How true is this?

How true is this?

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All games are bad... except for Ricochet.

counterexample: cyberpunk

btfo by patches

Ricochet and Mario 64

Pretty much every other game can fuck off

63% true. Some developers are too incompetent and/or shit tasted to make their game good no matter how long they take, and some rushed games are masterpieces.

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Even if it wasn’t jank it is boring as shit

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yanderesim and star citizen disproves it

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Depends. Are you spending extra time for polish and fine tuning or is the game in such a catastrophic state that delays are only delaying the inevitable until you're forced to release it in a broken state regardless?

This is so close to being a nice little nugget of wisdom if the translator had just written "can" instead of the first "is".
There are so many examples of games that get delayed only to come out and still be bad. The quote itself is hilariously bad and straight-up stupid as fuck, which is why it's frustrating that such a simple word choice makes it that way.

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>A delayed game can eventually good
What did Shiggy Miggy mean by this?

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people bitch about crunch but it gets shit done. If it were not for it a lot of devs would end up like Yandaredev. Ever wonder why Silksong is taking so long?

This quote doesn't account for development hell. Sometimes things get delayed so much that they never actually get released.

At the time they couldn’t release patches online for games easily, so if they screwed up they screwed up badly. Nowadays yeah you can issue patches, but if the game on release is really shitty it will leave a bad first impression. Reviewers would also likely be playing unpatched and would give bad scores.

crunch doesn't really increase quality, it's mostly about getting the game for the best quarter so the shareholders will be happy. i don't think crunch is the answer but letting them take as long as they want isn't always a good idea either

Star Citizen would like a word.

I hope someone takes a sledgehammer to his skull

Well only to the extent that it doesn't bankrupt your company.

Duke Nukem Forever

wise words from the man that invented video games.

He's japanese, they don't have bewords.

>I fingered my younger cousin when we where kids.- Shigeru Miyamoto
Really, man?