Don't like women

>don't like women
>can't bring myself to like waifus in vidya
>hate myself if I fall in love with one
>tell myself that I might as well be falling in love with Evil itself
>start to hate everyone and everything that looks beautiful, automatically assume deceitful intent
>start to be ashamed of myself for ever liking women to begin with, believe that my capacity for loving women is what lets them get away with being evil

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You first fren.

video games?

paranoia is no way to live, but a great way to ensure you don't


school shooter moment

> TL;DR OP is a faggot

bideo gaemes
i want a hug

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Just cause I don't like women doesn't mean I want to hurt them or anything.

Sounds to me like you don't really hate women, you just hate yourself and how women make you feel

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yes this is clearly an anti vidya waifu thread and op is not alone in his thoughts

i'd like waifus except for the fact that waifus give women more vessels to inhabit, more potential ways to separate fools from their money/time/attention. the only acceptable waifus are those unknown by the vaginal jew.

schizo shit

honestly if you're falling in love with evil do a 180 and follow the bible. Its an honest guide book for self improvement as long as you learn to filter the bs. Keep in mind the original message that god loves you and wants you to improve by practicing certian virtues in life. Dont even have to pray to him just practice the teachings.

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I'd be fine with that save for 2 reasons, women and circumcision. YHVH commanded Abraham to do circumcision and YHVH (according to scripture) made women. Neither have impacted my life in positive ways.

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I'm fine with women as people but I hate female qualities like constant crying, the need for attention, overly emotional, physically weak, etc. The same qualities I hate in weak men.

It's true. I feel bad for attaching myself to a character that some thot will dress up as to collect gibs from monkeybrained simps. Odds are the ladies are in it for themselves more than the vidya itself.

make sure to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. If women are shit in your life its because they failed to follow the bible not you, however if you fail to better yourself because of them its your fault. Evil would rather you hate yourself and others, regressing any progress you made. This is where the self improvement found in the bible comes into play "love thyself" and such. In the end is it really so bad to improve yourself in any manner physical or mental?

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you are a closeted fag

video games

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yes we are discussing resentment of vidya waifus
please allow us continue our civil discussion without the concern of thread deletion

the greeks believed women were created because Zeus hated mankind

If that was true, why did Zeus fuck so many?

very based greeks

he fucked them out of hatred