Play WiiFit

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itty bitty clitty on wii fitty

Sure, but only if it’s the male trainer

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In Smash

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more like WiiFeet

I Wii(l)Fit my dick in that is you know what I mean ;)

More like Wii Fat lmao

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i would wii her feet if you know what i mean

How is Ring Fit Adventure? I barely touch my Switch and would like to have it for something other than a shitty YT machine while I cook

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I'd like her to Wii on me if you fellas are picking up what I'm putting down

Bottomless is god-tier

How? That plastic piece of shit costs a fortune on ebay and probably smells like a yoga aunt.

It's so hot with sports bras

Wii fit is old news, faggots

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I don't get it.


you have to train with underwear

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i want to have sex with her

That's a weird looking dong.

Kek I thought that too and was disappointed

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why are workout clothes so attractive bros

>no barefoot females
try again

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