Play muse dash

Play muse dash.

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>mobile posters are also shills
imagine my shock!

>search muse dash on youtube
>top clip is from a vtuber
>said vtuber isn't allowed to stream the game anymore because of china
nice game re-tards

No they aren't.

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actual good game but need the fuckign $40 DLC just to actually play
fuck that

I'm waiting for tomorrow's update, we're getting new songs with the April Fools update.

Attached: EqtSrrNXIAI2sdM.jpg (1211x1723, 507.16K)

the devs didnt do that their publisher did. its out of their control

Just buy it on sale. Its not like its ever rare for it to.

Yeah and the songs suck

I want part timer versions of buro and marija

>we're getting new songs with the April Fools update.
For real? I haven't played in a while but I'll reinstall, hopefully it's something good.

$20 "dlc" you disingenuous cuck. in total the game costs $23
you probably spent more on faggot hats in tf2

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fuck off retard

not my fault you live in a country with monopoly money


They add new songs every month, it has gotten a ton of collabs recently.

our money is a complete joke it's sad and you're right
but even $20 for fucking DLC on an anime rhythm game is retarded


no thanks. im already playing the better mobile rhythm game

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$20 for literally every single song that has been released and will be released in the future is retarded? That's cheap as fuck compared to other games like Groove Coaster or Respect V.

Is that a motherfucking Delay Lama reference?

stop looking at it as "dlc". Just as Planned is literally the game, the base game is the demo that still has a lot of content and it's 50 cents on sale

nah I'm a rhythmlet. I tried playing bass in HS, but got absolutely filtered by that damn metronome