The kind of title your little brother would play when he was still old enough to wet himself at night.

Funniest shit I've ever seen.

I didn't keep up with gaming news when I was a kid, so I didn't even know there was any sort of controversy over Wind Waker's art style until around 2009 or so. It seemed so silly to me, because there were plenty of Zelda games with cartoonish art styles before it. Maybe some people who grew up with the N64 games misremembered them as being some edgy dark fantasy stuff or something.

Oh hell yeah, this thread again!!

A cartoon zelda game? IM GOING INSANE

Over the years I've realized people didn't shit on Wind Waker enough, art style should have been the least of their worries.
I can't wait for 5 years from now when the Skyward Sword apologists start cropping up.

But Wind Waker started the series decline user.

Wind Waker is the worst 3d Zelda.

Comfy sailing is such a strong taste preference for me that it overrides a ton of flaws.

They already exist

This, the game has SOUL overload that makes up for some of its flaws.

You guys have been waiting for the Skyward Sword apologist surge for ages. You wanted them to show up for the HD rereleases of TP and WW, then BotW, then its own HD rerelease. It never happened. It's never happening. The Zelda cycle isn't real. You just had two games that were disliked for the wrong reasons and time reflected on them favorably. Skyward Sword has its defenders, but it will never not be the black sheep. Especially because BotW was near universally beloved and not even half as divisive with 5x the sales. Cementing in public consciousness that Skyward Sword was the game that made mistakes incentivizing major changes that were clearly the correct course of action.

Except Skyward Sword is the culmination of all the shit that had been building up since Wind Waker.
Everything wrong with that game is also wrong with Wind Waker, just to a slightly lesser degree.

it would be my dream game if it were non-linear and had more dungeons

The only big flaw i can think of is how baby butt easy the game is. Bosses were the best in the series in terms of le epic cinematics (which I enjoy when they look as good as they do in ww)

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WW is closer to Oot and MM than SS

>uber linear
>empty overworld
>blatantly cut content
>constantly wastes your time
>heavier focus on story
>braindead easy